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(having liberty)

  • 1 free

    1. adjective,
    1) frei

    get free — freikommen; sich befreien

    go free(escape unpunished) straffrei ausgehen

    let somebody go free(leave captivity) jemanden freilassen; (unpunished) jemanden freisprechen

    set free — freilassen; (fig.) erlösen

    free of something(without) frei von etwas

    free of charge/cost — gebührenfrei/kostenlos

    free and easy — ungezwungen; locker (ugs.)

    give free rein to somethingeiner Sache (Dat.) freien Lauf lassen

    somebody is free to do somethinges steht jemandem frei, etwas zu tun

    you're free to choosedu kannst frei [aus]wählen

    leave somebody free to do something — es jemandem ermöglichen, etwas zu tun

    feel free!nur zu! (ugs.)

    feel free to correct medu darfst mich gerne korrigieren

    it's a free country(coll.) wir leben in einem freien Land

    free from pain/troubles — schmerz-/sorgenfrei

    3) (provided without payment) kostenlos; frei [Überfahrt, Unterkunft, Versand, Verpflegung]; Frei[karte, -exemplar, -fahrt]; Gratis[probe, -vorstellung]

    ‘admission free’ — "Eintritt frei"

    for free(coll.) umsonst

    4) (not occupied, not reserved, not being used) frei

    free time — Freizeit, die

    he's free in the morningser hat morgens Zeit

    6) (frank, open) offen; freimütig
    7) (not strict) frei [Übersetzung, Interpretation, Bearbeitung usw.]
    2. adverb
    (without cost or payment) gratis; umsonst
    3. transitive verb
    (set at liberty) freilassen; (disentangle) befreien (of, from von)

    free somebody/oneself from — jemanden/sich befreien von [Tyrannei, Unterdrückung, Tradition]; jemanden/sich befreien aus [Gefängnis, Sklaverei, Umklammerung]

    free somebody/oneself of — jemanden/sich befreien od. freimachen von

    * * *
    [fri:] 1. adjective
    1) (allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc: The prison door opened, and he was a free man.) frei
    2) (not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way: free speech; You are free to think what you like.) frei
    3) ((with with) generous: He is always free with his money/advice.) freigiebig
    4) (frank, open and ready to speak: a free manner.) frei
    5) (costing nothing: a free gift.) kostenlos
    6) (not working or having another appointment; not busy: I shall be free at five o'clock.) frei
    7) (not occupied, not in use: Is this table free?) frei
    8) ((with of or from) without or no longer having (especially something or someone unpleasant etc): She is free from pain now; free of charge.) ohne, frei
    2. verb
    1) (to make or set (someone) free: He freed all the prisoners.) freilassen, befreien
    2) ((with from or of) to rid or relieve (someone) of something: She was able to free herself from her debts by working at an additional job.) entlasten
    - academic.ru/29289/freedom">freedom
    - freely
    - free-for-all
    - freehand
    - freehold
    - freelance
    3. verb
    (to work in this way: He is freelancing now.) freiberuflich tätig sein
    - Freepost
    - free skating
    - free speech
    - free trade
    - freeway
    - freewheel
    - free will
    - a free hand
    - set free
    * * *
    I. adj
    1. (not physically impeded) frei
    to break \free [of [or from] sth] ( also fig) sich akk [aus etw dat] befreien
    to break [or cut] \free [of [or from] sb] ( also fig) sich akk [von jdm] losreißen a. fig
    to roam/run \free frei herumlaufen
    to set sb/an animal \free ( also fig) jdn/ein Tier freilassen
    2. (not confined) frei
    she left the court a \free woman sie verließ das Gericht als freie Frau
    to go [or walk] \free straffrei ausgehen
    3. (not under compulsion) frei
    you are \free to come and go as you please Sie können kommen und gehen, wann Sie wollen
    you're \free to refuse es steht Ihnen frei abzulehnen
    am I \free to leave now? kann ich jetzt gehen?
    did you do this of your own \free will? haben Sie das aus freiem Willen getan?
    \free choice freie Wahl
    to feel \free sich dat keinen Zwang antun
    can I get myself a drink? — feel \free kann ich mir etwas zu trinken nehmen? — bedienen Sie sich nur
    feel \free to interrupt me unterbrechen Sie mich ruhig
    4. (without obstruction) frei
    \free movement of capital freier Kapitalverkehr
    \free movement of labour Freizügigkeit f für Arbeitnehmer und Selbstständige
    \free play MECH Spielraum m
    to allow [or give] one's emotions \free play [or \free play to one's emotions] seinen Gefühlen freien Lauf lassen
    5. (disposable) frei
    \free capital freies Kapital
    \free reserves freie Rücklagen
    6. POL elections, press frei
    it's a \free country! das ist ein freies Land!
    \free speech Redefreiheit f
    7. pred (rid of) frei (of/from von + dat)
    to be \free of [or from] a disease eine Krankheit nicht haben
    my doctor told me I would never be completely \free of the disease mein Arzt sagte mir, dass ich die Krankheit niemals ganz loswerden würde fam
    \free of charge kostenlos
    to be \free of [or from] customs/tax zoll-/steuerfrei sein
    \free of [or from] dirt schmutzfrei
    \free of pain schmerzfrei
    to be \free of sb jdn los sein fam
    8. inv (not attached or entangled) lose
    I want the bookcase to stand \free of the wall ich will, dass der Bücherschrank nicht an der Wand steht
    to get/pull sth \free etw freibekommen/losreißen
    to work [itself/sth] \free [sich/etw akk] lösen
    9. pred (not busy) person
    to leave sb \free to do sth es jdm ermöglichen, etw zu tun
    to be \free [to do sth] Zeit haben[, etw zu tun]
    I've got a \free evening next Monday ich habe nächsten Montag einen freien Abend
    \free time Freizeit f
    11. inv (not occupied) object frei; seat unbesetzt
    excuse me, is this seat \free? Entschuldigung, ist dieser Platz frei?
    if you take these bags that will give me a free hand to open the door wenn Sie diese Tüten nehmen, habe ich die Hand frei, um die Türe zu öffnen
    to leave sth \free etw freilassen
    12. inv (costing nothing) gratis, unentgeltlich
    admission is \free der Eintritt ist frei
    entrance is \free for pensioners Rentner haben freien Eintritt
    \free copy Freiexemplar nt
    \free issue STOCKEX Emission f von Gratisaktien
    \free ticket Freikarte f
    13. (generous) freigiebig
    to be \free with sth mit etw dat großzügig sein
    to make \free with sth mit etw dat großzügig umgehen
    don't her parents mind her making \free with their house while they're on holiday? haben ihre Eltern nichts dagegen, dass sie so frei über ihr Haus verfügt, während sie im Urlaub sind?
    14. (inexact) frei, nicht wörtlich
    \free translation freie Übersetzung
    15. (frank) offen; (casual) manners ungezwungen; ( pej) unverschämt
    16. (public) library öffentlich
    17. LIT, MUS, SPORT (not restricted by convention) frei
    \free section Kür f
    18. CHEM oxygen, radical frei, nicht gebunden
    to be as \free as the air [or a bird] frei wie ein Vogel sein
    the best things in life are \free ( saying) das Beste im Leben ist umsonst
    \free and easy entspannt, locker
    there's no such thing as a \free lunch nichts ist umsonst
    II. adv inv frei, gratis
    \free of charge kostenlos
    \free, gratis, and for nothing ( hum) gratis und umsonst
    for \free ( fam) gratis, umsonst
    III. vt
    1. (release)
    to \free sb/an animal jdn/ein Tier freilassen
    to \free sb/an animal [from sth] jdn/ein Tier [von [o aus] etw dat] befreien
    to \free sth [from sth] part of the body etw [von etw dat] frei machen
    he tried to \free his hands from the rope er versuchte, seine Hände aus dem Seil zu befreien
    to \free sb/sth/oneself from [or of] sth jdn/etw/sich von etw dat befreien [o frei machen]
    to \free sb from a contract jdn aus einem Vertrag entlassen
    3. (make available)
    to \free sth etw frei machen
    I need to \free the afternoon to write this report ich muss mir den Nachmittag frei machen, um diesen Bericht zu schreiben
    to \free funds Gelder flüssigmachen
    to \free a space Platz schaffen
    to \free sb to do sth jdm Freiraum geben, etw zu tun
    4. (loosen)
    to \free sth rusty bolt, cog, tap etw lösen
    we managed to \free the propeller from the rope wir konnten den Propeller vom Seil losmachen
    * * *
    1. adj (+er)
    1) (= at liberty, unrestricted) person, animal, state, activity, translation, choice frei

    you're free to go now — Sie können jetzt gehen(, wenn Sie wollen)

    I'm not free to do it — es steht mir nicht frei, es zu tun

    (do) feel free to help yourself/ask questions — nehmen Sie sich/fragen Sie ruhig

    feel free! (inf) — bitte, gern(e)!


    (+prep) free from worry — sorgenfrei

    free from blame/responsibility — frei von Schuld/Verantwortung

    3) (= costing nothing) kostenlos, Gratis-; (COMM) gratis

    free, gratis and for nothing — gratis und umsonst

    4) (= not occupied) room, seat, hour, person frei

    I wasn't free earlier —

    5) (= lavish, profuse) großzügig, freigebig; (= licentious, improper) language, behaviour frei, lose; (= overfamiliar) plumpvertraulich
    2. vt
    prisoner (= release) freilassen; (= help escape) befreien; caged animal freilassen; nation befreien; (= untie) person losbinden; tangle (auf)lösen; pipe frei machen; rusty screw, caught fabric lösen; (= make available) person frei machen
    * * *
    free [friː]
    A adj (adv freely)
    1. allg frei:
    a) unabhängig
    b) selbstständig
    c) ungebunden
    d) ungehindert
    e) uneingeschränkt
    f) in Freiheit (befindlich):
    he left the court a free man, he walked free from court er verließ das Gericht als freier Mann;
    he’s always free SPORT er ist immer anspielbar;
    he is free to go, it is free for him to go es steht ihm frei zu gehen;
    please be free to ask questions Sie können gerne Fragen stellen;
    it’s ( oder this is) a free country umg ist das etwa verboten?, hier kann jeder tun und lassen, was er will;
    mind if I sit here? - it’s a free country ich kann dich nicht daran hindern;
    give sb a free hand jemandem freie Hand lassen; set C 2, swing C 1, will2 A 3
    2. frei:
    a) unbeschäftigt:
    he is free after 5 o’clock
    b) ohne Verpflichtungen (Abend etc)
    c) nicht besetzt:
    3. frei:
    free practice (Motorsport) freies Training;
    free skating (Eis-, Rollkunstlauf) Kür(laufen) f(n);
    free skater Kürläufer(in);
    c) frei gestaltet (Version etc)
    4. (from, of) frei (von), ohne (akk):
    free of alcohol alkoholfrei;
    free of damage WIRTSCH unbeschädigt;
    free from error fehlerfrei;
    free from infection MED frei von ansteckenden Krankheiten;
    stay free of injury SPORT von Verletzungen verschont bleiben;
    free from prejudice ( oder bias) vorurteilsfrei, unvoreingenommen;
    the judge wasn’t free from prejudice JUR der Richter war befangen
    5. frei, befreit ( beide:
    from, of von):
    free from contradiction widerspruchsfrei;
    free of debt schuldenfrei;
    free from distortion TECH verzerrungsfrei;
    free of income tax einkommensteuerfrei;
    free of pain schmerzfrei;
    free of taxes steuerfrei;
    free and unencumbered JUR unbelastet, hypothekenfrei; charge C 7
    6. gefeit, im’mun, gesichert ( alle:
    from gegen)
    7. CHEM nicht gebunden, frei
    8. los(e), frei:
    get one’s arm free seinen Arm freibekommen
    9. frei (stehend oder schwebend)
    10. ungezwungen, natürlich, unbefangen:
    11. a) offen(herzig), freimütig
    b) unverblümt
    c) dreist, plump-vertraulich:
    make free with sich Freiheiten herausnehmen gegen jemanden; sich (ungeniert) gütlich tun an einer Sache
    12. allzu frei:
    free talk lockere Reden pl
    13. freigebig, großzügig:
    be free with großzügig sein oder umgehen mit
    14. reichlich: flow A 1
    15. leicht, flott, zügig
    16. a) (kosten-, gebühren)frei, kostenlos, unentgeltlich, gratis:
    free admission freier Eintritt;
    free copy Freiexemplar n;
    free fares pl Nulltarif m;
    free gift (Werbe)Geschenk n, Zugabe f;
    free sample Gratisprobe f;
    free ticket Freikarte f, BAHN etc Freifahrkarte f, -schein m;
    free transport Beförderung f zum Nulltarif;
    for free umg umsonst;
    get sth for free umg etwas geschenkt bekommen; pass C 2 b
    b) TEL gebührenfrei, zum Nulltarif
    17. WIRTSCH frei (Handelsklausel):
    free alongside ship frei Längsseite Schiff;
    free on board frei an Bord;
    free on rail frei Waggon;
    free domicile frei Haus
    18. WIRTSCH zoll- oder genehmigungsfrei (Importe etc)
    19. WIRTSCH frei verfügbar (Vermögenswerte etc)
    20. öffentlich, allen zugänglich:
    free library Volksbücherei f;
    be (made) free of sth freien Zutritt zu etwas haben
    21. willig, bereit ( beide:
    to do zu tun)
    22. Turnen: ohne Geräte:
    free gymnastics Freiübungen
    23. (frei) beweglich:
    free balloon Freiballon m;
    be free of the harbo(u)r aus dem Hafen heraus sein
    24. TECH leer (Maschine):
    run free leerlaufen
    25. LING
    a) in einer offenen Silbe stehend (Vokal)
    b) frei, nicht fest (Wortakzent)
    B v/t
    1. befreien ( from von, aus) (auch fig):
    free o.s. sich befreien;
    free o.s. of sich frei machen von
    2. freilassen
    3. entlasten (from, of von)
    4. auch free up WIRTSCH Preise freigeben
    C adv allg frei:
    call us free on … rufen Sie uns gebührenfrei oder zum Nulltarif an unter …;
    go free SCHIFF raumschots segeln
    * * *
    1. adjective,
    1) frei

    get free — freikommen; sich befreien

    go free (escape unpunished) straffrei ausgehen

    let somebody go free (leave captivity) jemanden freilassen; (unpunished) jemanden freisprechen

    set free — freilassen; (fig.) erlösen

    free of something (without) frei von etwas

    free of charge/cost — gebührenfrei/kostenlos

    free and easy — ungezwungen; locker (ugs.)

    give free rein to somethingeiner Sache (Dat.) freien Lauf lassen

    somebody is free to do something — es steht jemandem frei, etwas zu tun

    you're free to choose — du kannst frei [aus]wählen

    leave somebody free to do something — es jemandem ermöglichen, etwas zu tun

    feel free!nur zu! (ugs.)

    it's a free country(coll.) wir leben in einem freien Land

    free from pain/troubles — schmerz-/sorgenfrei

    3) (provided without payment) kostenlos; frei [Überfahrt, Unterkunft, Versand, Verpflegung]; Frei[karte, -exemplar, -fahrt]; Gratis[probe, -vorstellung]

    ‘admission free’ — "Eintritt frei"

    for free(coll.) umsonst

    4) (not occupied, not reserved, not being used) frei

    free time — Freizeit, die

    6) (frank, open) offen; freimütig
    7) (not strict) frei [Übersetzung, Interpretation, Bearbeitung usw.]
    2. adverb
    (without cost or payment) gratis; umsonst
    3. transitive verb
    (set at liberty) freilassen; (disentangle) befreien (of, from von)

    free somebody/oneself from — jemanden/sich befreien von [Tyrannei, Unterdrückung, Tradition]; jemanden/sich befreien aus [Gefängnis, Sklaverei, Umklammerung]

    free somebody/oneself of — jemanden/sich befreien od. freimachen von

    * * *
    frei adj.
    offenherzig adj.
    umsonst adj. (from) v.
    befreien (von) v. v.
    befreien v.
    freigeben v.

    English-german dictionary > free

  • 2 free

    (adj) (having liberty) malaya (Tag), (unrestrained) líbre, (no charge) líbre (Sp)

    English-Kapampangan dictionary > free

  • 3 tomar

    1 to take.
    Ella toma la rama She takes the branch.
    Ella toma esa responsabilidad She takes that responsibility.
    2 to have (comida, bebida).
    ¿qué quieres tomar? what would you like (to drink)?; (beber) what would you like (to eat)? (comer) (peninsular Spanish)
    3 to catch (trasporte) (autobús, tren).
    4 to adopt (adquirir) (actitud, costumbre).
    tomarle manía/cariño a algo/alguien to take a dislike/a liking to something/somebody
    5 to take down (apuntar) (datos, información).
    6 to go, to head.
    7 to drink. ( Latin American Spanish)
    Ella toma limonada She drinks lemonade.
    Ellos tomaron anoche They had some drinks last night.
    8 to require.
    Me toma mucho tiempo I require a lot of time.
    * * *
    1 (gen) to take
    2 (baño, ducha) to have, take; (foto) to take
    3 (comer, beber) to have; (beber) to drink; (comer) to eat
    ¿qué tomarás? what would you like?
    4 (el autobús, el tren) to catch
    5 (aceptar) to accept, take
    6 (comprar) to buy, get, have
    7 (contratar) to take on, hire
    8 (alquilar) to take, rent
    9 (adquirir) to acquire, get into
    10 MILITAR to capture, take
    1 (encaminarse) to go, turn
    1 (gen) to take
    2 (beber) to drink; (comer) to eat
    lo toma o lo deja take it or leave it
    no te lo tomes así don't take it like that
    toma (aquí tienes) here you are, here
    ¡toma! familiar (sorpresa) fancy that! 2 (enfado) it serves you right!
    ¡toma castaña! familiar take that!
    toma y daca figurado give and take
    tomar a alguien de la mano to hold somebody's hand
    tomar a pecho to take to heart
    tomar afecto / tomar cariño to become fond of
    tomar algo a mal to take something badly
    tomar aliento to catch one's breath
    tomar decisiones to make decisions
    tomar el fresco to get some fresh air
    tomar el pelo a alguien figurado to pull somebody's leg
    tomar el sol to sunbathe
    tomar en cuenta to take into account
    tomar en serio to take seriously
    tomar forma to take shape
    tomar frío to catch a cold
    tomar la costumbre to get into the habit
    tomar las aguas to take the waters
    tomar nota to take note
    tomar partido por to take sides with
    tomar por (considerar) to take for
    tomar tierra to land
    tomarla con alguien familiar to have it in for somebody
    tomarse la molestia de to take the trouble to
    tomarse las cosas con calma to take it easy
    * * *
    2) drink, have
    3) capture, seize
    - tomarse
    * * *
    Para las expresiones tomar las aguas, tomar las armas, tomar la delantera, tomar impulso, tomar tierra, ver la otra entrada.
    1) (=coger) to take

    ¡toma! — here (you are)!

    vayan tomando [asiento] — please sit down, please be seated frm

    tomar la [pluma] — to pick {o} take up one's pen

    2) (=ingerir, consumir) [+ comida] to eat, have; [+ bebida] to drink, have; [+ medicina] to take

    ¿qué quieres tomar? — what would you like?, what will you have?

    tomar el [pecho] — to feed at the breast, breastfeed

    3) (=viajar en) [+ tren, avión, taxi] to take

    vamos a tomar el autobús — let's take {o} get the bus

    cada día toma el tren de las nueve — he catches {o} takes the nine o'clock train every day

    4) (Cine, Fot, TV) to take

    tomar una foto de algn — to take a photo of sb, take sb's photo

    5) (=apuntar) [+ notas, apuntes] to take; [+ discurso] to take down

    nos tomaron [declaración] en comisaría — they took (down) our statements {o} they took statements from us at the police station

    tomar [por escrito] — to write down

    6) (=medir) [+ temperatura, pulso] to take

    ven, que te tomo las medidas — let me take your measurements

    7) (=adoptar) [+ decisión, precauciones] to take
    8) (=adquirir)

    el proyecto ya está tomando [forma] — the project is taking shape

    color 2), conciencia 3)
    9) (=empezar a sentir)

    la jefa la ha tomado {o} la tiene tomada conmigo — the boss has (got) it in for me

    10) (=disfrutar de) [+ baño, ducha] to have, take

    tomar el [aire] {o} el [fresco] — to get some fresh air

    tomar el [sol] — to sunbathe

    11) (Mil) (=capturar) to take, capture; (=ocupar) to occupy
    12) (=contratar) [+ empleado] to take on, engage
    13) (=ocupar) to take
    14) (=entender, interpretar) to take

    lo tomó como una ofensa — he took offence at it, he was offended by it

    lo han tomado a [broma] — they haven't taken it seriously, they are treating it as a joke

    no lo tomes en [serio] — don't take it seriously

    15) tomar a algn por (=confundir)

    tomar a algn por policía — to take sb for a policeman, think that sb is a policeman

    ¿por quién me toma? — what do you take me for?, who do you think I am?

    16) [sexualmente] to have
    17) And (=molestar) to upset, annoy
    1) (Bot) [planta] to take (root); [injerto] to take
    2) LAm (=ir)
    3) LAm (=beber) to drink
    4) [exclamaciones]

    ¡toma! *

    ¡toma! menuda suerte has tenido... — well, of all the luck!, can you believe it? what luck!

    ¡toma! pues yo también lo sé hacer — hey! I know how to do that too

    ¡toma ya! —

    ¡toma ya, vaya tío tan bueno! — wow, what an amazing guy! *

    ¡toma ya, vaya golazo! — look at that, what a fantastic goal!

    5) esp LAm

    tomó [y] se fue — off he went, he upped and went

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (asir, agarrar) to take

    ¿lo puedo tomar prestado? — can I borrow it?

    a) (Mil) <pueblo/ciudad> to take, capture; < tierras> to seize
    b) <universidad/fábrica> to occupy
    a) ( beber) to drink
    b) (servirse, consumir) to have

    ¿vamos a tomar algo? — shall we go for a drink?

    c) <medicamento/vitaminas> to take
    5) <tren/taxi/ascensor> to take; <calle/atajo> to take
    a) (medir, registrar) to take

    tomarle la temperatura/la tensión a alguien — to take somebody's temperature/blood pressure

    b) <notas/apuntes> to take
    c) < foto> to take
    7) ( adoptar) <medidas/actitud> to take, adopt; < precauciones> to take; < decisión> to make, take

    tomar a alguien por esposo/esposa — (frml) to take somebody as o to be one's husband/wife

    b) (esp AmL) ( contratar) to take on
    c) profesor <alumnos/clases> to take on
    d) colegio < niño> to take
    9) ( confundir)

    tomar algo/a alguien POR algo/alguien — to take something/somebody for something/somebody

    ¿por quién me has tomado? — who o what do you take me for?

    te van a tomar por tonto — they'll take you for a fool, they'll think you're stupid

    10) ( reaccionar frente a) <noticia/comentario> to take

    tómalo como de quien vienetake it with a grain (AmE) o (BrE) pinch of salt

    lo tomó a mal/a broma — he took it the wrong way/as a joke

    11) < tiempo> to take
    12) ( en costura) to take in
    13) ( adquirir)
    a) < forma> to take; < aspecto> to take on

    dado el cariz que están tomando las cosas... — the way things are going...

    b) <velocidad/altura> to gain
    c) < costumbre> to get into
    14) ( cobrar) <cariño/asco>

    tomarle algo A algo/alguien: le he tomado cariño a esta casa/a la niña I've become quite attached to this house/quite fond of the girl; les ha tomado asco a los mejillones he's gone right off mussels (colloq); justo ahora que le estoy tomando el gusto just when I was getting to like it; tomarla con alguien/algo — (fam) to take against somebody/something


    tomar el aire or el fresco — to get some (fresh) air

    vas a tomar frío — (RPl) you'll get o catch cold

    b) <baño/ducha> to take, have
    16) ( recibir) < clases> to take; < curso> to take, do (BrE)
    tomar vi
    1) ( asir)

    toma, léelo tú misma — here, read it yourself

    toma, aquí tienes tus tijeras — here are your scissors

    tome, yo no lo necesito — take it, I don't need it

    2) (esp AmL) ( beber alcohol) to drink
    3) (AmL) (ir) to go

    tomaron para el norte/por allí — they went north/that way

    tomar a la derechato turn o go right

    4) injerto to take
    tomarse v pron
    1) <vacaciones/tiempo> to take
    2) <molestia/libertad> to take

    tomarse la molestia/libertad de + inf — to take the trouble to + inf/the liberty of + ger

    3) (enf)
    a) <café/vino> to drink

    se toma todo lo que gana — (AmL) he spends everything he earns on drink

    b) <medicamento/vitaminas> to take
    c) <desayuno/merienda/sopa> to eat, have; <helado/yogur> to have
    4) <autobús/tren/taxi> to take
    5) (Med)
    a) (refl) to take
    b) (caus)

    tomarse la presión or la tensión — to have one's blood pressure taken

    6) (caus) (esp AmL) < foto> to have... taken
    7) (enf) ( reaccionar frente a) <comentario/noticia> to take
    8) (Chi) <universidad/fábrica> to occupy
    * * *
    = capture, take, take (in/into), usurp, pull from, pull off, spring for, swig.
    Ex. In those early days, so the story goes, the library movement was in danger of being captured by an aristocratic intellectual class designing to make the public library an elitist center for scholarly research.
    Ex. If we take Cindi, Albert will almost surely grieve.
    Ex. For example, a computer on board a space ship, o even in some cars, takes in data, works out settings, displays results completely automatically.
    Ex. Peter Jackaman fears 'that public libraries have failed to grasp the opportunity which this development offered, and as result their potential role has, in many cases, been usurped by other agencies'.
    Ex. The data is pulled directly from all the bibliographic data bases on DIALOG that have a JN field.
    Ex. One of its main advantages is the potential to pull off descriptive entries onto disc to create annotated booklists.
    Ex. If I decide to spring for this I'll let you in on what I find out.
    Ex. One day she indulged in her habit of swigging too much gin before going to feed the porker and after opening its pen she slumped in a heap.
    * de armas tomar = redoubtable.
    * desventaja del primero en tomar la iniciativa = first-mover disadvantage.
    * disfrutar tomando el sol = bask.
    * estar tomando + Fármaco = be on + Fármaco.
    * irse a tomar por culo = naff off.
    * llevar a tomar una decisión = lead (up) to + decision.
    * lo tomas o lo dejas = take it or leave it.
    * necesitar tomar cierto tipo de decisiones = require + judgement, require + judgement, require + an exercise of + judgement.
    * no ser para tomárselo a risa = be no laughing matter.
    * no tomándose a uno como el centro de referencia = ex-centric [excentric].
    * no tomárselo bien = not take + kindly to, not take + kindly to.
    * para tomar medidas = for action.
    * persona que toma la última decisión = decider.
    * primero en tomar la iniciativa = first mover.
    * que se toma las cosas con calma = laid-back, laid-back.
    * que toma parte en = involved in.
    * responsable de tomar decisiones = decision maker [decision-maker].
    * reunión para tomar café = coffee party.
    * salir a tomar una copa = go out for + a drink.
    * ser de armas tomar = be a (real) handful.
    * tomándose a uno como centro de referencia = centric.
    * tomar a Alguien bajo + Posesivo + tutela = take + Nombre + under + Posesivo + wings.
    * tomar a la ligera = take + lightly.
    * tomar aliento = draw + a breath.
    * tomar armas = take up + arms.
    * tomar a saco = take + Nombre + by storm.
    * tomar asiento = take + a seat (on).
    * tomar a sorbos = sip.
    * tomar atajos = take + shortcuts.
    * tomar cariño a = grow + fond of.
    * tomar carta en = get + stuck into.
    * tomar como ejemplo = take.
    * tomar como modelo = pattern.
    * tomar como punto de partida = build on/upon.
    * tomar como responsabilidad propia = take it upon + Reflexivo + to.
    * tomar conciencia = sensitise [sensitize, -USA], enhance + awareness.
    * tomar copas = tipple.
    * tomar decisión = make + choices.
    * tomar decisiones = exercise + judgement.
    * tomar decisiones con conocimiento de causa = make + informed decisions.
    * tomar decisiones fundadas = make + informed decisions.
    * tomar decisiones por Alguien = take + decisions in + Posesivo + name.
    * tomar ejemplo de = take + a lead from.
    * tomar el control = take + the helm.
    * tomar el control de = take + control of.
    * tomar el mando = take + the helm.
    * tomar el pelo = tease, twit, taunt.
    * tomar el poder = take + power.
    * tomar el pulso a Algo = take + the pulse.
    * tomar el relevo = hand over + the torch, pass (on) + the torch, pass (on) + the baton, take it from here.
    * tomar el relevo (de) = take over + the leadership (from).
    * tomar el relevo en el mando = take over + the helm.
    * tomar el relevo en el timón = take over + the helm.
    * tomar el sol = sunbathe, sun + Reflexivo, soak up + rays.
    * tomar el sol con gusto = bask.
    * tomar el tiempo = time.
    * tomar el timón = take + the helm.
    * tomar en consideración = allow for, take into + consideration.
    * tomar en sentido literal = take + Nombre + at face value, accept + Nombre + at face value.
    * tomar forma = take + form, take + shape, assume + form, shape up.
    * tomarla con Alguien = turn on + Nombre.
    * tomar la decisión más acertada dadas las circunstancias = do + the best thing in the circumstances.
    * tomar la delantera = take + a lead, take + an early lead.
    * tomar la iniciativa = seize + the initiative, take + initiative, take + a lead, step up.
    * tomar la iniciativa en + Infinitivo = take + the lead in + Gerundio.
    * tomar la mano = take + Posesivo + hand.
    * tomar la palabra sin dejar hablar a los demás = hog + the floor.
    * tomar la responsabilidad = take + responsibility.
    * tomar las decisiones = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost, set + the agenda.
    * tomar las riendas = take (over) + the reins.
    * tomar las riendas del poder = take + the reins of power.
    * tomarle afición a = acquire + a taste for, develop + a taste for.
    * tomarle el gusto a = acquire + a taste for, develop + a taste for.
    * tomarle el pelo a = make + fun of.
    * tomarle la palabra a Alguien = take + Nombre + at + Posesivo + word.
    * tomar medicamentos = take + drugs.
    * tomar medida = take + action step.
    * tomar medidas = follow + steps, take + precaution, take + steps, take + measures, produce + contingency plan, make + contingency plan, apply + measures, undertake + action.
    * tomar medidas (contra) = take + action (against).
    * tomar medidas correctivas = pose + corrective action, take + corrective action, take + remedial action.
    * tomar medidas demasiado drásticas = throw + the baby out with the bath water, throw + the baby out with the bath water.
    * tomar medidas de seguridad = take + safety precautions.
    * tomar medidas de seguridad más estrictas = tighten + security.
    * tomar medidas drásticas contra = clamp down on.
    * tomar medidas enérgicas contra = crack down on.
    * tomar medidas preventivas = take + preventive measures.
    * tomar nota = make + a note, take + note.
    * tomar nota de = note.
    * tomar otra decisión = decision to the contrary.
    * tomar otra dirección = branch off + on a side trail.
    * tomar parte = involve, take + part, become + involved.
    * tomar parte activa = become + involved, get + active.
    * tomar parte en = join in.
    * tomar parte en el asunto = enter + the fray.
    * tomar parte en en el asunto = be part of the picture.
    * tomar partido = take + sides.
    * tomar partido por = side with.
    * tomar partido por Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.
    * tomar por asalto = take + Nombre + by storm, take + Nombre + by storm.
    * tomar por defecto = default to.
    * tomar por omisión = default to.
    * tomar por sorpresa = storm.
    * tomar por término medio = average.
    * tomar posesión de un cargo = swear in, take + office.
    * tomar precaución = take + precaution, take + caution.
    * tomar represalias contra = retaliate against, clamp down on.
    * tomar represalias contra Alguien = hold + it against.
    * tomarse Algo a la ligera = take + Nombre + lightly.
    * tomarse Algo a pecho = take to + heart.
    * tomarse Algo con calma = take + Posesivo + time.
    * tomarse Algo con humor = take + Nombre + in good humour.
    * tomarse Algo de buen grado = take + Nombre + in good humour.
    * tomarse Algo en serio = take to + heart.
    * tomarse Algo tranquilo = take + Posesivo + time.
    * tomarse el tiempo que Uno necesita = take + Posesivo + time.
    * tomarse en serio = take + seriously, get + serious.
    * tomarse excedencia en el trabajo = take + leave from + employment.
    * tomarse + Expresión Temporal + de asuntos propios = take + Expresión Temporal + off, have + Expresión Temporal + off work.
    * tomarse + Expresión Temporal + de permiso en el trabajo = take + Expresión Temporal + off, have + Expresión Temporal + off work.
    * tomarse + Expresión Temporal + de vacaciones = take + Expresión Temporal + off, have + Expresión Temporal + off work.
    * tomarse interés por = take + an interest in.
    * tomarse la libertad de = take + the liberty of.
    * tomarse la molestia = take + the trouble to.
    * tomarse la molestia de = take + the time and effort, take + the time to + Infinitivo.
    * tomarse la pastilla diaria de la malaleche = take + Posesivo + daily mean pill.
    * tomarse las cosas a la ligera = make + light of things.
    * tomarse las cosas con calma = keep + a cool head, play it + cool.
    * tomarse la venganza = wreak + vengeance upon.
    * tomarse libertades = take + liberties.
    * tomárselo bien = take it in + Posesivo + stride.
    * tomárselo con calma = hang + loose, take it + easy, keep + a cool head, play it + cool.
    * tomárselo tranquilo = hang + loose, take it + easy.
    * tomarse + Tiempo + de excedencia = take + Tiempo + off from work, take + Tiempo + off.
    * tomarse un descanso = take + time out, take + Posesivo + break, lie on + Posesivo + oars, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * tomarse unos días de asuntos propios = take + time off work.
    * tomarse unos días de asuntos propios = take + time off, take + time out.
    * tomarse unos días de descanso = take + a break from work.
    * tomarse unos días de permiso = take + a leave of absence.
    * tomarse unos días de permiso en el trabajo = take + time off work.
    * tomarse unos días de permiso en el trabajo = take + time off, take + time out.
    * tomarse unos días de vacaciones = take + time off, take + time out, take + time off work.
    * tomarse un respiro = lie on + Posesivo + oars, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * tomarse un trago = take + a swig.
    * tomar tiempo = take + time, take + long.
    * tomar una decisión = make + decision, make + judgement, take + decision, reach + decision, make up + Posesivo + (own) mind, adopt + decision.
    * tomar una decisión sin conocer todos los datos = make + uninformed decision.
    * tomar una decisión sin consultar con nadie = take it upon + Reflexivo + to.
    * tomar una dirección = take + direction.
    * tomar una foto = snap + the camera.
    * tomar una fotografía = take + picture.
    * tomar una opción = take up + option.
    * tomar una postura = take + viewpoint, adopt + a stance, take + position, take + a stance.
    * tomar una postura firme = take + a stand (against).
    * tomar una postura intransigente = take + a hard stand.
    * tomar un atajo por = cut across.
    * tomar un descanso = take + a breather, take + a break from work.
    * tomar un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes, play (for) + high stakes.
    * tomar un papel secundario = take + a back seat.
    * tomar un paso decisivo = take + the plunge.
    * tomar un tono + Adjetivo = take on + Adjetivo + character.
    * ventaja del primero en tomar la iniciativa = first-mover advantage.
    * vete a tomar por culo = fuck off.
    * volver a tomar = regain, retake.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (asir, agarrar) to take

    ¿lo puedo tomar prestado? — can I borrow it?

    a) (Mil) <pueblo/ciudad> to take, capture; < tierras> to seize
    b) <universidad/fábrica> to occupy
    a) ( beber) to drink
    b) (servirse, consumir) to have

    ¿vamos a tomar algo? — shall we go for a drink?

    c) <medicamento/vitaminas> to take
    5) <tren/taxi/ascensor> to take; <calle/atajo> to take
    a) (medir, registrar) to take

    tomarle la temperatura/la tensión a alguien — to take somebody's temperature/blood pressure

    b) <notas/apuntes> to take
    c) < foto> to take
    7) ( adoptar) <medidas/actitud> to take, adopt; < precauciones> to take; < decisión> to make, take

    tomar a alguien por esposo/esposa — (frml) to take somebody as o to be one's husband/wife

    b) (esp AmL) ( contratar) to take on
    c) profesor <alumnos/clases> to take on
    d) colegio < niño> to take
    9) ( confundir)

    tomar algo/a alguien POR algo/alguien — to take something/somebody for something/somebody

    ¿por quién me has tomado? — who o what do you take me for?

    te van a tomar por tonto — they'll take you for a fool, they'll think you're stupid

    10) ( reaccionar frente a) <noticia/comentario> to take

    tómalo como de quien vienetake it with a grain (AmE) o (BrE) pinch of salt

    lo tomó a mal/a broma — he took it the wrong way/as a joke

    11) < tiempo> to take
    12) ( en costura) to take in
    13) ( adquirir)
    a) < forma> to take; < aspecto> to take on

    dado el cariz que están tomando las cosas... — the way things are going...

    b) <velocidad/altura> to gain
    c) < costumbre> to get into
    14) ( cobrar) <cariño/asco>

    tomarle algo A algo/alguien: le he tomado cariño a esta casa/a la niña I've become quite attached to this house/quite fond of the girl; les ha tomado asco a los mejillones he's gone right off mussels (colloq); justo ahora que le estoy tomando el gusto just when I was getting to like it; tomarla con alguien/algo — (fam) to take against somebody/something


    tomar el aire or el fresco — to get some (fresh) air

    vas a tomar frío — (RPl) you'll get o catch cold

    b) <baño/ducha> to take, have
    16) ( recibir) < clases> to take; < curso> to take, do (BrE)
    tomar vi
    1) ( asir)

    toma, léelo tú misma — here, read it yourself

    toma, aquí tienes tus tijeras — here are your scissors

    tome, yo no lo necesito — take it, I don't need it

    2) (esp AmL) ( beber alcohol) to drink
    3) (AmL) (ir) to go

    tomaron para el norte/por allí — they went north/that way

    tomar a la derechato turn o go right

    4) injerto to take
    tomarse v pron
    1) <vacaciones/tiempo> to take
    2) <molestia/libertad> to take

    tomarse la molestia/libertad de + inf — to take the trouble to + inf/the liberty of + ger

    3) (enf)
    a) <café/vino> to drink

    se toma todo lo que gana — (AmL) he spends everything he earns on drink

    b) <medicamento/vitaminas> to take
    c) <desayuno/merienda/sopa> to eat, have; <helado/yogur> to have
    4) <autobús/tren/taxi> to take
    5) (Med)
    a) (refl) to take
    b) (caus)

    tomarse la presión or la tensión — to have one's blood pressure taken

    6) (caus) (esp AmL) < foto> to have... taken
    7) (enf) ( reaccionar frente a) <comentario/noticia> to take
    8) (Chi) <universidad/fábrica> to occupy
    * * *
    = capture, take, take (in/into), usurp, pull from, pull off, spring for, swig.

    Ex: In those early days, so the story goes, the library movement was in danger of being captured by an aristocratic intellectual class designing to make the public library an elitist center for scholarly research.

    Ex: If we take Cindi, Albert will almost surely grieve.
    Ex: For example, a computer on board a space ship, o even in some cars, takes in data, works out settings, displays results completely automatically.
    Ex: Peter Jackaman fears 'that public libraries have failed to grasp the opportunity which this development offered, and as result their potential role has, in many cases, been usurped by other agencies'.
    Ex: The data is pulled directly from all the bibliographic data bases on DIALOG that have a JN field.
    Ex: One of its main advantages is the potential to pull off descriptive entries onto disc to create annotated booklists.
    Ex: If I decide to spring for this I'll let you in on what I find out.
    Ex: One day she indulged in her habit of swigging too much gin before going to feed the porker and after opening its pen she slumped in a heap.
    * de armas tomar = redoubtable.
    * desventaja del primero en tomar la iniciativa = first-mover disadvantage.
    * disfrutar tomando el sol = bask.
    * estar tomando + Fármaco = be on + Fármaco.
    * irse a tomar por culo = naff off.
    * llevar a tomar una decisión = lead (up) to + decision.
    * lo tomas o lo dejas = take it or leave it.
    * necesitar tomar cierto tipo de decisiones = require + judgement, require + judgement, require + an exercise of + judgement.
    * no ser para tomárselo a risa = be no laughing matter.
    * no tomándose a uno como el centro de referencia = ex-centric [excentric].
    * no tomárselo bien = not take + kindly to, not take + kindly to.
    * para tomar medidas = for action.
    * persona que toma la última decisión = decider.
    * primero en tomar la iniciativa = first mover.
    * que se toma las cosas con calma = laid-back, laid-back.
    * que toma parte en = involved in.
    * responsable de tomar decisiones = decision maker [decision-maker].
    * reunión para tomar café = coffee party.
    * salir a tomar una copa = go out for + a drink.
    * ser de armas tomar = be a (real) handful.
    * tomándose a uno como centro de referencia = centric.
    * tomar a Alguien bajo + Posesivo + tutela = take + Nombre + under + Posesivo + wings.
    * tomar a la ligera = take + lightly.
    * tomar aliento = draw + a breath.
    * tomar armas = take up + arms.
    * tomar a saco = take + Nombre + by storm.
    * tomar asiento = take + a seat (on).
    * tomar a sorbos = sip.
    * tomar atajos = take + shortcuts.
    * tomar cariño a = grow + fond of.
    * tomar carta en = get + stuck into.
    * tomar como ejemplo = take.
    * tomar como modelo = pattern.
    * tomar como punto de partida = build on/upon.
    * tomar como responsabilidad propia = take it upon + Reflexivo + to.
    * tomar conciencia = sensitise [sensitize, -USA], enhance + awareness.
    * tomar copas = tipple.
    * tomar decisión = make + choices.
    * tomar decisiones = exercise + judgement.
    * tomar decisiones con conocimiento de causa = make + informed decisions.
    * tomar decisiones fundadas = make + informed decisions.
    * tomar decisiones por Alguien = take + decisions in + Posesivo + name.
    * tomar ejemplo de = take + a lead from.
    * tomar el control = take + the helm.
    * tomar el control de = take + control of.
    * tomar el mando = take + the helm.
    * tomar el pelo = tease, twit, taunt.
    * tomar el poder = take + power.
    * tomar el pulso a Algo = take + the pulse.
    * tomar el relevo = hand over + the torch, pass (on) + the torch, pass (on) + the baton, take it from here.
    * tomar el relevo (de) = take over + the leadership (from).
    * tomar el relevo en el mando = take over + the helm.
    * tomar el relevo en el timón = take over + the helm.
    * tomar el sol = sunbathe, sun + Reflexivo, soak up + rays.
    * tomar el sol con gusto = bask.
    * tomar el tiempo = time.
    * tomar el timón = take + the helm.
    * tomar en consideración = allow for, take into + consideration.
    * tomar en sentido literal = take + Nombre + at face value, accept + Nombre + at face value.
    * tomar forma = take + form, take + shape, assume + form, shape up.
    * tomarla con Alguien = turn on + Nombre.
    * tomar la decisión más acertada dadas las circunstancias = do + the best thing in the circumstances.
    * tomar la delantera = take + a lead, take + an early lead.
    * tomar la iniciativa = seize + the initiative, take + initiative, take + a lead, step up.
    * tomar la iniciativa en + Infinitivo = take + the lead in + Gerundio.
    * tomar la mano = take + Posesivo + hand.
    * tomar la palabra sin dejar hablar a los demás = hog + the floor.
    * tomar la responsabilidad = take + responsibility.
    * tomar las decisiones = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost, set + the agenda.
    * tomar las riendas = take (over) + the reins.
    * tomar las riendas del poder = take + the reins of power.
    * tomarle afición a = acquire + a taste for, develop + a taste for.
    * tomarle el gusto a = acquire + a taste for, develop + a taste for.
    * tomarle el pelo a = make + fun of.
    * tomarle la palabra a Alguien = take + Nombre + at + Posesivo + word.
    * tomar medicamentos = take + drugs.
    * tomar medida = take + action step.
    * tomar medidas = follow + steps, take + precaution, take + steps, take + measures, produce + contingency plan, make + contingency plan, apply + measures, undertake + action.
    * tomar medidas (contra) = take + action (against).
    * tomar medidas correctivas = pose + corrective action, take + corrective action, take + remedial action.
    * tomar medidas demasiado drásticas = throw + the baby out with the bath water, throw + the baby out with the bath water.
    * tomar medidas de seguridad = take + safety precautions.
    * tomar medidas de seguridad más estrictas = tighten + security.
    * tomar medidas drásticas contra = clamp down on.
    * tomar medidas enérgicas contra = crack down on.
    * tomar medidas preventivas = take + preventive measures.
    * tomar nota = make + a note, take + note.
    * tomar nota de = note.
    * tomar otra decisión = decision to the contrary.
    * tomar otra dirección = branch off + on a side trail.
    * tomar parte = involve, take + part, become + involved.
    * tomar parte activa = become + involved, get + active.
    * tomar parte en = join in.
    * tomar parte en el asunto = enter + the fray.
    * tomar parte en en el asunto = be part of the picture.
    * tomar partido = take + sides.
    * tomar partido por = side with.
    * tomar partido por Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.
    * tomar por asalto = take + Nombre + by storm, take + Nombre + by storm.
    * tomar por defecto = default to.
    * tomar por omisión = default to.
    * tomar por sorpresa = storm.
    * tomar por término medio = average.
    * tomar posesión de un cargo = swear in, take + office.
    * tomar precaución = take + precaution, take + caution.
    * tomar represalias contra = retaliate against, clamp down on.
    * tomar represalias contra Alguien = hold + it against.
    * tomarse Algo a la ligera = take + Nombre + lightly.
    * tomarse Algo a pecho = take to + heart.
    * tomarse Algo con calma = take + Posesivo + time.
    * tomarse Algo con humor = take + Nombre + in good humour.
    * tomarse Algo de buen grado = take + Nombre + in good humour.
    * tomarse Algo en serio = take to + heart.
    * tomarse Algo tranquilo = take + Posesivo + time.
    * tomarse el tiempo que Uno necesita = take + Posesivo + time.
    * tomarse en serio = take + seriously, get + serious.
    * tomarse excedencia en el trabajo = take + leave from + employment.
    * tomarse + Expresión Temporal + de asuntos propios = take + Expresión Temporal + off, have + Expresión Temporal + off work.
    * tomarse + Expresión Temporal + de permiso en el trabajo = take + Expresión Temporal + off, have + Expresión Temporal + off work.
    * tomarse + Expresión Temporal + de vacaciones = take + Expresión Temporal + off, have + Expresión Temporal + off work.
    * tomarse interés por = take + an interest in.
    * tomarse la libertad de = take + the liberty of.
    * tomarse la molestia = take + the trouble to.
    * tomarse la molestia de = take + the time and effort, take + the time to + Infinitivo.
    * tomarse la pastilla diaria de la malaleche = take + Posesivo + daily mean pill.
    * tomarse las cosas a la ligera = make + light of things.
    * tomarse las cosas con calma = keep + a cool head, play it + cool.
    * tomarse la venganza = wreak + vengeance upon.
    * tomarse libertades = take + liberties.
    * tomárselo bien = take it in + Posesivo + stride.
    * tomárselo con calma = hang + loose, take it + easy, keep + a cool head, play it + cool.
    * tomárselo tranquilo = hang + loose, take it + easy.
    * tomarse + Tiempo + de excedencia = take + Tiempo + off from work, take + Tiempo + off.
    * tomarse un descanso = take + time out, take + Posesivo + break, lie on + Posesivo + oars, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * tomarse unos días de asuntos propios = take + time off work.
    * tomarse unos días de asuntos propios = take + time off, take + time out.
    * tomarse unos días de descanso = take + a break from work.
    * tomarse unos días de permiso = take + a leave of absence.
    * tomarse unos días de permiso en el trabajo = take + time off work.
    * tomarse unos días de permiso en el trabajo = take + time off, take + time out.
    * tomarse unos días de vacaciones = take + time off, take + time out, take + time off work.
    * tomarse un respiro = lie on + Posesivo + oars, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * tomarse un trago = take + a swig.
    * tomar tiempo = take + time, take + long.
    * tomar una decisión = make + decision, make + judgement, take + decision, reach + decision, make up + Posesivo + (own) mind, adopt + decision.
    * tomar una decisión sin conocer todos los datos = make + uninformed decision.
    * tomar una decisión sin consultar con nadie = take it upon + Reflexivo + to.
    * tomar una dirección = take + direction.
    * tomar una foto = snap + the camera.
    * tomar una fotografía = take + picture.
    * tomar una opción = take up + option.
    * tomar una postura = take + viewpoint, adopt + a stance, take + position, take + a stance.
    * tomar una postura firme = take + a stand (against).
    * tomar una postura intransigente = take + a hard stand.
    * tomar un atajo por = cut across.
    * tomar un descanso = take + a breather, take + a break from work.
    * tomar un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes, play (for) + high stakes.
    * tomar un papel secundario = take + a back seat.
    * tomar un paso decisivo = take + the plunge.
    * tomar un tono + Adjetivo = take on + Adjetivo + character.
    * ventaja del primero en tomar la iniciativa = first-mover advantage.
    * vete a tomar por culo = fuck off.
    * volver a tomar = regain, retake.

    * * *
    tomar [A1 ]
    A (asir, agarrar) to take
    toma lo que te debo here's o this is what I owe you
    toma la mía, yo no la necesito have o take mine, I don't need it
    ¿lo puedo tomar prestado un momento? can I borrow it for a minute?
    la tomé de la mano para cruzar la calle I took her by the hand o I held her hand to cross the street
    le tomó la mano y la miró a los ojos he took her hand and looked into her eyes
    tomó la pluma para escribirle he picked up the/his pen to write to her
    tomar las armas to take up arms
    tomar algo DE algo to take sth FROM sth
    tomó un libro de la estantería he took a book from the shelf
    los datos están tomados de las estadísticas oficiales the information is taken from official statistics
    1 ( Mil) ‹pueblo/ciudad› to take, capture; ‹edificio› to seize, take
    2 ‹universidad/fábrica› to occupy
    (hacerse cargo de): tomó el asunto en sus manos she took charge of the matter
    tomó la responsabilidad del negocio he took over the running of the business
    tomó a su cuidado a las tres niñas she took the three girls into her care, she took the three girls in
    1 (beber) to drink
    no tomes esa agua don't drink that water
    tomó un sorbito she took a sip
    el niño toma (el) pecho the baby's being breast-fed
    2 (servirse, consumir) to have
    ¿vamos a tomar algo? shall we go for a drink?
    ven a tomar una copa/un helado come and have a drink/an ice cream
    no quiere tomar la sopa she doesn't want (to eat) her soup
    nos invitó a tomar el té/el aperitivo he invited us for tea/an aperitif
    ¿qué tomas? what'll you have? ( colloq), what would you like to drink?
    ¿qué vas a tomar de postre? what are you going to have for dessert?
    no debe tomar grasas ( Esp); he's not allowed to eat fat
    3 ‹medicamento/vitaminas› to take
    1 ‹tren/taxi/ascensor› to take
    ¿por qué no tomas el tren? why don't you go by train?, why don't you take o get the train?
    voy a ver si puedo tomar el tren de las cinco I'm going to try and catch the five o'clock train
    2 ‹calle/atajo› to take
    tome la primera a la derecha take the first (turning) on the right
    tomó la curva a toda velocidad he took the curve at full speed
    tomar tierra to land, touch down
    1 (medir, registrar) to take
    tomarle la temperatura/la tensión a algn to take sb's temperature/blood pressure
    le tomé las medidas I took her measurements
    2 ‹notas/apuntes› to take
    tomó nota del número he took o noted down the number
    ¿quién tomó el recado? who took the message?
    tomarle declaraciones a algn to take a statement from sb
    me tomaron los datos they took (down) my details
    la maestra me tomó la lección the teacher made me recite the lesson
    3 ‹foto› to take
    le tomé varias fotos I took several photographs of her
    tomaron una película de la boda they filmed/videoed the wedding
    tomar a algn por esposo/esposa ( frml); to take sb as o to be one's husband/wife
    2 ( esp AmL) (contratar) to take on
    lo tomaron a prueba they took him on for a trial period
    3 «profesor» ‹alumnos/clases› to take on
    4 «colegio» ‹niño› to take
    H (adoptar) ‹medidas/actitud› to take, adopt; ‹precauciones› to take
    ha tomado la determinación de no volver a verlo she has decided not to see him again
    la decisión tomada por la directiva the decision taken by the board of directors
    aún no han tomado una decisión they haven't reached a decision yet
    tomó el nombre de su marido she took her husband's name
    tomando este punto como referencia taking this as our reference point
    I (confundir) tomar algo/a algn POR algo/algn:
    ¿por quién me has tomado? who o what do you take me for?
    te van a tomar por tonto they'll take you for a fool, they'll think you're stupid
    me tomó por mi hermana he mistook me for my sister
    J (reaccionar frente a) ‹noticia/comentario› to take
    lo tomó a broma he took it as a joke
    tómalo como de quien viene take it with a grain ( AmE) o ( BrE) pinch of salt
    no lo tomes a mal don't take it the wrong way
    K ‹tiempo› to take
    le tomó tres años escribir la tesis it took him three years to write his thesis
    un jardín tan grande toma demasiado tiempo a garden this/that big takes up too much time
    L (en costura) to take in
    1 ‹forma› to take; ‹aspecto› to take on
    el pollo está empezando a tomar color the chicken's beginning to brown o to go brown
    no me gusta nada el cariz que están tomando las cosas I don't like the way things are going o are shaping up
    2 ‹velocidad› to gain, get up, gather; ‹altura› to gain
    echó una carrera para tomar impulso he took a running start to get some momentum
    se detuvo un momento para tomar aliento he stopped for a moment to get o catch his breath
    3 ‹costumbre› to get into
    tomar conciencia: hay que hacerle tomar conciencia de la gravedad del problema he must be made to realize o be made aware of the seriousness of the problem
    B (cobrar) ‹cariño/asco› tomarle algo A algo/algn:
    le he tomado cariño a esta casa I've become quite attached to this house
    ahora que le estoy tomando el gusto, me tengo que ir just when I was getting to like it, I have to go
    les ha tomado asco a los mejillones he's taken a dislike to mussels, he's gone right off mussels ( colloq)
    tomarla con algn/algo ( fam); to take against sb/sth
    la han tomado conmigo they've taken against me, they have o they've got it in for me
    la tiene tomada con la pobre chica he's got o he has it in for the poor girl
    (exponerse a): tomar el aire or tomar el fresco or (CS) tomar aire to get some (fresh) air
    tomar el sol or (CS, Méx) tomar sol to sunbathe
    vas a tomar frío (CS); you'll get o catch cold
    2 ‹baño/ducha› to take, have
    B (recibir) ‹clases› to take; ‹curso› to take, do ( BrE)
    estoy tomando clases de ruso I'm taking o having Russian classes
    tomé cinco lecciones con él I had five lessons with him
    ■ tomar
    (asir): toma, léelo tú misma here, read it yourself
    toma y vete a comprar unos caramelos here you are, go and buy some candy
    toma, aquí tienes tu tijera here are your scissors
    tome, yo no lo necesito take it, I don't need it
    ¡toma! ( Esp fam): ¡toma! ése sí que es un tío guapo hey! now that's what I call handsome! ( colloq)
    ¿no querías pelea? pues ¡toma! you wanted a fight? well, now you're going to get one!
    tomá de acá ( RPl fam): ¿que le preste la bici? ¡tomá de acá! lend him my bike? no way! o like hell I will! ( colloq)
    ¡toma ya! ( Esp fam): ¡toma ya! ¡qué estupideces dices, tío! boy o good grief o ( AmE) jeez! you really do come out with some stupid remarks! ( colloq)
    ¡toma ya! lo ha vuelto a tirar for heaven's sake, he's knocked it over again!, jeez ( AmE) o ( BrE) for Pete's sake, he's knocked it over again! ( colloq)
    B ( esp AmL) (beber alcohol) to drink
    C ( AmL) (ir) to go
    tomar a la derecha to turn o go right
    D «injerto» to take
    1 ‹vacaciones› to take
    se tomó el día libre he took the day off
    2 ‹tiempo› to take
    tómate todo el tiempo que quieras take as long as you like
    B ‹molestia/trabajo›
    ni siquiera se tomó la molestia de avisarnos he didn't even bother to tell us
    se tomó el trabajo de buscar en los archivos he went to the trouble of looking through the files
    me tomé la libertad de usar el teléfono I took the liberty of using your phone
    ya me tomaré la revancha I'll get even o I'll get my own back one of these days
    C ( enf)
    1 ‹café/vino› to drink
    se toma todo lo que gana ( AmL); he spends everything he earns on drink
    2 ‹medicamento/vitaminas› to take
    3 ‹desayuno/merienda› to eat, have; ‹helado/yogur› to have
    tómate toda la sopa eat up all your soup
    se tomó un filete ( Esp); he had a steak
    D ‹autobús/tren/taxi› to take
    tomárselas ( RPl fam); to go, clear off ( colloq)
    yo me las tomo I'm off! ( colloq), I'm taking off! ( AmE colloq)
    E ( Med)
    1 ( refl) to take
    se tomó la temperatura she took her temperature
    2 ( caus):
    tomarse la presión or la tensión to have one's blood pressure taken
    F ( caus) ( esp AmL) ‹foto› to have … taken
    me tomé unas fotos para el pasaporte I had some photos taken for my passport
    G ( enf) (reaccionar frente a) ‹comentario/noticia› to take
    se lo tomó a broma or chiste or risa she took it as a joke
    se tomó muy a mal que no la llamaras she was very put out that you didn't phone her
    H ( Chi) ‹universidad/fábrica› to occupy
    * * *


    tomar ( conjugate tomar) verbo transitivo
    1 ( en general) to take;

    la tomé de la mano I took her by the hand;
    toma lo que te debo here's what I owe you;
    ¿lo puedo tomar prestado? can I borrow it?;
    tomó el asunto en sus manos she took charge of the matter;
    tomar precauciones/el tren/una foto to take precautions/the train/a picture;
    tomarle la temperatura a algn to take sb's temperature;
    tomar algo por escrito to write sth down;
    tomar algo/a algn POR algo/algn to take sth/sb for sth/sb;
    ¿por quién me has tomado? who o what do you take me for?;
    lo tomó a mal/a broma he took it the wrong way/as a joke;
    eso toma demasiado tiempo that takes up too much time

    b) (servirse, consumir) to have;

    ¿qué vas a tomar? what are you going to have?

    3 (esp AmL)

    b) [ profesor] ‹alumnos/clases to take on

    c) [ colegio] ‹ niño to take

    4 ( apoderarse de) ‹fortaleza/tierras to seize;
    universidad/fábrica to occupy
    5 ( adquirir) ‹ forma to take;
    aspecto to take on;
    velocidad/altura to gain;
    costumbre to get into
    6 ( cobrar):
    le he tomado cariño a esta casa/a la niña I've become quite attached to this house/quite fond of the girl

    7 ( exponerse a):

    tomar (el) sol to sunbathe;
    vas a tomar frío (CS) you'll get o catch cold
    verbo intransitivo
    1 ( asir):
    toma, aquí tienes tus tijeras here are your scissors;

    tome, yo no lo necesito take it, I don't need it
    2 (esp AmL) ( beber alcohol) to drink
    3 (AmL) (ir) to go;

    tomar a la derecha to turn o go right
    4 [ injerto] to take
    tomarse verbo pronominal
    1vacaciones/tiempo to take;

    2molestia/libertad to take;
    tomarse la molestia/libertad de hacer algo to take the trouble to do sth/the liberty of doing sth

    3 ( enf)
    a)café/vino to drink

    b)medicamento/vitaminas to take

    c)desayuno/merienda/sopa to eat, have;

    helado/yogur to have
    4autobús/tren/taxi to take
    5 (Med)
    a) ( refl) to take;

    b) ( caus):

    6 ( caus) (esp AmL) ‹ fototo have … taken
    7 ( enf) ( reaccionar frente a) ‹comentario/noticia to take;

    8 (Chi) ‹universidad/fábrica to occupy
    tomar verbo transitivo
    1 (coger, agarrar) to take: tomó mi mano, he took my hand
    toma las llaves, here are the keys
    2 (autobús, taxi, etc) to take, catch: tomé el ascensor, I took the lift o elevator
    tengo que tomar el próximo tren, I have to catch the next train
    3 (alimentos) to have
    (bebidas) to drink
    (medicinas) to take
    4 (adoptar) to take, adopt: tomaron medidas desesperadas, they took desperate measures
    5 (tener cierta reacción) no lo tomes a broma, don't take it as a joke
    6 (juzgar) no me tomes por idiota, don't think I'm stupid
    (confundirse) le tomaron por Robert Redford, they mistook him for Robert Redford
    7 (el aire, el fresco, etc) to get
    tomar el sol, to sunbathe
    8 (en carretera) decidió tomar la autopista, he decided to take the motorway
    9 (apuntes, notas) to take
    10 (fotos) to take
    11 Av tomar tierra, to land, touch down 12 ¡toma! excl (sorpresa) well!, why!
    (asentimiento) of course!
    ' tomar' also found in these entries:
    - aire
    - apetecer
    - apunte
    - arma
    - asunto
    - baño
    - birra
    - cachondeo
    - carrerilla
    - carta
    - competer
    - concernir
    - conciencia
    - contingencia
    - copa
    - cuerpo
    - deber
    - decisión
    - delantera
    - derivar
    - desviarse
    - determinar
    - determinación
    - drogodependencia
    - especificación
    - granulada
    - granulado
    - impulso
    - iniciativa
    - jugar
    - mal
    - meterse
    - nota
    - parte
    - partida
    - partido
    - pecho
    - pensar
    - pito
    - poder
    - posesión
    - precaución
    - pulso
    - reírse
    - relevo
    - represalia
    - resolver
    - sol
    - tierra
    - action
    - antidepressant
    - beach
    - borrow
    - capture
    - catch
    - change
    - clamp down
    - coffee break
    - come off
    - compel
    - confuse
    - corner
    - crack down
    - crackdown
    - cut across
    - drink
    - eight
    - either
    - engage in
    - face value
    - form
    - govern
    - have
    - join
    - join in
    - jot down
    - laugh off
    - less
    - lightly
    - make
    - measure
    - mental
    - mickey
    - mind
    - monotony
    - muck about
    - muck around
    - note
    - occupy
    - off
    - office
    - pause
    - precaution
    - provision
    - record
    - rest
    - retaliate
    - rib
    * * *
    1. [agarrar] to take;
    me tomó de un brazo he took me by the arm;
    tomó el dinero y se fue she took the money and left;
    tómalo, ya no me hace falta take o have it, I no longer need it;
    toma el libro que me pediste here's the book you asked me for;
    ¡toma ésa! [expresa venganza] that'll teach you!, chew on that!
    2. [sacar, obtener] to take;
    este ejemplo lo tomé del libro I took this example from the book;
    fue al sastre para que le tomara las medidas he went to the tailor's to have his measurements taken;
    toma unos planos de la casa [con cámara] take a few shots of the house;
    tomar fotos (a o [m5] de) to take photos (of);
    tomar declaración a alguien to take a statement from sb;
    tomarle la lección a alguien to test sb on what they've learned at school;
    tomar unas muestras de orina/sangre (a alguien) to take some urine/blood samples (from sb);
    tomar la tensión/temperatura a alguien to take sb's blood pressure/temperature
    3. [ingerir] [alimento, medicina, droga] to take;
    ¿qué quieres tomar? [beber] what would you like (to drink)?;
    Esp [comer] what would you like (to eat)?;
    ¿quieres tomar algo (de beber)? would you like something to drink?;
    ¿quieres tomar algo (de comer)? would you like something to eat?;
    tomé sopa I had soup;
    no tomo alcohol I don't drink (alcohol)
    4. [exponerse a]
    tomar el sol, Am [m5] tomar sol to sunbathe;
    salir a tomar el aire, Am [m5] salir a tomar aire to go out for a breath of fresh air;
    salir a tomar el fresco to go out for a breath of fresh air;
    tomar frío to catch a chill;
    tomó frío, por eso se engripó she caught a chill, that's why she came down with flu
    5. [desplazarse mediante] [autobús, tren] to catch;
    [taxi, ascensor, telesilla] to take;
    tomaré el último vuelo I'll be on the last flight;
    podríamos tomar el tren we could go by train;
    tomaron un atajo they took a short-cut
    6. [recibir] to take;
    toma lecciones de piano she is taking o having piano lessons;
    he tomado un curso de jardinería I've taken o done a course on gardening;
    toma mi consejo y… take my advice and…;
    ¿tomas a María por esposa? do you take María to be your lawfully wedded wife?
    7. [apuntar] [datos, información] to take down;
    tomar apuntes o [m5] notas to take notes;
    tomar algo por escrito to take o write sth down;
    el secretario iba tomando nota de todo the secretary noted everything down
    8. [baño, ducha] to take, to have
    9. [adoptar] [medidas, precauciones, decisión] to take;
    [actitud, costumbre, modales] to adopt;
    tomar la determinación de hacer algo to determine o decide to do sth;
    el Presidente debe tomar una postura sobre este asunto the President should state his opinion on this matter
    10. [adquirir, cobrar] [velocidad] to gain, to gather;
    las cosas están tomando mejor aspecto con este gobierno things are looking up under this government;
    el avión fue tomando altura the plane climbed;
    tomar confianza to grow in confidence, to become more assured;
    la obra ya está tomando forma the play is beginning to take shape;
    tomar fuerzas to gather one's strength;
    voy tomándole el gusto a esto del esquí acuático water-skiing is starting to grow on me;
    tomar interés por algo to get o grow interested in sth;
    tomarle manía/cariño a to take a dislike/a liking to;
    las negociaciones tomaron un rumbo favorable the negotiations started to go better
    11. [asumir, encargarse de]
    tomar el control to take control;
    el copiloto tomó el mando the copilot took over;
    12. [reaccionar a] to take;
    ¿qué tal tomó la noticia? how did she take the news?;
    las cosas hay que tomarlas como vienen you have to take things as they come;
    tómalo con calma take it easy
    13. [llevar] [tiempo] to take;
    me tomó mucho tiempo limpiarlo todo it took me a long time to clean it all
    14. [contratar] to take on
    15. [invadir] to take;
    las tropas tomaron la ciudad the troops took o seized the city;
    los estudiantes tomaron la universidad the students occupied the university
    16. Fam
    tomarla con alguien to have it in for sb
    17. [confundir]
    tomar a alguien por algo/alguien to take sb for sth/sb;
    ¿por quién me tomas o [m5] has tomado? what do you take me for?;
    lo tomé por el jefe I took o mistook him for the boss;
    ¿tú me tomas por tonto o qué? do you think I'm stupid or something?
    1. [encaminarse] to go;
    toma a la derecha/izquierda turn o go right/left;
    tomamos hacia el sur we headed south;
    toma por ahí/por ese camino go that way/down that road
    2. [en imperativo] [al dar algo]
    ¡toma! here you are!;
    toma, dale esto a tu madre here, give this to your mother
    3. Fam [como interjección]
    ¡toma! [expresa sorpresa] good grief!, Br blimey!;
    necesito unas vacaciones – ¡tomar! ¡y yo! I need a Br holiday o US vacation – what, and I don't?;
    ¡tomar ya!, ¡qué golazo! how's that for a goal?
    4. Am [beber alcohol] to drink
    * * *
    I v/t take; decisión tb
    make; bebida, comida have;
    tomarla con alguien fam have it in for s.o. fam ;
    tomar el sol sunbathe;
    ¡toma! here (you are);
    ¡toma ya! serves you right!;
    ¿por quién me toma? what do you take me for?;
    toma y daca give and take;
    tomar las de Villadiego fam hightail it fam
    II v/i
    1 L.Am.
    tomar por la derecha take a right, turn right
    * * *
    tomar vt
    1) : to take
    tomé el libro: I took the book
    tomar un taxi: to take a taxi
    tomar una foto: to take a photo
    toma dos años: it takes two years
    tomaron medidas drásticas: they took drastic measures
    2) beber: to drink
    3) capturar: to capture, to seize
    tomar el sol : to sunbathe
    tomar tierra : to land
    tomar vi
    : to drink (alcohol)
    * * *
    tomar vb
    1. (en general) to take [pt. took; pp. taken]
    toma, es tuyo here, this is yours
    2. (comer, beber) to have
    ¿quieres tomar algo? would you like a drink?
    ¿me tomas por tonto? do you take me for a fool?

    Spanish-English dictionary > tomar

  • 4 free

    I 1. [friː]
    1) (unhindered, unrestricted) [person, country, election, press, translation, access, choice] libero

    to leave sb. free to do — lasciare qcn. libero di fare

    "may I use your phone?" - "feel free" — "posso usare il telefono?" - "certamente"

    to break free of o from liberarsi da [influence, restriction]; to set sb. free to do — lasciare a qcn. la libertà di fare

    2) (not captive or tied) [person, limb] libero; [ animal] libero, in libertà

    to set [sb., sth.] free — liberare [ prisoner]; liberare, dare la libertà a [ animal]

    to pull [sth.] free — liberare [ shoe]

    to break free — [person, animal] liberarsi

    to be free from o of sb. essersi liberato di qcn.; free from o of weeds libero dalle erbacce; free from o of pollution non inquinato; he's not entirely free from o of blame non è del tutto innocente; a day free from o of interruptions una giornata senza interruzioni; this soup is free from o of artificial colourings questa zuppa non contiene coloranti artificiali; free of o from tax econ. non soggetto a imposta; free of o from interest — econ. senza interessi

    4) (costing nothing) gratuito

    "admission free" — "ingresso gratuito"

    free giftcomm. omaggio

    you can't expect a free ridefig. ogni cosa ha il suo prezzo

    he's had a free ridefig. non ha faticato molto per arrivare

    5) (not occupied) libero

    "please leave o keep this parking space free for disabled drivers" — "posto riservato ai disabili"

    6) (generous, lavish)
    7) (familiar) disinvolto, sfacciato, impudente

    to make free with sb. — prendersi delle libertà con qcn

    8) chim. [ atom] libero
    9) ling. [vowel, stress] libero

    sugar-, additive -free — senza zucchero, additivi

    interest -freeecon. senza interessi

    nome (anche free period) scol. ora f. libera, ora f. buca
    II [friː]
    1) (at liberty) liberamente

    to go free — [ hostage] essere liberato; [ criminal] circolare liberamente

    2) (without payment) gratuitamente, gratis

    buy two, get one free — (offerta) tre per due

    for free — gratuitamente, gratis

    III 1. [friː]
    1) (set at liberty) [run, roam] liberare

    to free sb. from — liberare qcn. da [prison, oppression, anxiety, burden, suffering]; esentare qcn. da [blame, responsibility]

    2) (make available) sbloccare, rendere disponibile [ capital]; liberare [person, hands]

    to free oneself from — liberarsi da [chains, wreckage, influence, burden]; liberarsi di [ anxiety]; sottrarsi a [blame, responsibility]

    * * *
    [fri:] 1. adjective
    1) (allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc: The prison door opened, and he was a free man.) libero
    2) (not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way: free speech; You are free to think what you like.) libero
    3) ((with with) generous: He is always free with his money/advice.) generoso
    4) (frank, open and ready to speak: a free manner.) sciolto
    5) (costing nothing: a free gift.) gratuito, gratis
    6) (not working or having another appointment; not busy: I shall be free at five o'clock.) libero
    7) (not occupied, not in use: Is this table free?) libero
    8) ((with of or from) without or no longer having (especially something or someone unpleasant etc): She is free from pain now; free of charge.) esente
    2. verb
    1) (to make or set (someone) free: He freed all the prisoners.) liberare
    2) ((with from or of) to rid or relieve (someone) of something: She was able to free herself from her debts by working at an additional job.) liberarsi di, sbarazzarsi di
    - freely
    - free-for-all
    - freehand
    - freehold
    - freelance
    3. verb
    (to work in this way: He is freelancing now.) lavorare come freelance/libero professionista
    - free skating
    - free speech
    - free trade
    - freeway
    - freewheel
    - free will
    - a free hand
    - set free
    * * *
    I 1. [friː]
    1) (unhindered, unrestricted) [person, country, election, press, translation, access, choice] libero

    to leave sb. free to do — lasciare qcn. libero di fare

    "may I use your phone?" - "feel free" — "posso usare il telefono?" - "certamente"

    to break free of o from liberarsi da [influence, restriction]; to set sb. free to do — lasciare a qcn. la libertà di fare

    2) (not captive or tied) [person, limb] libero; [ animal] libero, in libertà

    to set [sb., sth.] free — liberare [ prisoner]; liberare, dare la libertà a [ animal]

    to pull [sth.] free — liberare [ shoe]

    to break free — [person, animal] liberarsi

    to be free from o of sb. essersi liberato di qcn.; free from o of weeds libero dalle erbacce; free from o of pollution non inquinato; he's not entirely free from o of blame non è del tutto innocente; a day free from o of interruptions una giornata senza interruzioni; this soup is free from o of artificial colourings questa zuppa non contiene coloranti artificiali; free of o from tax econ. non soggetto a imposta; free of o from interest — econ. senza interessi

    4) (costing nothing) gratuito

    "admission free" — "ingresso gratuito"

    free giftcomm. omaggio

    you can't expect a free ridefig. ogni cosa ha il suo prezzo

    he's had a free ridefig. non ha faticato molto per arrivare

    5) (not occupied) libero

    "please leave o keep this parking space free for disabled drivers" — "posto riservato ai disabili"

    6) (generous, lavish)
    7) (familiar) disinvolto, sfacciato, impudente

    to make free with sb. — prendersi delle libertà con qcn

    8) chim. [ atom] libero
    9) ling. [vowel, stress] libero

    sugar-, additive -free — senza zucchero, additivi

    interest -freeecon. senza interessi

    nome (anche free period) scol. ora f. libera, ora f. buca
    II [friː]
    1) (at liberty) liberamente

    to go free — [ hostage] essere liberato; [ criminal] circolare liberamente

    2) (without payment) gratuitamente, gratis

    buy two, get one free — (offerta) tre per due

    for free — gratuitamente, gratis

    III 1. [friː]
    1) (set at liberty) [run, roam] liberare

    to free sb. from — liberare qcn. da [prison, oppression, anxiety, burden, suffering]; esentare qcn. da [blame, responsibility]

    2) (make available) sbloccare, rendere disponibile [ capital]; liberare [person, hands]

    to free oneself from — liberarsi da [chains, wreckage, influence, burden]; liberarsi di [ anxiety]; sottrarsi a [blame, responsibility]

    English-Italian dictionary > free

  • 5 free

    1. adjective
    1) (allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc: The prison door opened, and he was a free man.) libre
    2) (not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way: free speech; You are free to think what you like.) libre
    3) ((with with) generous: He is always free with his money/advice.) generoso
    4) (frank, open and ready to speak: a free manner.) abierto
    5) (costing nothing: a free gift.) gratuito, gratis
    6) (not working or having another appointment; not busy: I shall be free at five o'clock.) libre
    7) (not occupied, not in use: Is this table free?) libre
    8) ((with of or from) without or no longer having (especially something or someone unpleasant etc): She is free from pain now; free of charge.) libre de; librado de

    2. verb
    1) (to make or set (someone) free: He freed all the prisoners.) liberar, poner en libertad
    2) ((with from or of) to rid or relieve (someone) of something: She was able to free herself from her debts by working at an additional job.) deshacerse de, librarse de
    - freely
    - free-for-all
    - freehand
    - freehold
    - freelance

    3. verb
    (to work in this way: He is freelancing now.) trabajar por cuenta propia
    - free skating
    - free speech
    - free trade
    - freeway
    - freewheel
    - free will
    - a free hand
    - set free

    free1 adj
    1. libre
    are you free on Monday? ¿estás libre el lunes?
    2. gratis / gratuito
    free of charge gratuito / gratuitamente
    free2 vb soltar / poner en libertad / liberar
    1 (gen) libre
    it's a free country, isn't it? es un país libre, ¿verdad?
    2 (without cost) gratuito,-a, gratis; (exempt) libre ( from, de)
    is that seat free? ¿está libre esa silla?
    do you know when the hall is free? ¿sabes cuando la sala está libre?
    4 (not busy) libre
    she'll be free after 4.00pm estará libre después de las 4.00
    are you free for dinner? ¿estás libre para comer?
    1 (gratis) gratis
    2 (loose) suelto,-a
    3 (in free manner) libremente, con toda libertad
    1 (liberate, release - person) poner en libertad, liberar; (- animal) soltar
    2 (rid) deshacerse (of/from, de), librarse (of/from, de)
    3 (loosen, untie) soltar, desatar
    4 (exempt) eximir ( from, de)
    feel free! ¡tú mismo,-a!
    for free gratis
    free and easy despreocupado,-a
    free of charge gratuito,-a, gratis
    free of tax libre de impuestos
    free on board franco a bordo
    to be free from / be free of estar libre de, quedar libre de
    to be free with repartir generosamente, ser generoso,-a con
    to have a free hand in something tener carta blanca en algo
    to run free andar suelto,-a
    to set somebody free liberar a alguien, poner en libertad a alguien
    free admission entrada libre
    free agent persona libre de hacer lo que quiera
    free enterprise libre empresa
    free fall caída libre
    free gift regalo
    free kick saque nombre masculino de falta
    free market economy economía libre de mercado
    free port puerto franco
    free speech libertad nombre femenino de expresión
    free trade libre cambio
    free verse verso libre
    free vote voto libre
    free will libre albedrío
    Free World Mundo Libre
    free ['fri:] vt, freed ; freeing
    1) liberate: libertar, liberar, poner en libertad
    2) relieve, rid: librar, eximir
    3) release, untie: desatar, soltar
    4) unclog: desatascar, destapar
    free adv
    1) freely: libremente
    2) gratis: gratuitamente, gratis
    free adj, freer ; freest
    1) : libre
    free as a bird: libre como un pájaro
    2) exempt: libre
    tax-free: libre de impuestos
    3) gratis: gratuito, gratis
    4) voluntary: espontáneo, voluntario, libre
    5) unoccupied: desocupado, libre
    6) loose: suelto
    desahogado, -a adj.
    descampado, -a adj.
    desembarazado, -a adj.
    desenfadado, -a adj.
    exento, -a adj.
    franco, -a adj.
    gratis adj.
    gratuito, -a adj.
    holgado, -a adj.
    inmune adj.
    libre adj.
    suelto, -a adj.
    gratis adv.
    libremente adv.
    desembarazar v.
    escapar v.
    eximir v.
    libertar v.
    librar v.
    soltar v.
    zafar v.

    I friː
    adjective freer 'friːər, 'friːə(r), freest 'friːəst, 'friːɪst
    a) ( at liberty) (usu pred) libre

    to be free — ser* libre

    to set somebody freedejar or poner* a alguien en libertad, soltar* a alguien

    free to + INF: you're free to do what you think best eres dueño or libre de hacer lo que te parezca; please feel free to help yourself — sírvete con confianza, sírvete nomás (AmL)

    b) <country/people/press> libre
    c) ( loose) suelto

    to come/work free — soltarse*

    a) (without, rid of)

    free FROM o OF something — libre de algo

    free of o from additives/preservatives — sin aditivos/conservantes

    b) ( exempt)
    3) ( costing nothing) <ticket/sample> gratis adj inv, gratuito; <schooling/health care> gratuito

    free on board — ( Busn) franco a bordo

    4) ( not occupied) <table/chair> libre, desocupado; <time/hands> libre

    is this table free? — ¿está libre esta mesa?

    I have no free time at all — no tengo ni un momento libre, no tengo nada de tiempo libre

    are you free tomorrow? — ¿estás libre mañana?, ¿tienes algún compromiso mañana?

    5) ( lavish) generoso

    to be free WITH something — ser* generoso con algo

    a) ( without payment) gratuitamente, gratis

    I got in for free — (colloq) entré gratis or sin pagar or de balde

    b) ( without restriction) <roam/run> a su (or mi etc) antojo

    a) ( liberate) \<\<prisoner/hostage\>\> poner* or dejar en libertad, soltar*; \<\<animal\>\> soltar*; \<\<nation/people/slave\>\> liberar

    to free somebody to + INF — permitirle a alguien + inf

    b) (relieve, rid)

    to free something OF something: he promised to free the country of corruption — prometió acabar or terminar con la corrupción en el país

    a) (untie, release) \<\<bound person\>\> soltar*, dejar libre; \<\<trapped person\>\> rescatar
    b) (loose, clear) \<\<something stuck or caught\>\> desenganchar, soltar*
    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. ADJ
    (compar freer) (superl freest)
    1) (=at liberty) libre; (=untied) libre, desatado

    to break free — escaparse

    to get free — escaparse

    to let sb go free — dejar a algn en libertad

    to pull sth/sb free — (from wreckage) sacar algo/a algn; (from tangle) sacar or desenredar algo/a algn

    to set free — [+ prisoner] liberar; [+ slave] emancipar, liberar; [+ animal] soltar

    the screw had worked itself free — el tornillo se había aflojado

    2) (=unrestricted) libre; [choice, translation] libre

    to have one's hands free — (lit) tener las manos libres

    free and easy(=carefree) desenfadado

    "can I borrow your pen?" - " feel free!" — -¿te puedo coger el bolígrafo? -¡por supuesto! or -¡claro que sí!

    to be free to do sth — ser libre de hacer algo, tener libertad para hacer algo

    - give free rein to
    - give sb a free hand
    - have a free hand to do sth
    3) (=clear, devoid)

    free from or of sth, a world free of nuclear weapons — un mundo sin armas nucleares

    to be free from painno sufrir or padecer dolor

    4) (Pol) (=autonomous, independent) [country, state] libre

    it's a free country! * — ¡es una democracia!

    5) (=costing nothing) [ticket, delivery] gratuito, gratis; [sample, offer, transport, health care] gratuito

    " admission free" — "entrada f libre"

    free on board — (Comm) franco a bordo

    free of charge — gratis, gratuito

    to get sth for free — obtener algo gratis

    - get a free ride
    6) (=not occupied) [seat, room, person, moment] libre; [post] vacante; [premises] desocupado

    is this seat free? — ¿está libre este asiento?, ¿está ocupado este asiento?

    are you free tomorrow? — ¿estás libre mañana?

    7) (=generous, open) generoso ( with con)

    to make free with sth — usar algo como si fuera cosa propia

    to be free with one's money — no reparar en gastos, ser manirroto *

    2. ADV
    1) (=without charge)
    2) (=without restraint)

    animals run free in the park — los animales campan a sus anchas por el parque

    3. VT
    1) (=release) [+ prisoner, people] liberar, poner en libertad; (from wreckage etc) rescatar; (=untie) [+ person, animal] desatar, soltar

    to free one's hand/arm — soltarse la mano/el brazo

    2) (=make available) [+ funds, resources] hacer disponible, liberar

    this will free him to pursue other projects — esto lo dejará libre para dedicarse a otros proyectos, esto le permitirá dedicarse a otros proyectos

    3) (=rid, relieve)

    to free sb from painquitar or aliviar a algn el dolor

    to free o.s. from or of sth — librarse de algo


    the land of the free — el país de la libertad (Estados Unidos)


    free agent Npersona f independiente

    he's a free agent — tiene libertad de acción, es libre de hacer lo que quiere

    free association N — (Psych) asociación f libre or de ideas

    Free Church N(Brit) Iglesia f no conformista

    free clinic N(US) (Med) dispensario m

    free collective bargaining N negociación f colectiva

    free fall Ncaída f libre

    to be in free fall[currency, share prices] caer en picado or (LAm) picada

    free flight Nvuelo m sin motor

    free gift Nobsequio m, regalo m

    free house N(Brit) pub que es libre de vender cualquier marca de cerveza por no estar vinculado a ninguna cervecería en particular

    free kick N — (Ftbl) tiro m libre

    free labour Ntrabajadores mpl no sindicados

    free love Namor m libre

    free market N — (Econ) mercado m libre (in de)

    see free-market

    free marketeer Npartidario(-a) m / f del libre mercado

    free pass Npase m gratuito

    free period N — (Scol) hora f libre

    free port Npuerto m franco

    free radical N — (Chem) radical m libre

    free school Nescuela f especial libre

    free speech Nlibertad f de expresión

    free spirit Npersona f libre de convencionalismos

    free verse Nverso m libre

    free vote N(Brit) (Parl) voto m de confianza (independiente de la línea del partido)

    the free world N — el mundo libre, los países libres

    * * *

    I [friː]
    adjective freer ['friːər, 'friːə(r)], freest ['friːəst, 'friːɪst]
    a) ( at liberty) (usu pred) libre

    to be free — ser* libre

    to set somebody freedejar or poner* a alguien en libertad, soltar* a alguien

    free to + INF: you're free to do what you think best eres dueño or libre de hacer lo que te parezca; please feel free to help yourself — sírvete con confianza, sírvete nomás (AmL)

    b) <country/people/press> libre
    c) ( loose) suelto

    to come/work free — soltarse*

    a) (without, rid of)

    free FROM o OF something — libre de algo

    free of o from additives/preservatives — sin aditivos/conservantes

    b) ( exempt)
    3) ( costing nothing) <ticket/sample> gratis adj inv, gratuito; <schooling/health care> gratuito

    free on board — ( Busn) franco a bordo

    4) ( not occupied) <table/chair> libre, desocupado; <time/hands> libre

    is this table free? — ¿está libre esta mesa?

    I have no free time at all — no tengo ni un momento libre, no tengo nada de tiempo libre

    are you free tomorrow? — ¿estás libre mañana?, ¿tienes algún compromiso mañana?

    5) ( lavish) generoso

    to be free WITH something — ser* generoso con algo

    a) ( without payment) gratuitamente, gratis

    I got in for free — (colloq) entré gratis or sin pagar or de balde

    b) ( without restriction) <roam/run> a su (or mi etc) antojo

    a) ( liberate) \<\<prisoner/hostage\>\> poner* or dejar en libertad, soltar*; \<\<animal\>\> soltar*; \<\<nation/people/slave\>\> liberar

    to free somebody to + INF — permitirle a alguien + inf

    b) (relieve, rid)

    to free something OF something: he promised to free the country of corruption — prometió acabar or terminar con la corrupción en el país

    a) (untie, release) \<\<bound person\>\> soltar*, dejar libre; \<\<trapped person\>\> rescatar
    b) (loose, clear) \<\<something stuck or caught\>\> desenganchar, soltar*
    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > free

  • 6 erlauben

    1. allow; formell: permit (jemandem etw. s.o. to do s.th.); jemandem erlauben, etw. zu tun auch give s.o. permission to do s.th.; ich erlaube nicht, dass sie mit dem Motorrad fahren I won’t allow them to go ( oder I won’t let them go) by motorbike; stärker: I refuse to let them go by motorbike; erlauben Sie? may I?; erlauben Sie, dass ich etwas eher gehe? would you mind if I left a bit early?; wenn Sie erlauben if you don’t mind; erlauben Sie mal! oder was erlauben Sie sich? what do you think you’re doing?, who do you think you are?; ist es erlaubt zu... (+ Inf.)? can one...?, is it all right to... (+ Inf.)?; das ist nicht erlaubt that’s not allowed, that’s not on umg.; Rauchen ist hier nicht erlaubt smoking is not allowed here, there’s no smoking here; es ist alles erlaubt you can do what you want ( oder whatever you like), anything goes (around here); innerhalb der Grenzen des Erlaubten within the accepted limits; erlaubt ist, was gefällt (you can) do as you like, suit yourself
    2. fig. Sache: permit; wenn es das Wetter erlaubt weather permitting; meine Zeit erlaubt es ( mir) nicht I haven’t got ( oder don’t have) (the) time for it
    3. sich (Dat) etw. erlauben (gönnen) treat o.s. to s.th.; sich (Dat) erlauben zu (+ Inf.) take the liberty of (+ Ger.) (sich erdreisten) auch dare (to) (+ Inf.) sich (Dat) Frechheiten oder Vertraulichkeiten erlauben take liberties; für... erlaube ich mir zu berechnen:... förm., etwa: we calculated our costs for... as follows:...; wenn ich mir die Bemerkung erlauben darf if you don’t mind my saying, if I may be permitted to say so förm.; er kann sich das erlauben weitS. he can get away with it; er glaubt, er kann sich alles erlauben he thinks he can get away with anything; was sich die Leute erlauben! what (a) nerve some people have; ich kann mir nicht erlauben zu (+ Inf.) I can’t afford to (+ Inf.) ich kann mir kein weiteres Stück Kuchen erlauben I can’t afford to eat another piece of cake; sich (Dat) einen Scherz mit jemandem erlauben pull s.o.’s leg umg., have a little fun with s.o.; ich habe mir nur einen kleinen Scherz erlaubt I was just having a little joke ( oder a bit of fun); siehe auch 1
    * * *
    to admit; to permit; to allow;
    sich erlauben
    to dare
    * * *
    er|lau|ben [ɛɐ'laubn] ptp erlaubt
    1) (= gestatten) to allow, to permit

    jdm etw erláúben — to allow or permit sb( to do) sth

    mein Vater erlaubt mir nicht, dass ich mit Mädchen ausgehe — my father doesn't or won't allow me to go out with girls

    es ist mir nicht erlaubt, das zu tun — I am not allowed or permitted to do that

    Sie erláúben? (form)may I?

    erláúben Sie, dass ich das Fenster öffne? — do you mind if I open the window?

    erláúben Sie, dass ich mich vorstelle — allow or permit me to introduce myself

    erláúben Sie mal! — do you mind!

    soweit es meine Zeit/das Wetter erlaubt (form) — time/weather permitting

    erlaubt ist, was gefällt (prov)a little of what you fancy does you good (prov)

    erlaubt ist, was sich ziemt (prov)you must only do what is proper


    darf ich mir erláúben...? — might I possibly...?

    wenn ich mir die folgende Bemerkung erláúben darf... — if I might venture or be allowed the following remark...

    Frechheiten erláúben — to take liberties, to be cheeky (Brit) or fresh (US)

    einen Scherz erláúben — to have a joke

    was erláúben Sie sich (eigentlich)! — how dare you!

    * * *
    1) (not to forbid or prevent: He allowed me to enter; Playing football in the street is not allowed.) allow
    2) (to agree to (another person's action); to allow or let (someone do something): Permit me to answer your question; Smoking is not permitted.) permit
    3) (to make possible: My aunt's legacy permitted me to go to America.) permit
    * * *
    er·lau·ben *
    I. vt
    jdm etw \erlauben to allow [or permit] sb to do sth
    du erlaubst deinem Kind zu viel you let your child get away with too much
    jdm \erlauben, etw zu tun to allow [or permit] sb to do sth
    etw ist [nicht] erlaubt sth is [not] allowed [or permitted]
    es ist [nicht] erlaubt, etw irgendwo zu tun it is [not] permissible to do sth somewhere
    etw ist jdm erlaubt sb is allowed [or permitted] sth
    \erlauben Sie/erlaubst du, dass ich etw tue? would you allow [or permit] me to do sth?
    \erlauben Sie, dass ich mich vorstelle allow me to introduce myself
    \erlauben Sie?, Sie \erlauben doch? (geh) may I/we etc.?
    2. (geh: zulassen)
    [jdm] etw \erlauben to allow [or permit] [sb] sth
    \erlauben deine Finanzen noch ein Abendessen zu zweit? are you sure you have enough money for a dinner for two?
    es jdm \erlauben, etw zu tun to permit sb to do sth
    ich komme, soweit es meine Zeit erlaubt if I have enough time, I'll come
    \erlauben Sie mal! what do you think you're doing?
    II. vr
    1. (sich gönnen)
    sich dat etw \erlauben to allow oneself sth
    2. (geh: wagen)
    sich dat etw \erlauben to venture to do sth form
    wenn ich mir die folgende Bemerkung \erlauben darf if I might venture to make the following comment
    3. (sich herausnehmen)
    sich dat \erlauben, etw zu tun to take the liberty of doing sth
    was die Jugend sich heutzutage alles erlaubt! the things that young people get up to nowadays!
    was \erlauben Sie sich [eigentlich]! what do you think you're doing!
    * * *

    jemandem erlauben, etwas zu tun — allow somebody to do something

    erlauben Sie mir, das Fenster zu öffnen? — (geh.) would you mind if I opened the window?

    [na], erlauben Sie mal! — (ugs.) do you mind! (coll.)

    2) (ermöglichen) permit
    1) (sich die Freiheit nehmen)

    sich (Dat.) etwas erlauben — permit oneself something

    sich (Dat.) Freiheiten erlauben — take liberties

    sich (Dat.) über jemanden/etwas kein Urteil erlauben können — not feel free to comment on somebody/something

    sich (Dat.) einen Scherz [mit jemandem] erlauben — play a trick [on someone]

    sich (Dat.) etwas erlauben — treat oneself to something

    * * *
    1. allow; formell: permit (
    jemandem etwas sb to do sth);
    jemandem erlauben, etwas zu tun auch give sb permission to do sth;
    ich erlaube nicht, dass sie mit dem Motorrad fahren I won’t allow them to go ( oder I won’t let them go) by motorbike; stärker: I refuse to let them go by motorbike;
    erlauben Sie? may I?;
    erlauben Sie, dass ich etwas eher gehe? would you mind if I left a bit early?;
    wenn Sie erlauben if you don’t mind;
    erlauben Sie mal! oder
    was erlauben Sie sich? what do you think you’re doing?, who do you think you are?;
    ist es erlaubt zu … (+inf)? can one …?, is it all right to … (+inf)?;
    das ist nicht erlaubt that’s not allowed, that’s not on umg;
    Rauchen ist hier nicht erlaubt smoking is not allowed here, there’s no smoking here;
    es ist alles erlaubt you can do what you want ( oder whatever you like), anything goes (around here);
    innerhalb der Grenzen des Erlaubten within the accepted limits;
    erlaubt ist, was gefällt (you can) do as you like, suit yourself
    2. fig Sache: permit;
    wenn es das Wetter erlaubt weather permitting;
    meine Zeit erlaubt es (mir) nicht I haven’t got ( oder don’t have) (the) time for it
    sich (dat)
    etwas erlauben (gönnen) treat o.s. to sth;
    sich (dat)
    erlauben zu (+inf) take the liberty of (+ger) (sich erdreisten) auch dare (to) (+inf)
    sich (dat)
    für … erlaube ich mir zu berechnen: … form, etwa: we calculated our costs for … as follows: …;
    wenn ich mir die Bemerkung erlauben darf if you don’t mind my saying, if I may be permitted to say so form;
    er kann sich das erlauben weitS. he can get away with it;
    er glaubt, er kann sich alles erlauben he thinks he can get away with anything;
    was sich die Leute erlauben! what (a) nerve some people have;
    ich kann mir nicht erlauben zu (+inf) I can’t afford to (+inf)
    ich kann mir kein weiteres Stück Kuchen erlauben I can’t afford to eat another piece of cake;
    sich (dat)
    einen Scherz mit jemandem erlauben pull sb’s leg umg, have a little fun with sb;
    ich habe mir nur einen kleinen Scherz erlaubt I was just having a little joke ( oder a bit of fun); auch 1
    * * *

    jemandem erlauben, etwas zu tun — allow somebody to do something

    erlauben Sie mir, das Fenster zu öffnen? — (geh.) would you mind if I opened the window?

    [na], erlauben Sie mal! — (ugs.) do you mind! (coll.)

    2) (ermöglichen) permit

    sich (Dat.) etwas erlauben — permit oneself something

    sich (Dat.) Freiheiten erlauben — take liberties

    sich (Dat.) über jemanden/etwas kein Urteil erlauben können — not feel free to comment on somebody/something

    sich (Dat.) einen Scherz [mit jemandem] erlauben — play a trick [on someone]

    sich (Dat.) etwas erlauben — treat oneself to something

    * * *
    to allow v.
    to concede v.
    to let v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: let)
    to license v.
    to permit v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > erlauben

  • 7 له

    لَهُ \ his: belonging to him: This key is mine and that is his. its: (not to be confused with it’s, meaning it is) belonging to it; of it: The dog has hurt its leg. \ لَهُ بِخَاصّة \ of one’s own: belonging to one: I want a horse of my own (I don’t want to hire one whenever I go riding). \ لَهُ تأثير عَلى \ influence: to have an effect on (a person, his character, beliefs, actions, a course of events, etc.): His choice of work was influenced by his father’s advice. \ لَهُ الحُرّية \ at liberty: free: The prisoners were set at liberty. I’m not at liberty to tell you their secret. \ لَهُ الحقّ \ well: (with may) very possibly; with good reason: He may well be late if the road is being repaired. \ لَهُ صِلَة قَرابة بِـ \ related: joined by family: We have the same name, but we’re not related. I’m not related to him. \ لَهُ عَلاَقَة بالآثار القَدِيمة \ archaeological, archeological: of archaeology. \ لَهُ مَتَاتٌ بِـ \ relevant: concerned with the matter that is being considered: Don’t waste time with points that are not relevant to this case. \ لَهُ مُسْتَقْبَل طَيِّب \ promising: causing hope; showing signs of future success: The job I applied for sounds promising. She is a promising young musician. \ لَهُ مَعْرِفَة بِـ \ familiar with: knowing; accustomed to: I’m not familiar with English law. \ لَهُ من العُمْر... \ old: having a certain age: He’s the oldest boy in the class. How old is he? He’s seven years old. He’s a seven-year-old (boy). He’s old enough to go to school. He’s older than his sister. \ لَهُ نَكْهَة مالِحة (حادِق)‏ \ savoury: (food, such as cooked cheese) having a salty taste: She liked savoury food better than sweet food. \ لَهُ وَقْع (في النَّفْس)‏ \ impressive: produsing a strong (and usu. good) effect on the mind: an impressive result; an impressive speaker. \ لَهُ يَد \ have a hand in: to share in doing sth.: He has a hand in most crimes in this village. \ See Also ضِلْع في

    Arabic-English dictionary > له

  • 8 frei

    I Adj.
    1. free; freier Bürger HIST. freeborn citizen, freeman; ein freier Mensch (der tun kann, was er will) a free agent; sie ist frei zu gehen, wenn sie will she is free to go if she wishes; ich bin so frei altm. oder hum. sich bedienend etc.: if I may; ich war so frei, Ihr Auto zu nehmen oder und nahm Ihr Auto I took the liberty of using your car, I helped myself to your car
    2. Wahl, Wille etc.: free; Zugang: unrestricted, unlimited; (unbehindert) unrestrained; „frei ab 16“ Film: 16 (= no admission to persons under 16 years), Am. etwa R(-rated); jetzt haben wir freie Fahrt mit Zug: the signal’s green now, the train can go now; mit Auto: the road’s clear now; fig. there’s nothing to stop us now; auf freiem Fuß sein be free; Verbrecher: be at large; jemanden auf freien Fuß setzen set s.o. free, let s.o. go; das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung the right of free speech ( oder of self-expression); aus freien Stücken oder freiem Willen of one’s own free will; die freie Wahl haben zwischen... und... be free to choose between... and...
    3. (unabhängig, selbstständig) Stadt etc.: free; Beruf, Tankstelle etc.: independent; (nicht gebunden) unattached; Journalist, Künstler etc.: freelance; die freien Künste the liberal arts; freier Mitarbeiter freelance(r); Freie2
    4. im Namen von Organisationen etc.: Freie Demokratische Partei (abgek. FDP) Free Democratic Party; Freie Deutsche Jugend (abgek. FDJ) HIST., ehem. DDR Free German Youth; Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (abgek. FDGB) HIST., ehem. DDR Free German Trade Union Organization; die Freie Hansestadt Bremen the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen; die Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg the Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg
    5. WIRTS.: im freien Handel available in the shops (Am. in stores); freier Markt open market; Börse: unofficial market; freie Marktwirtschaft free market economy; freier Wechselkurs floating exchange rate; ( die) freie Wirtschaft free enterprise; die Rechte an diesem Buchtitel werden bald frei the rights in this title will soon be free ( oder available)
    6. (unbesetzt) Stuhl, Raum etc.: free, available; Leitung: vacant; Stelle: vacant, open; Straße etc.: clear, empty; (unbeschrieben) Seite etc.: blank; frei am WC: vacant; am Taxi: for hire; freie Stelle vacancy; ist hier oder der Platz noch frei? is this seat taken?, is anyone sitting here?; der Stuhl / die Zeile muss frei bleiben the chair must be kept free / the line must be left blank; Platz frei lassen / machen für leave / make space for; jemandem den Weg frei machen clear the way for s.o.; zwei Zeilen frei lassen leave two blank lines; Bahn, Ring, Zimmer
    7. (unbedeckt) bare; der Rock lässt die Knie frei the skirt is above the knee; den Oberkörper frei machen strip to the waist
    8. Feld, Himmel, Sicht: open; aufs freie Meer hinaus out into the open sea; auf freier Strecke on an open stretch (EISENB. of line, Straße: of road); in freier Wildbahn in the wild; unter freiem Himmel in the open (air), outside
    9. Tag, Zeit etc.: free; nachgestellt: off; Person: free, not busy; freie Zeit free ( oder leisure) time; nächsten Dienstag ist frei next Tuesday is a holiday; hast du morgen frei? do you have tomorrow off?; seitdem habe ich keine freie Minute mehr since then I haven’t had a free moment ( oder a moment to myself); sind Sie ( gerade) frei? Taxi: are you taken?; Verkäufer: are you serving someone?
    10. (kostenlos) free (of charge); freier Eintritt admission free ( für to); Kinder unter sechs sind frei umg. von Eintritt, Fahrgeld: children under six are free, no charge for children under six; 20 kg Gepäck sind frei there is a baggage (bes. Am. luggage) allowance of 20kg; frei Haus carriage paid; Lieferung frei Haus free delivery, no delivery charge; dazu bekommt sie auch noch einen Job frei Haus fig. what’s more she gets a job handed to her on a plate; du hast noch zwei Versuche frei fig. you have two tries left
    11. frei von (ohne) free from ( oder of), without; von Eis, Schneeschicht etc.: clear of; von Steuern etc. befreit: exempt from; frei von Schmerzen free from pain; frei von Schulden free from debt; frei von Zusätzen free of additives; niemand ist frei von Fehlern / Vorurteilen nobody is perfect / free from prejudice
    12. sich frei machen von free o.s. of; (herauskommen aus) get out of; (loswerden) get rid of
    13. fig. (ungezwungen) free and easy; (offen) open; (moralisch großzügig) liberal; freie Liebe free love; sie ist schon viel freier geworden she has loosened up a great deal
    14. fig. Übersetzung: free; freie Hand haben have a free hand ( bei with); jemandem freie Hand lassen give s.o. a free hand ( bei with); aus oder mit der freien Hand zeichnen (ohne Hilfsmittel) draw s.th. freehand
    15. Sport (ungedeckt) unmarked; zum nächsten freien Mitspieler passen pass to the nearest unmarked player; der freie Mann ( vor der Abwehr) the sweeper
    16. POST. (frankiert) prepaid, post paid
    17. PHYS.; Elektron, Fall, Radikal etc.: free; CHEM. uncombined; im freien Fall in free fall; frei werden Energie etc.: be released; freie Valenzen CHEM. free valencies
    II Adv.
    1. atmen, herumlaufen etc.: freely; frei geboren freeborn; frei laufende Hühner free-range hens; Eier von frei laufenden Hühnern free-range eggs; frei lebende Tiere wildlife Sg., animals living in the wild ( oder out of captivity); frei praktizierender Arzt doctor in private practice
    2. herumliegen etc.: openly; frei zugänglich von allen Seiten: freely accessible; für alle: open to all; frei stehen Baum, Haus etc.: stand by itself; SPORT, Spieler: be unmarked; frei stehend Baum: solitary; Haus, nicht angebaut: detached; einzeln: isolated; SPORT, Spieler: unmarked
    3. WIRTS.: frei erhältlich freely available; frei finanziert privately financed; frei konvertierbar freely convertible; frei verkäuflich on general sale, freely available (to buy)
    4. TECH.: frei beweglich freely moving, mobile; frei hängend oder schwebend unsupported
    5. frei ( und offen) openly, frankly, freely; frank, freiheraus
    6. frei sprechen Redner: speak without notes; mit Handy im Auto: phone ( oder talk) hands-free, use the speaker phone; ich möchte den Vortrag frei halten I want to give the lecture without notes; einen Kreis frei zeichnen draw a circle freehand; das Kind kann schon frei laufen / stehen the child can walk / stand unaided
    7. frei erfunden (entirely) fictitious; das hat er frei erfunden he made that up; frei nach ( einem Stück von) X freely adapted from (a play by) X
    8. (liberal) liberally; frei erzogen sein have had a liberal upbringing
    * * *
    at liberty (Adv.);
    (freimütig) frank (Adj.);
    (nicht versklavt) unenslaved (Adj.);
    (unbefahren) clear (Adj.);
    (unbesetzt) vacant (Adj.);
    (unentgeltlich) gratis (Adj.); free (Adj.);
    (ungebunden) independent (Adj.); free (Adj.); unfettered (Adj.); unattached (Adj.); unengaged (Adj.)
    * * *
    1) = unbehindert free

    frei von etw — free of sth

    sich von etw frei haltento avoid sth; von Vorurteilen etc to be free of sth; von Verpflichtungen to keep oneself free of sth

    die Straße frei geben/machen — to open/clear the road

    der Film ist frei ( für Jugendliche) ab 16 (Jahren) — this film is suitable for persons aged 16 years and over

    frei sein (Sport)to be free or not marked

    ich bin so frei (form)may I?diams; frei + SubstantivSiehe auch unter dem Eintrag für das jeweilige Substantiv.

    einem Zug freie Fahrt geben — to give a train the " go" signal

    jdm freie Hand lassento give sb free rein, to give sb a free hand

    das Recht der freien Rede or auf freie Rede — the right of free speech, the right to freedom of speech

    2) = unabhängig free; Schriftsteller, Journalist etc freelance; (= nicht staatlich) privatediams; frei + SubstantivSiehe auch unter dem Eintrag für das jeweilige Substantiv.

    Freie Deutsche Jugend (DDR)youth wing of the former East German Socialist Unity Party

    Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DDR)Trades Union Congress of the former East Germany

    Freie Hansestadt BremenFree Hansa Town of Bremen

    freier Mitarbeiter — freelance, freelancer

    freie Reichsstadt (Hist)free city of the Empire

    freie Tankstelleindependent petrol (Brit) or gas (US) station

    3) = verfügbar Mittel, Geld available; Zeit free

    ich bin jetzt frei für ihnI can see him now; (am Telefon) I can speak to him now


    = arbeitsfrei morgen/Mittwoch ist frei — tomorrow/Wednesday is a holiday


    = ohne Hilfsmittel etw aus freier Hand zeichnen — to draw sth freehand

    ein Vortrag in freier Redean extemporary talk

    6) = unbesetzt Zimmer, Toilette vacant; Taxi for hire

    ist hier noch frei?, ist dieser Platz noch frei? — is anyone sitting here?, is this seat free?

    im Kino/Flugzeug waren noch zehn freie Plätze — in the cinema/plane there were still ten seats free

    "frei" (an Taxi) — "for hire"; (an Toilettentür) "vacant"

    "Zimmer frei" — "vacancies"

    haben Sie noch etwas frei? (in Hotel)do you have any vacancies?

    bei HarperCollins sind einige Stellen freithere are some vacancies at HarperCollins

    "Ausfahrt/Einfahrt frei halten" — "keep clear"

    für etw Platz frei lassen/machen — to leave/make room for sth


    = offen unter freiem Himmel — in the open air

    eine Frage/Aussage im freien Raum stehen lassen — to leave a question/statement hanging in mid-air

    → Freie(s), Feld
    8) = kostenlos free

    frei Schifffree on board

    9) = unkonventionell Sitten, Erziehung liberal
    10) = unbekleidet bare
    11) = ungeschützt Autor out of copyright
    2. ADVERB
    1) = ungehindert freely; sprechen openly

    frei beweglich —

    das ist frei wählbaryou can choose as you please, it's completely optional

    frei laufend (Hunde, Katzen) — feral; Huhn free-range

    frei herumlaufen (inf) — to be free, to be running around free (inf)

    der Verbrecher läuft immer noch frei herum — the criminal is still at largediams; frei lebend Wölfe, Mustangherden etc living in the wild; Katzen, Stadttauben feral; Mikroorganismen free-livingdiams; frei stehen (Haus) to stand by itself; (Sport) to be free or not marked

    ein frei stehendes Gebäudea free-standing building → auch cdiams; frei nach based on

    frei nach Goethe (Zitat)as Goethe didn't say


    = ungezwungen sich frei und ungezwungen verhalten, frei und locker auftreten — to have a relaxed manner, to be easy-going

    3) = ohne Hilfsmittel unaided, without help

    das Kind kann frei stehenthe child can stand on its own or without any help

    frei sprechen —

    * * *
    1) (free from difficulty or obstacles: a clear road ahead.) clear
    2) ((often with of) without (risk of) being touched, caught etc: Is the ship clear of the rocks? clear of danger.) clear
    3) ((often with of) free: clear of debt; clear of all infection.) clear
    4) (allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc: The prison door opened, and he was a free man.) free
    5) (not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way: free speech; You are free to think what you like.) free
    6) (frank, open and ready to speak: a free manner.) free
    7) (not working or having another appointment; not busy: I shall be free at five o'clock.) free
    8) (not occupied, not in use: Is this table free?) free
    9) free
    10) (not tied; free: The horses are loose in the field.) loose
    11) (not at work: He's taking tomorrow off; He's off today.) off
    12) (empty or unoccupied: a vacant chair; Are there any rooms vacant in this hotel?) vacant
    13) (empty or vacant: The room/seat was unoccupied.) unoccupied
    14) (not busy: I paint in my unoccupied hours / when I'm otherwise unoccupied.) unoccupied
    * * *
    I. adj
    1. (nicht gefangen, unabhängig) free
    \freier Autor/Übersetzer freelance writer/translator
    die \freie Hansestadt Hamburg the Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg
    \freie Kirche free church
    ein \freier Mann/eine \freie Frau a free man/woman
    ein \freier Gedanke free thought
    [Recht auf] \freie Meinungsäußerung [right to] freedom of speech
    ein \freier Mensch a free person
    \freier Mitarbeiter/ \freie Mitarbeiterin freelance[r]
    eine \freie Übersetzung a free translation
    etw zur \freien Verfügung haben to have sth at free disposal
    \freie Wahl haben to be free to choose
    aus \freiem Willen [o \freien Stücken] of one's own free will
    es war sein \freier Wille auszuwandern he emigrated of his own free will
    \frei und ungebunden footloose and fancy-free
    sich akk von etw dat \frei machen to free oneself from sth
    2. (freie Zeit) free
    ein \freier Tag a holiday; (von Schule, Job) a day off
    drei Tage/eine Woche \frei haben to have three days/a week off
    nächsten Donnerstag ist \frei, da ist Feiertag we've got next Thursday off - it's a holiday
    [sich dat] drei Tage/eine Woche \frei machen [o nehmen] to take three days/a week off
    er hat sich \frei genommen, da seine Tochter krank ist he's taken [some] time off because his daughter is ill
    \freie Zeit haben to have spare time
    3. (verfügbar) available
    es sind noch Mittel für kulturelle Veranstaltungen \frei there are still funds available for cultural events
    der Film ist ab 14 Jahren \frei the film is suitable for children from 14 years on
    sich akk [für jdn/etw] \frei machen to make oneself available [for sb/sth]
    \frei [für jdn] sein to be free [to see/speak to sb]
    4. (nicht besetzt/belegt) free; am WC vacant
    ist dieser Platz noch \frei? is this seat [already] taken?
    haben Sie noch ein Zimmer \frei? do you still have a room available?
    den Eingang \frei machen to clear the entrance
    einen Platz \frei lassen to keep a seat free
    einen Platz \frei machen to vacate a seat form
    eine \freie Stelle a vacant position
    ein \freies Zimmer a vacant room
    „Zimmer frei“ “rooms to rent”
    5. (kostenlos) free; Lieferung free [of charge]; Postsendung prepaid
    der Eintritt ist \frei entrance is free
    Kinder unter 6 Jahren sind \frei children below the age of six are admitted free
    20 kg Gepäck sind \frei 20 kg of luggage are allowed
    „Eintritt \frei“ “admission free”
    „Lieferung \frei Haus“ free home delivery
    \frei von etw dat sein to be free of sth
    die Straßen sind \frei von Eis the streets are clear of ice
    kein Mensch ist \frei von Fehlern nobody is perfect
    \frei von Konservierungsstoffen free from preservatives
    \frei von Schmerzen sein not to suffer any pain, to be free of pain
    \frei von Schuld blameless
    7. (ohne Hilfsmittel) off-the-cuff
    etw mit \freier Hand zeichnen to draw sth freehand
    \freie Rede/ \freier Vortrag impromptu speech/lecture
    eine \freie Rede halten to speak off-the-cut
    eine Zeile \frei lassen to leave a line free
    9. (offen) open
    der Zug hält auf \freier Strecke the train stops in the open country
    \freie Aussicht [o \freier Blick] unhampered view
    \freies Gelände open country
    unter \freiem Himmel open air
    das \freie Meer the open sea
    10. (ungezwungen) free and easy
    ihre Auffassungen sind mir doch etwas zu \frei her views are a little too liberal for me
    er ist viel \freier geworden he has loosened up a lot fam
    hier herrscht ein \freier Ton the atmosphere is very liberal here
    \freie Liebe free love
    ich bin so \frei (geh) if I may
    ich bin so \frei und nehme mir noch ein Stück I'll have another piece if I may
    11. (unbehindert) unhampered, unrestrained
    \freie Entwicklung free development
    12. (unbekleidet) bare
    machen Sie bitte Ihren Arm \frei please roll up your sleeve
    machen Sie bitte ihren Bauch \frei please uncover your stomach
    sich akk \frei machen to get undressed
    13. (unbeschrieben) blank
    ein \freies Blatt a blank sheet of paper
    Platz \frei lassen to leave a blank
    14. (nicht gebunden) free, single
    seit er sich von seiner Freundin getrennt hat, ist er wieder frei since he has split up with his girl-friend, he is single again
    15. ÖKON free
    \freier Kapital-/Warenverkehr free movement of capital/goods
    \freie Marktwirtschaft free market economy
    \freier Wechselkurs freely floating exchange rate
    16. CHEM, PHYS released
    Kräfte werden \frei forces are set free [or released]
    \freier Kohlenstoff/ \freie Wärme uncombined carbon/heat
    \freie Radikale free radicals
    17. (ungefähr)
    \frei nach... roughly quoting...
    II. adv
    1. (unbeeinträchtigt) freely
    das Haus steht ganz \frei the house stands completely on its own
    die Mörderin läuft immer noch \frei herum! the murderess is still on the loose!
    \frei atmen to breathe easy
    sich akk \frei entscheiden to decide freely
    \frei finanziert privately financed
    \frei stehen to stand alone [or by itself]
    \frei verkäuflich for sale without restrictions
    \frei zugänglich accessible from all sides
    2. (ungezwungen) freely, openly
    \frei erzogen liberally educated
    \frei heraus sprechen to speak frankly
    \frei improvisieren to improvise freely
    3. (uneingeschränkt) casually
    sich akk \frei bewegen können to be able to move in an uninhibited manner
    4. (nach eigenem Belieben)
    \frei erfunden to be completely made up
    5. (gratis) free
    Kinder unter 6 Jahren fahren \frei children below the age of six travel free
    etw \frei bekommen to get sth free
    ein Kabel \frei verlegen to lay a cable uncovered
    \frei in der Luft schweben to hover unsupported in the air
    \frei sprechen to speak off-the-cuff
    \frei laufend Tiere free-range
    Eier von \frei laufenden Hühnern eggs from free-range chickens
    \frei lebend living in the wild
    * * *
    1) free <man, will, life, people, decision, etc.>
    2) (nicht angestellt) freelance <writer, worker, etc.>
    3) (ungezwungen) free and easy; lax (derog.)
    4) (nicht eingesperrt, gefangen) free; at liberty pred.
    5) (offen) open

    unter freiem Himmel — in the open [air]; outdoors

    auf freier Strecke (Straße) on the open road; (Eisenbahn) between stations

    frei herumlaufen< person> run around scot-free

    6) (unbesetzt) vacant; unoccupied; free

    ein freier Stuhl/Platz — a vacant or free chair/seat

    Entschuldigung, ist hier noch frei? — excuse me, is this anyone's seat etc.?

    ein Bett ist [noch] frei — one bed is [still] free or not taken

    7) (kostenlos) free <food, admission>

    20 kg Gepäck frei habenhave or be allowed a 20 kilogram baggage allowance

    8) (ungenau)

    eine freie Übersetzunga free or loose translation

    9) (ohne Vorlage) improvised

    der freie Fall(Physik) free fall


    von etwas frei/frei von etwas sein — be free of something

    12) (verfügbar) spare; free

    ich habe heute frei/meinen freien Abend — I've got today off/this is my evening off

    sich (Dat.) frei nehmen(ugs.) take some time off

    er ist noch/nicht mehr frei — he is still/no longer unattached

    13) (ohne Hilfsmittel)
    14) (unbekleidet) bare
    15) (bes. Fußball) unmarked
    16) (Chemie, Physik) free

    frei werden(bei einer Reaktion) be given off

    freie Hand haben/jemandem freie Hand lassen — have/give somebody a free hand

    aus freien Stücken(ugs.) of one's own accord; voluntarily

    auf freiem Fuß(von Verbrechern etc.) at large

    adverbial <act, speak, choose> freely; < translate> freely, loosely
    * * *
    A. adj
    1. free;
    freier Bürger HIST freeborn citizen, freeman;
    ein freier Mensch (der tun kann, was er will) a free agent;
    sie ist frei zu gehen, wenn sie will she is free to go if she wishes;
    ich bin so frei obs oder hum sich bedienend etc: if I may;
    ich war so frei, Ihr Auto zu nehmen oder
    und nahm Ihr Auto I took the liberty of using your car, I helped myself to your car
    2. Wahl, Wille etc: free; Zugang: unrestricted, unlimited; (unbehindert) unrestrained;
    „frei ab 16“ FILM 16 (= no admission to persons under 16 years), US etwa R(-rated);
    jetzt haben wir freie Fahrt mit Zug: the signal’s green now, the train can go now; mit Auto: the road’s clear now; fig there’s nothing to stop us now;
    jemanden auf freien Fuß setzen set sb free, let sb go;
    das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung the right of free speech ( oder of self-expression);
    freiem Willen of one’s own free will;
    die freie Wahl haben zwischen … und … be free to choose between … and …
    3. (unabhängig, selbstständig) Stadt etc: free; Beruf, Tankstelle etc: independent; (nicht gebunden) unattached; Journalist, Künstler etc: freelance;
    die freien Künste the liberal arts;
    freier Mitarbeiter freelance(r); Freie2
    4. im Namen von Organisationen etc:
    Freie Demokratische Partei (abk FDP) Free Democratic Party;
    Freie Deutsche Jugend (abk FDJ) hist DDR Free German Youth;
    Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (abk FDGB) hist DDR Free German Trade Union Organization;
    die Freie Hansestadt Bremen the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen;
    die Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg the Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg
    5. WIRTSCH:
    im freien Handel available in the shops (US in stores);
    freier Markt open market; BÖRSE unofficial market;
    freie Marktwirtschaft free market economy;
    freier Wechselkurs floating exchange rate;
    (die) freie Wirtschaft free enterprise;
    die Rechte an diesem Buchtitel werden bald frei the rights in this title will soon be free ( oder available)
    6. (unbesetzt) Stuhl, Raum etc: free, available; Leitung: vacant; Stelle: vacant, open; Straße etc: clear, empty; (unbeschrieben) Seite etc: blank;
    frei am WC: vacant; am Taxi: for hire;
    freie Stelle vacancy;
    der Platz noch frei? is this seat taken?, is anyone sitting here?;
    der Stuhl/die Zeile muss frei bleiben the chair must be kept free/the line must be left blank;
    Platz frei lassen/machen für leave/make space for;
    jemandem den Weg frei machen clear the way for sb;
    zwei Zeilen frei lassen leave two blank lines; Bahn, Ring, Zimmer
    7. (unbedeckt) bare;
    der Rock lässt die Knie frei the skirt is above the knee;
    den Oberkörper frei machen strip to the waist; auch freilassen
    8. Feld, Himmel, Sicht: open;
    aufs freie Meer hinaus out into the open sea;
    auf freier Strecke on an open stretch (BAHN of line, Straße: of road);
    in freier Wildbahn in the wild;
    unter freiem Himmel in the open (air), outside
    9. Tag, Zeit etc: free; nachgestellt: off; Person: free, not busy;
    freie Zeit free ( oder leisure) time;
    nächsten Dienstag ist frei next Tuesday is a holiday;
    hast du morgen frei? do you have tomorrow off?;
    seitdem habe ich keine freie Minute mehr since then I haven’t had a free moment ( oder a moment to myself);
    sind Sie (gerade) frei? Taxi: are you taken?; Verkäufer: are you serving someone?
    10. (kostenlos) free (of charge);
    freier Eintritt admission free (
    für to);
    Kinder unter sechs sind frei umg von Eintritt, Fahrgeld: children under six are free, no charge for children under six;
    20 kg Gepäck sind frei there is a baggage (besonders US luggage) allowance of 20kg;
    frei Haus carriage paid;
    Lieferung frei Haus free delivery, no delivery charge;
    dazu bekommt sie auch noch einen Job frei Haus fig what’s more she gets a job handed to her on a plate;
    du hast noch zwei Versuche frei fig you have two tries left
    frei von (ohne) free from ( oder of), without; von Eis, Schneeschicht etc: clear of; von Steuern etc befreit: exempt from;
    frei von Schmerzen free from pain;
    frei von Schulden free from debt;
    frei von Zusätzen free of additives;
    niemand ist frei von Fehlern/Vorurteilen nobody is perfect/free from prejudice
    sich frei machen von free o.s. of; (herauskommen aus) get out of; (loswerden) get rid of
    13. fig (ungezwungen) free and easy; (offen) open; (moralisch großzügig) liberal;
    freie Liebe free love;
    sie ist schon viel freier geworden she has loosened up a great deal
    14. fig Übersetzung: free;
    freie Hand haben have a free hand (
    bei with);
    jemandem freie Hand lassen give sb a free hand (
    bei with);
    15. Sport (ungedeckt) unmarked;
    zum nächsten freien Mitspieler passen pass to the nearest unmarked player;
    der freie Mann (vor der Abwehr) the sweeper
    16. Postwesen: (frankiert) prepaid, post paid
    17. PHYS; Elektron, Fall, Radikal etc: free; CHEM uncombined;
    im freien Fall in free fall;
    frei werden Energie etc: be released;
    freie Valenzen CHEM free valencies
    B. adv
    1. atmen, herumlaufen etc: freely;
    frei geboren freeborn;
    frei laufende Hühner free-range hens;
    frei lebende Tiere wildlife sg, animals living in the wild ( oder out of captivity);
    frei praktizierender Arzt doctor in private practice;
    frei halten (einen Platz) keep, save; (Straße, Einfahrt) keep clear; (Angebot, Stelle etc) keep open;
    „Eingang frei halten!“ keep clear;
    frei halten von keep free of; (Eingang, Straße etc) keep clear of;
    frei halten keep sb free ( oder protect sb) from colds etc, keep colds etc away from sb;
    sich frei halten keep o.s. free (
    für for);
    sich frei halten von ward off, avoid
    2. herumliegen etc: openly;
    frei zugänglich von allen Seiten: freely accessible; für alle: open to all;
    frei stehen Baum, Haus etc: stand by itself; (leer stehen) be unoccupied, be empty; SPORT, Spieler: be unmarked;
    frei stehend Baum: solitary; Haus, nicht angebaut: detached; einzeln: isolated; SPORT, Spieler: unmarked
    3. WIRTSCH:
    frei erhältlich freely available;
    frei finanziert privately financed;
    frei konvertierbar freely convertible;
    frei verkäuflich on general sale, freely available (to buy)
    4. TECH:
    frei beweglich freely moving, mobile;
    schwebend unsupported
    frei (und offen) openly, frankly, freely; frank, freiheraus
    frei sprechen Redner: speak without notes; mit Handy im Auto: phone ( oder talk) hands-free, use the speaker phone;
    ich möchte den Vortrag frei halten I want to give the lecture without notes;
    einen Kreis frei zeichnen draw a circle freehand;
    das Kind kann schon frei laufen/stehen the child can walk/stand unaided
    frei erfunden (entirely) fictitious;
    das hat er frei erfunden he made that up;
    frei nach (einem Stück von) X freely adapted from (a play by) X
    8. (liberal) liberally;
    frei erzogen sein have had a liberal upbringing; auch freibekommen, freigeben etc
    …frei im adj
    1. (ohne …) Inhalt: …-free; Krankheit: free from …;
    stickstofffrei nitrogen-free, non-nitrogenous;
    tuberkulosefrei free from tuberculosis
    2. nicht geschehend: non-…;
    blendfrei Beleuchtung: non-dazzle;
    repressionsfrei Erziehung: non-repressive;
    schrumpffrei Wäsche: non-shrink, shrink-free
    3. nicht verlangt: exempt from …, …-exempt;
    visumfrei not requiring a visa, visa-exempt;
    zuschlagfrei on which no supplement is payable, exempt from supplement
    4. nicht bedeckt: Person: with bare …; Kleid: leaving … bare;
    fesselfrei clear of the ankles;
    nabelfrei with a bare midriff;
    schulterfrei off-the-shoulder
    5. unabhängig: independent of …;
    bündnisfrei independent of any alliance, unallied;
    reichsfrei HIST under the direct rule of the Emperor;
    trustfrei non-trust
    * * *
    1) free <man, will, life, people, decision, etc.>
    2) (nicht angestellt) freelance <writer, worker, etc.>
    3) (ungezwungen) free and easy; lax (derog.)
    4) (nicht eingesperrt, gefangen) free; at liberty pred.
    5) (offen) open

    unter freiem Himmel — in the open [air]; outdoors

    auf freier Strecke (Straße) on the open road; (Eisenbahn) between stations

    frei herumlaufen< person> run around scot-free

    6) (unbesetzt) vacant; unoccupied; free

    ein freier Stuhl/Platz — a vacant or free chair/seat

    Entschuldigung, ist hier noch frei? — excuse me, is this anyone's seat etc.?

    ein Bett ist [noch] frei — one bed is [still] free or not taken

    7) (kostenlos) free <food, admission>

    20 kg Gepäck frei habenhave or be allowed a 20 kilogram baggage allowance

    eine freie Übersetzunga free or loose translation

    9) (ohne Vorlage) improvised

    der freie Fall (Physik) free fall


    von etwas frei/frei von etwas sein — be free of something

    12) (verfügbar) spare; free

    ich habe heute frei/meinen freien Abend — I've got today off/this is my evening off

    sich (Dat.) frei nehmen — (ugs.) take some time off

    er ist noch/nicht mehr frei — he is still/no longer unattached

    13) (ohne Hilfsmittel)
    14) (unbekleidet) bare
    15) (bes. Fußball) unmarked
    16) (Chemie, Physik) free

    freie Hand haben/jemandem freie Hand lassen — have/give somebody a free hand

    aus freien Stücken(ugs.) of one's own accord; voluntarily

    auf freiem Fuß(von Verbrechern etc.) at large

    adverbial <act, speak, choose> freely; < translate> freely, loosely
    * * *
    clear adj.
    detached adj.
    free adj.
    spare adj.
    uncommitted adj.
    unengaged adj.
    unenslaved adj.
    unfettered adj.
    unrestricted adj.
    untrapped adj. adv.
    freely adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > frei

  • 9 tener

    1 to have.
    tengo un hermano I have o I've got a brother
    tener fiebre to have a temperature
    tuvieron una pelea they had a fight
    tener un niño to have a baby
    ¡que tengan buen viaje! have a good journey!
    tengo las vacaciones en agosto my holidays are in August
    Yo tengo una casa I have a house.
    El carro tuvo un accidente The car had an accident.
    Esto tiene azúcar This has=is made of sugar.
    Yo tengo dos hijos I have=am the parent of two sons.
    Tengo un primo I have a cousin,
    Ella tuvo una gran idea She had a great idea.
    Yo tengo paperas I have=suffer from the mumps.
    Tengo un ataque de nervios I am having a nervous fit.
    Ella tiene su aprobación She has=meets with his approval.
    2 to be.
    tiene 3 metros de ancho it's 3 meters wide
    ¿cuántos años tienes? how old are you?
    tiene diez años she's ten (years old)
    tener hambre/miedo to be hungry/afraid
    tener mal humor to be bad-tempered
    le tiene lástima he feels sorry for her
    3 to get (recibir) (mensaje, regalo, visita, sensación).
    tuve un verdadero desengaño I was really disappointed
    tendrá una sorpresa he'll get a surprise
    4 to hold.
    tenlo por el asa hold it by the handle
    Ella tiene su bolso She holds her purse.
    5 to offer, to have.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tenéis, tienen.
    Past Indicative
    Future Indicative
    Present Subjunctive
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    ten (tú), tenga (él/Vd.), tengamos (nos.), tened (vos.), tengan (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    2) hold
    3) own, possess
    4) feel
    - tener que
    - tenerse por
    * * *
    Para las expresiones como tener cuidado, tener ganas, tener suerte, tener de particular, tener en cuenta, ver la otra entrada.
    El uso de got con el verbo have es más frecuente en inglés británico, pero solo se usa en el presente.
    1) (=poseer, disponer de) to have, have got

    ¿tienes dinero? — do you have {o} have you got any money?

    ¿tienes un bolígrafo? — do you have {o} have you got a pen?

    ¿tiene usted permiso para esto? — do you have {o} have you got permission for this?

    tiene un tío en Venezuela — he has an uncle in Venezuela, he's got an uncle in Venezuela

    ahora no tengo tiempo — I don't have {o} I haven't got time now

    2) [referido a aspecto, carácter] to have, have got

    tiene el pelo rubio — he has blond hair, he's got blond hair

    tiene la nariz aguileña — she has an aquiline nose, she's got an aquiline nose

    3) [referido a edad] to be

    ¿cuántos años tienes? — how old are you?

    4) [referido a ocupaciones] to have, have got

    tenemos clase de inglés a las 11 — we have an English class at 11, we've got an English class at 11

    el lunes tenemos una reunión — we're having a meeting on Monday, we've got a meeting on Monday

    5) (=parir) to have
    6) (=medir) to be
    7) (=sentir) + sustantivo to be + adj

    tener hambre/sed/calor/frío — to be hungry/thirsty/hot/cold

    8) (=padecer, sufrir) to have

    Luis tiene la gripe — Luis has {o} has got flu

    tengo fiebre — I have {o} I've got a (high) temperature

    ¿qué tienes? — what's the matter with you?, what's wrong with you?

    9) (=sostener) to hold

    tenía el pasaporte en la mano — he had his passport in his hand, he was holding his passport in his hand

    tenme el vaso un momento, por favor — hold my glass for me for a moment, please

    ¡ten!, ¡aquí tienes! — here you are!

    10) (=recibir) to have

    ¿has tenido noticias suyas? — have you heard from her?

    11) (=pensar, considerar)

    tener [a bien] hacer algo — to see fit to do sth

    tener a algn [en] algo, te tendrán en más estima — they will hold you in higher esteem

    tener a algn [por] — + adj to consider sb (to be) + adj

    ten por [seguro] que... — rest assured that...

    12) tener algo que ({+ infin})

    tengo trabajo que hacer — I have {o} I've got work to do

    no tengo nada que hacer — I have {o} I've got nothing to do

    eso no tiene nada que ver — that has {o} that's got nothing to do with it

    13) [locuciones]

    ¡[ahí] lo tienes! — there you are!, there you have it!

    tener algo [de] + adj

    ¿qué tiene de malo? — what's wrong with that?

    tenerlo [difícil] — to find it difficult

    tenerlo [fácil] — to have it easy

    - ¿conque esas tenemos?

    no las tengo todas conmigo de que lo haga — I'm none too sure that he'll do it, I'm not entirely sure that he'll do it

    1) tener que ({+ infin})
    a) [indicando obligación]

    tengo que comprarlo — I have to {o} I've got to buy it, I must buy it

    tenemos que marcharnos — we have to {o} we've got to go, we must be going

    tienen que aumentarte el sueldo — they have to {o} they've got to give you a rise

    b) [indicando suposición, probabilidad]

    ¡tienes que estar cansadísima! — you must be really tired!

    tiene que dolerte mucho ¿no? — it must hurt a lot, doesn't it?

    c) [en reproches]

    ¡tendrías que haberlo dicho antes! — you should have said so before!

    ¡tendría que darte vergüenza! — you should be ashamed of yourself!

    ¡tú tenías que ser! — it would be you!, it had to be you!

    d) [en sugerencias, recomendaciones]
    2) + participio
    3) + adj

    me tiene perplejo la falta de noticias — the lack of news is puzzling, I am puzzled by the lack of news

    4) esp Méx (=llevar)

    tienen tres meses de no cobrar — they haven't been paid for three months, it's three months since they've been paid

    * * *
    verbo transitivo [El uso de 'got' en frases como 'I've got a new dress' está mucho más extendido en el inglés británico que en el americano. Éste prefiere la forma 'I have a new dress']
    1) (poseer, disponer de) <dinero/trabajo/tiempo> to have

    ¿tienen hijos? — do they have any children?, have they got any children?

    no tenemos pan — we don't have any bread, we haven't got any bread

    aquí tienes al culpablehere's o this is the culprit

    ¿conque ésas tenemos? — so that's the way things are, is it?

    a) ( llevar encima) to have

    ¿tiene hora? — have you got the time?

    b) ( llevar puesto) to be wearing
    3) (hablando de actividades, obligaciones) to have

    tengo invitados a cenarI have o I've got some people coming to dinner

    tener... que + inf — to have... to + inf

    tengo cosas que hacerI have o I've got things to do

    a) (señalando características, atributos) to have

    tiene el pelo largoshe has o she's got long hair

    ¿y eso qué tiene de malo? — and what's so bad about that?

    le lleva 15 años - ¿y eso qué tiene? — (AmL fam) she's 15 years older than he is - so what does that matter?

    ¿cuántos años tienes? — how old are you?

    5) ( dar a luz) <bebé/gemelos> to have
    6) (sujetar, sostener) to hold
    7) ( tomar)

    ten la llavetake o here's the key

    8) ( recibir) to have
    a) ( sentir)

    tengo hambre/sueño/frío — I'm hungry/tired/cold

    tengo el placer de... — it gives me great pleasure to...

    ¿qué tienes? — what's wrong?, what's the matter?

    b) (refiriéndose a síntomas, enfermedades) to have

    tengo dolor de cabezaI have o I've got a headache

    c) (refiriéndose a experiencias, sucesos) to have

    ten paciencia/cuidado — be patient/careful

    11) (indicando estado, situación) (+ compl)

    lo tiene dominadoshe has him under her thumb

    12) ( considerar)

    tener algo/a alguien por algo: se lo tiene por el mejor he/it is considered (to be) the best; siempre lo tuve por tímido I always thought he was shy; ten por seguro que lo hará — you can be sure he'll do it

    tener v aux
    a) (expresando obligación, necesidad)

    tener que + inf — to have (got) to + inf

    tengo que estudiar hoyI have to o I must study today

    b) (expresando propósito, recomendación)

    tener que + inf: tenemos que ir a verla we must go and see her; tengo que hacer ejercicio I must get some exercise; tendrías que llamarlo — you should ring him

    tener que + inf: tiene que estar en este cajón it must be in this drawer; tiene que haber sido él it must have been him; tú tenías que ser! — it had to be you!

    ¿tiene previsto asistir? — do you plan to attend?

    tenerse v pron

    no tenerse de sueñoto be dead o asleep on one's feet

    2) (refl) ( considerarse)

    tenerse por algo: se tiene por muy inteligente — he considers himself to be very intelligent

    * * *
    = bear, contain, have, hold, own, carry, have got, have + in place, live with, have at + Posesivo + disposal, possess.
    Ex. Use a uniform title for an entry if the item bears a title proper that differs from the uniform title.
    Ex. The label contains information about the record, indicating, for instance, its length, status, for example, new, amended, type and class.
    Ex. Many of the aspects of the indexing process including, in particular, term selection and search logic have common features.
    Ex. If the search is made with a call number, a summary of copies with that call number which are held by the library is first displayed.
    Ex. For example, a person can consult the system holdings files to find out whether a library in the network owns a copy of the document.
    Ex. Europe Environment carries useful reports on the activities of the lobby groups in the environmental, consumer protection and research fields.
    Ex. Typical examples of enquiries of this kind that could be satisfied within minutes in any decently stocked library are ' Have you got anything on organising weddings?' 'Can you find me something on the history of paddle-steamers?'.
    Ex. The first country to have in place an operational domestic geostationary satellite communications system was Canada.
    Ex. Medical advances are improving the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS, while prevention remains the key to stopping the spread of this disease.
    Ex. But this would require time and competencies, which not all policy makers have at their disposal.
    Ex. Not every index necessarily exhibits all the features of either of these types of indexing systems, and indeed, some will possess elements of both types of systems.
    * acabar teniendo = end up with.
    * acontecimiento + tener lugar = occurrence + take place.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * aquí tiene(s) = here is/are.
    * a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.
    * cambio + tener lugar = change + take place.
    * curso que tiene lugar fuera de la universidad = extension course, off-campus course.
    * dar gracias por lo que Uno tiene = count + Posesivo + blessings.
    * del que se tiene constancia = recorded.
    * demostrar que se tiene razón = prove + Posesivo + point.
    * el cliente siempre tiene la razón = the customer is always right.
    * empezar a tener dudas = get + cold feet.
    * empezar a tener sentido = become + meaningful.
    * estudiar + Nombre + teniendo en cuenta + Nombre = place + Nombre + against the background of + Nombre.
    * hacer que tenga más valor = put + a premium on.
    * hombre que tiene mucho mundo = a man of the world.
    * lo que tenga que pasar, que pase = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que tenga que ser, será = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * mujer que tiene mucho mundo = a woman of the world.
    * necesitarse tener en cuenta = need + consideration.
    * negar tener relación con = disclaim + connection with.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con = want + nothing to do with.
    * no tener alternativa = have + no choice.
    * no tener apetito = be off + Posesivo + food, be off + Posesivo + oats.
    * no tener constancia de Algo = unrecorded.
    * no tener donde caerse muerto = not have two pennies to rub together.
    * no tener dos dedos de frente = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush.
    * no tener dos dedos de frnete = knucklehead.
    * no tener en cuenta = disregard, overlook, skip over, be oblivious of/to, close + the door on, leave + Nombre + out of the picture, fly in + the face of, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * no tener errores = be error-free.
    * no tener éxito = come up with + nothing, prove + unsuccessful, be unsuccessful.
    * no tener fin = there + be + no end to.
    * no tener fronteras = have + no boundaries.
    * no tener fundamento = be unfounded.
    * no tener ganas = can't/couldn't be bothered, can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no tener ganas de comer = be off + Posesivo + food, be off + Posesivo + oats.
    * no tener hijos = be childless.
    * no tener hogar = be homeless.
    * no tener idea = have + no clue, have + no idea.
    * no tener idea de = be clueless about, have + no understanding of.
    * no tener importancia = be of no importance, make + no difference, be of no consequence.
    * no tener información = be undocumented.
    * no tener la más mínima idea sobre Algo = Negativo + have + the foggiest idea.
    * no tener la menor importancia = be of no particular concern.
    * no tener la necesidad de usar Algo = have + no use for.
    * no tener la obligación de = be under no obligation.
    * no tener la preparación = be untrained.
    * no tener límite = have + no limit.
    * no tener límites = be boundless.
    * no tener lugar = fall through.
    * no tener más alternativa que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener más opción que = have + little choice but, have + no other option but.
    * no tener más remedio que = be stuck with, be left with the need to, get + stuck with.
    * no tener nada en contra de = have + no quarrel with, have + nothing against.
    * no tener nada en contra de Algo = have + no quarrel about + Nombre.
    * no tener nada que perder = have + nothing to lose.
    * no tener nada que ver con = be irrelevant to.
    * no tener ni idea sobre Algo = not know the first thing about.
    * no tener ni la más mínima posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no tener ni la más remota posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no tener ningún escrúpulo en = have + no qualms about.
    * no tener ningún fundamento = not have a leg to stand on.
    * no tener ningún interés = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no tener ningún problema con = be okay with.
    * no tener ningún remilgo en = have + no qualms about.
    * no tener ningún reparo = have + no qualms about.
    * no tener ni pies ni cabeza = be pointless.
    * no tener ni punto de comparación = be in a different league.
    * no tener ni puta idea = not get + Posesivo + shit together.
    * no tener ni puta idea sobre Algo = not know the first thing about.
    * no tener ni un pelo de tonto = there are no flies (on/about) + Pronombre.
    * no tener ni voz ni voto en = have + no say in.
    * no tener noticias es buena señal = no news is good news.
    * no tener opción = have + no choice.
    * no tener otra alternativa = have + no choice.
    * no tener otra alternativa que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener otra opción = have + no choice.
    * no tener otra opción que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener otro objetivo que el de = have + no other purpose than.
    * no tener otro sitio donde recurrir = have + nowhere else to turn.
    * no tener parangón = be unequalled, be without peer.
    * no tener pelos en la lengua = call + a spade a spade.
    * no tener posibilidades = be dead meat.
    * no tener prejuicios = be open-minded.
    * no tener presente = be oblivious of/to.
    * no tener que ir muy lejos = not have to look far.
    * no tener razón = be wrong.
    * no tener razón de ser + Infinitivo = there + be + no sense in + Gerundio.
    * no tener reparos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no tener reparos en admitir que = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no tener representación = be unrepresented.
    * no tener respuesta = be unanswerable.
    * no tener rival = be second to none.
    * no tener rumbo = lose + Posesivo + way.
    * no tener salida = be stuck, get + stuck.
    * no tenerse en pie = Negativo + hold + water.
    * no tener sentido = be meaningless, be pointless, be senseless.
    * no tener sentido el + Infinitivo = there + be + no point in + Gerundio.
    * no tener sentido + Infinitivo = there + be + little point in + Gerundio, there + be + no sense in + Gerundio.
    * no tener suerte = be out of luck.
    * no tener tiempo de nada = have + not a moment to spare.
    * no tener trabajo = be unemployed.
    * no tener trascendencia = be of no consequence.
    * no tener un duro = not have a bean.
    * no tener valor = be valueless.
    * no tener vida privada = like being in a (gold)fish bowl.
    * no terminar nunca de tener problemas con = have + no end of problems with.
    * ¡Ojalá tuviera...! = I wish I had....
    * ¡Ojalá tuviese...! = I wish I had....
    * parece tener poco sentido que = there + seem + little point in.
    * por si + tener + suerte = on spec.
    * que no tiene compensación = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].
    * que no tiene precio = priceless.
    * que pase lo que tenga que pasar = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * que tiene lugar una vez a la semana = once-weekly.
    * que tiene precio = priced.
    * que tiene sentido = meaningful.
    * que tiene solución = solvable.
    * revista que tiene una gran demanda popular = mass-market journal.
    * sin tener = in the absence of.
    * sin tener en cuenta = never mind, without regard to, independently of, disregarding, not including.
    * sin tener en cuenta el hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * sin tener que recurrir a = without recourse to.
    * tenemos intereses en ambas partes = our feet are in both worlds.
    * tener a Alguien metido en un puño = have + Nombre + under + Posesivo + thumb.
    * tener a cargo de uno = have + as + Posesivo + charge.
    * tener acceso a información confidencial = be on the inside.
    * tener acuerdos con = have + deals with.
    * tener afinidades = share + common ground.
    * tener aire acondiconado = be air-conditioned.
    * tener a la disposición de Uno = have at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * tener al alcance = have at + Posesivo + touch.
    * tener Algo al alcance = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + fingertips.
    * tener algo a mano = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + fingertips.
    * tener + Algo + a + Posesivo + entera disposición = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener Algo bajo el control de Uno = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + command.
    * tener Algo claro = clarify + Posesivo + mind.
    * tener Algo en común = have + Nombre + in common, share + Nombre + in common.
    * tener algo en contra de = have + something against.
    * tener Algo fácilmente accesible = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + fingertips.
    * tener Algo hecho a la medida de uno = have + Nombre + cut out.
    * tener algo muy vivo en la mente de uno = be strong in + mind.
    * tener algo que decir sobre = have + a say in.
    * tener algo que ver con = have + something to do with.
    * tener algo reservado = have + something up + Posesivo + sleeve.
    * tener alguna incidencia en = have + some bearing on.
    * tener alguna posibilidad = have + a fighting chance.
    * tener alguna posibilidad de triunfar = have + a fighting chance.
    * tener alguna relevancia para = have + some bearing on.
    * tener alucinaciones = hallucinate.
    * tener a mano = have at + Posesivo + touch, have + on call, have + to hand, keep within + reach, be to hand.
    * tener ansias de = crave, crave for.
    * tener antecedentes de = have + a track record of.
    * tener antojo de = crave, crave for.
    * tener a + Posesivo + cargo = have + in + Posesivo + charge.
    * tener aspecto = look.
    * tener atrasos = be in arrears.
    * tener aversión a = have + aversion to.
    * tener beneficios = have + benefits.
    * tener buena mano con las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.
    * tener buen apetito = have + a good appetite.
    * tener buenas intenciones = be well-intentioned, mean + well.
    * tener buenas perspectivas para = be well-placed to.
    * tener buen ojo para juzgar a la gente = be a good judge of character.
    * tener bulla = be in a hurry.
    * tener cabida para = hold, accommodate, include, take.
    * tener calentura = have + a temperature, have + a fever.
    * tener características en común = share + similarities.
    * tener cara de muerto = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tener carencias = find + wanting.
    * tener carta blanca = have + carte-blanche.
    * tener causa justificada = have + good cause.
    * tener cautela = proceed + with caution.
    * tener celos = feel + jealous.
    * tener claro = be clear in your mind.
    * tener coherencia = cohere.
    * tener cólicos = be colicky.
    * tener como consecuencia = result (in).
    * tener como equivalente = have + counterpart.
    * tener como motivo central = plan around + Nombre.
    * tener como objetivo = have + as + Posesivo + objective, be in business for.
    * tener como sede = headquarter (at/in).
    * tener compasión de = have + compassion for.
    * tener conocimiento de = be privy to, be aware of.
    * tener consecuencias = have + consequences.
    * tener consecuencias en = have + implication for.
    * tener consecuencias negativas = backfire.
    * tener contacto = have + contact.
    * tener contactos = liaise (with/between).
    * tener controlado a Alguien = have + Nombre + on the run.
    * tener control sobre = have + hold on.
    * tener coraje = pluck up + courage, gather up + courage.
    * tener correlación con = bear + correlation with.
    * tener correspondencia = bear + correspondence (to).
    * tener cosas en común = share + common ground.
    * tener cualidades + Adjetivo = be of + Adjetivo + quality.
    * tener cuidado = exercise + care, exercise + caution, proceed + with caution, watch out, take + caution.
    * tener cuidado con = watch for, beware (of/that), look out for, be wary of.
    * tener cuidado con lo que se dice = say + the right thing.
    * tener cuidado con lo que Uno dice = watch + Posesivo + mouth, watch what + say.
    * tener cuidado de = be careful, be chary of, take + (great) pains to.
    * tener cuidado (de que) = take + care (that).
    * tener cultivos = grow + crops.
    * tener debilidad por = have + a soft spot for.
    * tener delante = have + before.
    * tener demasiada prisa = be in too much of a hurry, be in too much of a rush.
    * tener derecho a = be entitled to, have + a right to, entitle to, have + the right to, have + a say in.
    * tener derecho a expresar + Posesivo + opinión = be entitled to + Posesivo + own opinion.
    * tener derecho de paso = have + the right of way.
    * tener dificultad = struggle, experience + difficulty, be hard pressed.
    * tener dificultad de + Infinitivo = have + difficulty + Gerundio, have + difficulty in + Gerundio.
    * tener dificultad en + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * tener dificultades = have + a hard time, have + a tough time.
    * tener dinero a punta pala = roll in + Dinero.
    * tener dominado a Alguien = have + Nombre + on the run.
    * tener dudas = be doubtful, have + misgivings, have + reservations (about), be suspicious.
    * tener dudas sobre = be ambivalent about.
    * tener efecto = take + effect, have + effect.
    * tener efecto sobre = impinge on/upon.
    * tener el atrevimiento de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener el corazón de un león = have + the heart of a lion.
    * tener el deber de = have + a responsibility to.
    * tener el derecho de = have + the right to.
    * tener el descaro de = have + the gall to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener el destino de = suffer + the fate of.
    * tener el estatus profesional de + Nombre = have + Nombre + status.
    * tener el gusto de = take + pleasure.
    * tener el hábito de = have + the habit of.
    * tener el honor de = have + the honour of.
    * tener el lujo = have + luxury.
    * tener el mando = rule + the roost.
    * tener el mejor aspecto posible = look + Posesivo + best.
    * tener el mismo destino = suffer + the same fate.
    * tener el mono = suffer from + withdrawal symptoms.
    * tener el placer de = take + pleasure.
    * tener el plazo cumplido = be due.
    * tener el plazo vencido = be overdue.
    * tener el poder = be the boss, call + the shots, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * tener el poder de = have + the power to.
    * tener el toque mágico = have + the magic touch.
    * tener el valor = have + the courage.
    * tener el valor de = have + the guts to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener en común = hold in + common, tread + common ground.
    * tener en común con = partake (in/of).
    * tener en consideración = take into + consideration, take into + consideration.
    * tener en cuenta = allow for, bear in + mind, cater for/to, consider (as), heed, make + allowances, take + account of, take + cognisance of, take + cognition of, take into + account, take into + consideration, make + provision for, bring into + play, give + an ear to, factor, have + regard for, factor in, be aware of, note, keep in + mind.
    * tener en cuenta las posibilidades de Algo = consider + possibilities.
    * tener en cuenta un punto de vista = take into + account + viewpoint, contemplate + view.
    * tener en funcionamiento = have + in effect.
    * tener en gran estima = have + a very high regard for.
    * tener en mente = bear in + mind, have + in mind, keep in + mind.
    * tener en observación = hold under + observation, keep under + observation.
    * tener en reserva = hold in + reserve.
    * tener entre manos = be up to.
    * tener envidia de = envy.
    * tener errores = be flawed.
    * tener éxito = achieve + success, be successful, get + anywhere, meet + success, prove + successful, succeed, attain + appeal, be a success, find + success, come up + trumps, prove + trumps, take off, meet with + success, hit + the big time, be popular, go + strong.
    * tener éxito en el mundo = succeed in + the world.
    * tener éxito en la vida = succeed in + life, get on in + life.
    * tener expectativas = hold + expectations, have + expectations.
    * tener experiencia = have + experience.
    * tener fácilmente accesible = have at + Posesivo + touch.
    * tener fallos = be flawed.
    * tener fe = have + faith (in).
    * tener fe en = have + faith (in).
    * tener fiebre = have + a temperature, have + a fever.
    * tener fijación por = be hipped (on/to), get hipped (on/to).
    * tener flatulencia = pass + gas, break + wind, pass + wind.
    * tener forma + Adjetivo = be + Adjetivo + in shape.
    * tener frenillo = lisp.
    * tener fundamento para pensar que = have + reason to believe that.
    * tener futuro = have + potential, there + be + a future for/in, have + a future.
    * tener ganada la mitad de la batalla = be half the battle.
    * tener ganada sólo la mitad de la batalla = be only half the battle.
    * tener ganas de = be keen to, have + an/the inclination to.
    * tener ganas de + Infinitivo = feel like + Gerundio.
    * tener gancho = be engaging.
    * tener gastos = incur + costs.
    * tener gastos generales = incur + overheads.
    * tener gran éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener gran importancia = be of high significance.
    * tener gran repercusión = be far reaching.
    * tener hambre = be hungry, feel + hungry.
    * tener hambre después del esfuerzo = work up + an appetite.
    * tener hijos = father + children, have + children.
    * tener hipo = hiccup.
    * tener horario ajustado = be under time constraint.
    * tener horror a = loathe, hate.
    * tener idea = have + a clue.
    * tener impacto = make + impact.
    * tener impacto (sobre) = have + impact (on).
    * tener implicaciones para = have + implication for.
    * tener importancia = carry + weight, have + high profile, be of consequence.
    * tener indigestión = have + indigestion.
    * tener influencias = have + pull.
    * tener influencia sobre = have + hold on.
    * tener iniciativa = be proactive.
    * tener intereses en = have + a stake in.
    * tener intereses en juego = have + invested.
    * tener interés por = have + an interest in.
    * tener interés por/en = be interested in.
    * tener inventiva = be inventive.
    * tener jurisdicción = have + jurisdiction (over).
    * tener la autoridad = have + mandate.
    * tener la bragueta abierta = fly + be undone.
    * tener la capacidad de = have + the potential (to/for).
    * tener la cara de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la cara descompuesta = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tener la categoría profesional de + Nombre = hold + Nombre + rank, have + Nombre + rank, enjoy + Nombre + rank.
    * tener la certeza de = feel + confident.
    * tener la certeza de que = rest + assured that.
    * tener la conciencia limpia = have + a clear conscience.
    * tener la conciencia tranquila = have + a clear conscience.
    * tener la convicción = it + be + Posesivo + understanding.
    * tener la costumbre de = have + a habit of, have + the habit of.
    * tener la costumbre de + Infinitivo = be in the habit of + Gerundio.
    * tener la cuenta bancaria = bank.
    * tener la culpa (por/de) = be at fault (for/to).
    * tener la culpa de Algo que se ha causado Uno mismo = be of + Posesivo + own making.
    * tener la desfachatez de = have + the gall to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la desvergüenza de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la doble función = double as, double up as.
    * tener la facultad de = have + powers to.
    * tener la fama de = have + a good record for.
    * tener la fecha de + Fecha = be dated + Fecha.
    * tener la frescura de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la función de = be in the business of.
    * tener la impresión = have + the impression, get + the impression.
    * tener la impresión de que = get + the feeling that.
    * tener la intención de = be intended to, intend, mean.
    * tener la intención de + Infinitivo = set out to + Infinitivo.
    * tener la libertad de = be at liberty to, feel + free to.
    * tener la libertard de/para = have + the latitude to.
    * tener la malafortuna de = have + the misfortune to.
    * tener la mirada perdida = stare into + space, gaze into + space.
    * tener la misma importancia = carry + equal weight.
    * tener la obligación de = be under the obligation to.
    * tener la ocasión de = have + opportunity to.
    * tener la oficina central en = headquarter (at/in).
    * tener la opinión = it + be + Posesivo + understanding.
    * tener la oportunidad = have + the opportunity.
    * tener la oportunidad de = get + (a/the) + chance to, have + opportunity to, get + a chance to.
    * tener la osadía de = have + the gall to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la paciencia del santo Job = have + the patience of Job.
    * tener la paciencia de un santo = have + the patience of a saint.
    * tener la posibilidad de = have + chance.
    * tener la potestad = have + mandate.
    * tener la potestad de = have + the power to, have + the right to.
    * tener lapsus = have + lapses.
    * tener la reputación de ser = be well known for.
    * tener la responsabilidad = charge, undertake + burden.
    * tener la responsabilidad de = have + the responsibility of.
    * tener la sartén por el mango = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * tener la seguridad de = have + the security of.
    * tener la seguridad de que = rest + assured that.
    * tener la sensación de que = have + a gut feeling that.
    * tener las mismas prerrogativas = have + an equal voice in.
    * tener las riendas de = hold + the reins of.
    * tener las riendas del poder = hold + the reins of power.
    * tener lástima = pity.
    * tener lástima de = take + pity on.
    * tener la tentación de = be tempted to.
    * tener la última palabra = have + the ultimate say, have + the final say, call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * tener la vista cansada = need + reading glasses.
    * tenerle manía a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * tenerle rabia a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * tenerle tirria a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * tener libertad = have + freedom.
    * tener libertad sobre = have + wide discretion over.
    * tenerlo crudo = not be easy.
    * tenerlo difícil = not be easy, not be easy.
    * tenerlo duro = not be easy.
    * tenerlo fácil = have + an easy ride.
    * tener lo mejor de ambos mundos = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tener lo mejor de los dos mundos = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tener lo que hace falta = have + what it takes.
    * tener lo que hay que tener = have + what it takes.
    * tener lo que se necesita = have + what it takes.
    * tener los días contados = day + be + numbered, be doomed, doomed, be dead meat, the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * tener los nervios de punta = have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * tener los nervios en el estómago = have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * tener los pies firmemente en el suelo = feet + be + firmly planted on the ground.
    * tenerlo todo = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * tener lugar = take + place, go on, come to + pass.
    * tener madera de = be cut out for.
    * tener mala fama por = hold in + disrepute, be infamous for.
    * tener malas conexiones con = have + poor connections with.
    * tener malas intenciones = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * tener mal de amores = be lovesick.
    * tener mal ojo para juzgar a la gente = be a bad judge of character.
    * tener más paciencia que el santo Job = have + the patience of Job.
    * tener más paciencia que un santo = have + the patience of a saint.
    * tener mérito = be meritorious.
    * tener miedo = be afraid, be in fear, frighten.
    * tener miedo a = be scared of.
    * tener miedo a Alguien = regard + Nombre + with fear.
    * tener motivo = be right.
    * tener motivo justificado = have + good cause.
    * tener motivo para = have + cause to.
    * tener movilidad = be mobile.
    * tener mucha distancia que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucha ilusión = be thrilled.
    * tener mucha personalidad = be full of character.
    * tener mucho camino que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucho carácter = be full of character.
    * tener mucho cuidado = be extra vigilant.
    * tener mucho éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener mucho interés en = have + a high stake in.
    * tener mucho interés por = be keen to.
    * tener mucho que ver con = have + a great deal to do with.
    * tener mucho tiempo libre = have + plenty of time to spare.
    * tener muy mala cara = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tener niños = have + children.
    * tener + Nombre = be not without + Nombre.
    * tener noticias de = hear from.
    * tener + Número + Período de Tiempo = be + Período de Tiempo + old.
    * tener obligación = have + obligation.
    * tener obsesión con = be hipped (on/to), get hipped (on/to).
    * tener ojeras = have + bags under + Posesivo + eyes.
    * tener ojos en la nuca = have + eyes in the back of + Posesivo + head.
    * tener opinión = take + view.
    * tener paciencia = be patient.
    * tener paciencia con = bear with + Pronombre.
    * tener palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.
    * tener paralelo = have + parallel.
    * tener pelos en la lengua = mince + words.
    * tener pérdidas = make + a loss.
    * tener perplejo = stump.
    * tener plena conciencia de = be fully aware of.
    * tener poca información = be information poor.
    * tener pocas luces = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush, knucklehead.
    * tener pocas posibilidades de = have + little recourse.
    * tener poco que ver = have + little to do.
    * tener poco valor = be of little value.
    * tener por costumbre + Infinitivo = be in the habit of + Gerundio.
    * tener por término medio = average.
    * tener posibilidades = stand + chance, be in with a chance.
    * tener potencial = have + potential.
    * tener precaución de = be chary of.
    * tener precedencia = take + priority.
    * tener preferencia = be preferential, have + the right of way.
    * tener preferencia (sobre) = take + precedence (over).
    * tener presente = be mindful of/that, bear in + mind, consider (as), keep in + focus, keep in + mind, make + consideration, mind, make + provision for, have + regard for, be aware of.
    * tener presente las posibilidades de Algo = consider + possibilities.
    * tener prioridad = trump.
    * tener prisa = be in a hurry.
    * tener problema con Algo = experience + trouble with.
    * tener problemas = have + problems.
    * tener problemas con = fall + foul of, run + afoul of problems, run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * tener problemas con la ley = fall + foul of the law, go + afoul of the law, fall + afoul of the law.
    * tener programado su comienzo = be scheduled to start.
    * tener programado su finalización = be scheduled for completion.
    * tener pros y contras = be a mixed blessing.
    * tener que = have to, hafta [have to].
    * tener que aguantar Algo = be stuck with, get + stuck with.
    * tener que arreglárselas solo = leave (up) to + Posesivo + own resources, leave to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * tener que cargar con = be stuck with, saddle with, get + stuck with.
    * tener que cargar con el peso de = be burdened with.
    * tener que cargar con el peso de la tradición = be burdened with + tradition.
    * tener que competir con = face + competition from.
    * tener + que felicitar a Alguien = have to hand it to + Nombre.
    * tener que ocurrir = be boun.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo [El uso de 'got' en frases como 'I've got a new dress' está mucho más extendido en el inglés británico que en el americano. Éste prefiere la forma 'I have a new dress']
    1) (poseer, disponer de) <dinero/trabajo/tiempo> to have

    ¿tienen hijos? — do they have any children?, have they got any children?

    no tenemos pan — we don't have any bread, we haven't got any bread

    aquí tienes al culpablehere's o this is the culprit

    ¿conque ésas tenemos? — so that's the way things are, is it?

    a) ( llevar encima) to have

    ¿tiene hora? — have you got the time?

    b) ( llevar puesto) to be wearing
    3) (hablando de actividades, obligaciones) to have

    tengo invitados a cenarI have o I've got some people coming to dinner

    tener... que + inf — to have... to + inf

    tengo cosas que hacerI have o I've got things to do

    a) (señalando características, atributos) to have

    tiene el pelo largoshe has o she's got long hair

    ¿y eso qué tiene de malo? — and what's so bad about that?

    le lleva 15 años - ¿y eso qué tiene? — (AmL fam) she's 15 years older than he is - so what does that matter?

    ¿cuántos años tienes? — how old are you?

    5) ( dar a luz) <bebé/gemelos> to have
    6) (sujetar, sostener) to hold
    7) ( tomar)

    ten la llavetake o here's the key

    8) ( recibir) to have
    a) ( sentir)

    tengo hambre/sueño/frío — I'm hungry/tired/cold

    tengo el placer de... — it gives me great pleasure to...

    ¿qué tienes? — what's wrong?, what's the matter?

    b) (refiriéndose a síntomas, enfermedades) to have

    tengo dolor de cabezaI have o I've got a headache

    c) (refiriéndose a experiencias, sucesos) to have

    ten paciencia/cuidado — be patient/careful

    11) (indicando estado, situación) (+ compl)

    lo tiene dominadoshe has him under her thumb

    12) ( considerar)

    tener algo/a alguien por algo: se lo tiene por el mejor he/it is considered (to be) the best; siempre lo tuve por tímido I always thought he was shy; ten por seguro que lo hará — you can be sure he'll do it

    tener v aux
    a) (expresando obligación, necesidad)

    tener que + inf — to have (got) to + inf

    tengo que estudiar hoyI have to o I must study today

    b) (expresando propósito, recomendación)

    tener que + inf: tenemos que ir a verla we must go and see her; tengo que hacer ejercicio I must get some exercise; tendrías que llamarlo — you should ring him

    tener que + inf: tiene que estar en este cajón it must be in this drawer; tiene que haber sido él it must have been him; tú tenías que ser! — it had to be you!

    ¿tiene previsto asistir? — do you plan to attend?

    tenerse v pron

    no tenerse de sueñoto be dead o asleep on one's feet

    2) (refl) ( considerarse)

    tenerse por algo: se tiene por muy inteligente — he considers himself to be very intelligent

    * * *
    = bear, contain, have, hold, own, carry, have got, have + in place, live with, have at + Posesivo + disposal, possess.

    Ex: Use a uniform title for an entry if the item bears a title proper that differs from the uniform title.

    Ex: The label contains information about the record, indicating, for instance, its length, status, for example, new, amended, type and class.
    Ex: Many of the aspects of the indexing process including, in particular, term selection and search logic have common features.
    Ex: If the search is made with a call number, a summary of copies with that call number which are held by the library is first displayed.
    Ex: For example, a person can consult the system holdings files to find out whether a library in the network owns a copy of the document.
    Ex: Europe Environment carries useful reports on the activities of the lobby groups in the environmental, consumer protection and research fields.
    Ex: Typical examples of enquiries of this kind that could be satisfied within minutes in any decently stocked library are ' Have you got anything on organising weddings?' 'Can you find me something on the history of paddle-steamers?'.
    Ex: The first country to have in place an operational domestic geostationary satellite communications system was Canada.
    Ex: Medical advances are improving the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS, while prevention remains the key to stopping the spread of this disease.
    Ex: But this would require time and competencies, which not all policy makers have at their disposal.
    Ex: Not every index necessarily exhibits all the features of either of these types of indexing systems, and indeed, some will possess elements of both types of systems.
    * acabar teniendo = end up with.
    * acontecimiento + tener lugar = occurrence + take place.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * aquí tiene(s) = here is/are.
    * a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.
    * cambio + tener lugar = change + take place.
    * curso que tiene lugar fuera de la universidad = extension course, off-campus course.
    * dar gracias por lo que Uno tiene = count + Posesivo + blessings.
    * del que se tiene constancia = recorded.
    * demostrar que se tiene razón = prove + Posesivo + point.
    * el cliente siempre tiene la razón = the customer is always right.
    * empezar a tener dudas = get + cold feet.
    * empezar a tener sentido = become + meaningful.
    * estudiar + Nombre + teniendo en cuenta + Nombre = place + Nombre + against the background of + Nombre.
    * hacer que tenga más valor = put + a premium on.
    * hombre que tiene mucho mundo = a man of the world.
    * lo que tenga que pasar, que pase = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que tenga que ser, será = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * mujer que tiene mucho mundo = a woman of the world.
    * necesitarse tener en cuenta = need + consideration.
    * negar tener relación con = disclaim + connection with.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con = want + nothing to do with.
    * no tener alternativa = have + no choice.
    * no tener apetito = be off + Posesivo + food, be off + Posesivo + oats.
    * no tener constancia de Algo = unrecorded.
    * no tener donde caerse muerto = not have two pennies to rub together.
    * no tener dos dedos de frente = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush.
    * no tener dos dedos de frnete = knucklehead.
    * no tener en cuenta = disregard, overlook, skip over, be oblivious of/to, close + the door on, leave + Nombre + out of the picture, fly in + the face of, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * no tener errores = be error-free.
    * no tener éxito = come up with + nothing, prove + unsuccessful, be unsuccessful.
    * no tener fin = there + be + no end to.
    * no tener fronteras = have + no boundaries.
    * no tener fundamento = be unfounded.
    * no tener ganas = can't/couldn't be bothered, can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no tener ganas de comer = be off + Posesivo + food, be off + Posesivo + oats.
    * no tener hijos = be childless.
    * no tener hogar = be homeless.
    * no tener idea = have + no clue, have + no idea.
    * no tener idea de = be clueless about, have + no understanding of.
    * no tener importancia = be of no importance, make + no difference, be of no consequence.
    * no tener información = be undocumented.
    * no tener la más mínima idea sobre Algo = Negativo + have + the foggiest idea.
    * no tener la menor importancia = be of no particular concern.
    * no tener la necesidad de usar Algo = have + no use for.
    * no tener la obligación de = be under no obligation.
    * no tener la preparación = be untrained.
    * no tener límite = have + no limit.
    * no tener límites = be boundless.
    * no tener lugar = fall through.
    * no tener más alternativa que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener más opción que = have + little choice but, have + no other option but.
    * no tener más remedio que = be stuck with, be left with the need to, get + stuck with.
    * no tener nada en contra de = have + no quarrel with, have + nothing against.
    * no tener nada en contra de Algo = have + no quarrel about + Nombre.
    * no tener nada que perder = have + nothing to lose.
    * no tener nada que ver con = be irrelevant to.
    * no tener ni idea sobre Algo = not know the first thing about.
    * no tener ni la más mínima posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no tener ni la más remota posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no tener ningún escrúpulo en = have + no qualms about.
    * no tener ningún fundamento = not have a leg to stand on.
    * no tener ningún interés = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no tener ningún problema con = be okay with.
    * no tener ningún remilgo en = have + no qualms about.
    * no tener ningún reparo = have + no qualms about.
    * no tener ni pies ni cabeza = be pointless.
    * no tener ni punto de comparación = be in a different league.
    * no tener ni puta idea = not get + Posesivo + shit together.
    * no tener ni puta idea sobre Algo = not know the first thing about.
    * no tener ni un pelo de tonto = there are no flies (on/about) + Pronombre.
    * no tener ni voz ni voto en = have + no say in.
    * no tener noticias es buena señal = no news is good news.
    * no tener opción = have + no choice.
    * no tener otra alternativa = have + no choice.
    * no tener otra alternativa que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener otra opción = have + no choice.
    * no tener otra opción que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener otro objetivo que el de = have + no other purpose than.
    * no tener otro sitio donde recurrir = have + nowhere else to turn.
    * no tener parangón = be unequalled, be without peer.
    * no tener pelos en la lengua = call + a spade a spade.
    * no tener posibilidades = be dead meat.
    * no tener prejuicios = be open-minded.
    * no tener presente = be oblivious of/to.
    * no tener que ir muy lejos = not have to look far.
    * no tener razón = be wrong.
    * no tener razón de ser + Infinitivo = there + be + no sense in + Gerundio.
    * no tener reparos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no tener reparos en admitir que = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no tener representación = be unrepresented.
    * no tener respuesta = be unanswerable.
    * no tener rival = be second to none.
    * no tener rumbo = lose + Posesivo + way.
    * no tener salida = be stuck, get + stuck.
    * no tenerse en pie = Negativo + hold + water.
    * no tener sentido = be meaningless, be pointless, be senseless.
    * no tener sentido el + Infinitivo = there + be + no point in + Gerundio.
    * no tener sentido + Infinitivo = there + be + little point in + Gerundio, there + be + no sense in + Gerundio.
    * no tener suerte = be out of luck.
    * no tener tiempo de nada = have + not a moment to spare.
    * no tener trabajo = be unemployed.
    * no tener trascendencia = be of no consequence.
    * no tener un duro = not have a bean.
    * no tener valor = be valueless.
    * no tener vida privada = like being in a (gold)fish bowl.
    * no terminar nunca de tener problemas con = have + no end of problems with.
    * ¡Ojalá tuviera...! = I wish I had....
    * ¡Ojalá tuviese...! = I wish I had....
    * parece tener poco sentido que = there + seem + little point in.
    * por si + tener + suerte = on spec.
    * que no tiene compensación = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].
    * que no tiene precio = priceless.
    * que pase lo que tenga que pasar = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * que tiene lugar una vez a la semana = once-weekly.
    * que tiene precio = priced.
    * que tiene sentido = meaningful.
    * que tiene solución = solvable.
    * revista que tiene una gran demanda popular = mass-market journal.
    * sin tener = in the absence of.
    * sin tener en cuenta = never mind, without regard to, independently of, disregarding, not including.
    * sin tener en cuenta el hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * sin tener que recurrir a = without recourse to.
    * tenemos intereses en ambas partes = our feet are in both worlds.
    * tener a Alguien metido en un puño = have + Nombre + under + Posesivo + thumb.
    * tener a cargo de uno = have + as + Posesivo + charge.
    * tener acceso a información confidencial = be on the inside.
    * tener acuerdos con = have + deals with.
    * tener afinidades = share + common ground.
    * tener aire acondiconado = be air-conditioned.
    * tener a la disposición de Uno = have at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * tener al alcance = have at + Posesivo + touch.
    * tener Algo al alcance = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + fingertips.
    * tener algo a mano = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + fingertips.
    * tener + Algo + a + Posesivo + entera disposición = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener Algo bajo el control de Uno = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + command.
    * tener Algo claro = clarify + Posesivo + mind.
    * tener Algo en común = have + Nombre + in common, share + Nombre + in common.
    * tener algo en contra de = have + something against.
    * tener Algo fácilmente accesible = have + Nombre + at + Posesivo + fingertips.
    * tener Algo hecho a la medida de uno = have + Nombre + cut out.
    * tener algo muy vivo en la mente de uno = be strong in + mind.
    * tener algo que decir sobre = have + a say in.
    * tener algo que ver con = have + something to do with.
    * tener algo reservado = have + something up + Posesivo + sleeve.
    * tener alguna incidencia en = have + some bearing on.
    * tener alguna posibilidad = have + a fighting chance.
    * tener alguna posibilidad de triunfar = have + a fighting chance.
    * tener alguna relevancia para = have + some bearing on.
    * tener alucinaciones = hallucinate.
    * tener a mano = have at + Posesivo + touch, have + on call, have + to hand, keep within + reach, be to hand.
    * tener ansias de = crave, crave for.
    * tener antecedentes de = have + a track record of.
    * tener antojo de = crave, crave for.
    * tener a + Posesivo + cargo = have + in + Posesivo + charge.
    * tener aspecto = look.
    * tener atrasos = be in arrears.
    * tener aversión a = have + aversion to.
    * tener beneficios = have + benefits.
    * tener buena mano con las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.
    * tener buen apetito = have + a good appetite.
    * tener buenas intenciones = be well-intentioned, mean + well.
    * tener buenas perspectivas para = be well-placed to.
    * tener buen ojo para juzgar a la gente = be a good judge of character.
    * tener bulla = be in a hurry.
    * tener cabida para = hold, accommodate, include, take.
    * tener calentura = have + a temperature, have + a fever.
    * tener características en común = share + similarities.
    * tener cara de muerto = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tener carencias = find + wanting.
    * tener carta blanca = have + carte-blanche.
    * tener causa justificada = have + good cause.
    * tener cautela = proceed + with caution.
    * tener celos = feel + jealous.
    * tener claro = be clear in your mind.
    * tener coherencia = cohere.
    * tener cólicos = be colicky.
    * tener como consecuencia = result (in).
    * tener como equivalente = have + counterpart.
    * tener como motivo central = plan around + Nombre.
    * tener como objetivo = have + as + Posesivo + objective, be in business for.
    * tener como sede = headquarter (at/in).
    * tener compasión de = have + compassion for.
    * tener conocimiento de = be privy to, be aware of.
    * tener consecuencias = have + consequences.
    * tener consecuencias en = have + implication for.
    * tener consecuencias negativas = backfire.
    * tener contacto = have + contact.
    * tener contactos = liaise (with/between).
    * tener controlado a Alguien = have + Nombre + on the run.
    * tener control sobre = have + hold on.
    * tener coraje = pluck up + courage, gather up + courage.
    * tener correlación con = bear + correlation with.
    * tener correspondencia = bear + correspondence (to).
    * tener cosas en común = share + common ground.
    * tener cualidades + Adjetivo = be of + Adjetivo + quality.
    * tener cuidado = exercise + care, exercise + caution, proceed + with caution, watch out, take + caution.
    * tener cuidado con = watch for, beware (of/that), look out for, be wary of.
    * tener cuidado con lo que se dice = say + the right thing.
    * tener cuidado con lo que Uno dice = watch + Posesivo + mouth, watch what + say.
    * tener cuidado de = be careful, be chary of, take + (great) pains to.
    * tener cuidado (de que) = take + care (that).
    * tener cultivos = grow + crops.
    * tener debilidad por = have + a soft spot for.
    * tener delante = have + before.
    * tener demasiada prisa = be in too much of a hurry, be in too much of a rush.
    * tener derecho a = be entitled to, have + a right to, entitle to, have + the right to, have + a say in.
    * tener derecho a expresar + Posesivo + opinión = be entitled to + Posesivo + own opinion.
    * tener derecho de paso = have + the right of way.
    * tener dificultad = struggle, experience + difficulty, be hard pressed.
    * tener dificultad de + Infinitivo = have + difficulty + Gerundio, have + difficulty in + Gerundio.
    * tener dificultad en + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * tener dificultades = have + a hard time, have + a tough time.
    * tener dinero a punta pala = roll in + Dinero.
    * tener dominado a Alguien = have + Nombre + on the run.
    * tener dudas = be doubtful, have + misgivings, have + reservations (about), be suspicious.
    * tener dudas sobre = be ambivalent about.
    * tener efecto = take + effect, have + effect.
    * tener efecto sobre = impinge on/upon.
    * tener el atrevimiento de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener el corazón de un león = have + the heart of a lion.
    * tener el deber de = have + a responsibility to.
    * tener el derecho de = have + the right to.
    * tener el descaro de = have + the gall to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener el destino de = suffer + the fate of.
    * tener el estatus profesional de + Nombre = have + Nombre + status.
    * tener el gusto de = take + pleasure.
    * tener el hábito de = have + the habit of.
    * tener el honor de = have + the honour of.
    * tener el lujo = have + luxury.
    * tener el mando = rule + the roost.
    * tener el mejor aspecto posible = look + Posesivo + best.
    * tener el mismo destino = suffer + the same fate.
    * tener el mono = suffer from + withdrawal symptoms.
    * tener el placer de = take + pleasure.
    * tener el plazo cumplido = be due.
    * tener el plazo vencido = be overdue.
    * tener el poder = be the boss, call + the shots, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * tener el poder de = have + the power to.
    * tener el toque mágico = have + the magic touch.
    * tener el valor = have + the courage.
    * tener el valor de = have + the guts to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener en común = hold in + common, tread + common ground.
    * tener en común con = partake (in/of).
    * tener en consideración = take into + consideration, take into + consideration.
    * tener en cuenta = allow for, bear in + mind, cater for/to, consider (as), heed, make + allowances, take + account of, take + cognisance of, take + cognition of, take into + account, take into + consideration, make + provision for, bring into + play, give + an ear to, factor, have + regard for, factor in, be aware of, note, keep in + mind.
    * tener en cuenta las posibilidades de Algo = consider + possibilities.
    * tener en cuenta un punto de vista = take into + account + viewpoint, contemplate + view.
    * tener en funcionamiento = have + in effect.
    * tener en gran estima = have + a very high regard for.
    * tener en mente = bear in + mind, have + in mind, keep in + mind.
    * tener en observación = hold under + observation, keep under + observation.
    * tener en reserva = hold in + reserve.
    * tener entre manos = be up to.
    * tener envidia de = envy.
    * tener errores = be flawed.
    * tener éxito = achieve + success, be successful, get + anywhere, meet + success, prove + successful, succeed, attain + appeal, be a success, find + success, come up + trumps, prove + trumps, take off, meet with + success, hit + the big time, be popular, go + strong.
    * tener éxito en el mundo = succeed in + the world.
    * tener éxito en la vida = succeed in + life, get on in + life.
    * tener expectativas = hold + expectations, have + expectations.
    * tener experiencia = have + experience.
    * tener fácilmente accesible = have at + Posesivo + touch.
    * tener fallos = be flawed.
    * tener fe = have + faith (in).
    * tener fe en = have + faith (in).
    * tener fiebre = have + a temperature, have + a fever.
    * tener fijación por = be hipped (on/to), get hipped (on/to).
    * tener flatulencia = pass + gas, break + wind, pass + wind.
    * tener forma + Adjetivo = be + Adjetivo + in shape.
    * tener frenillo = lisp.
    * tener fundamento para pensar que = have + reason to believe that.
    * tener futuro = have + potential, there + be + a future for/in, have + a future.
    * tener ganada la mitad de la batalla = be half the battle.
    * tener ganada sólo la mitad de la batalla = be only half the battle.
    * tener ganas de = be keen to, have + an/the inclination to.
    * tener ganas de + Infinitivo = feel like + Gerundio.
    * tener gancho = be engaging.
    * tener gastos = incur + costs.
    * tener gastos generales = incur + overheads.
    * tener gran éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener gran importancia = be of high significance.
    * tener gran repercusión = be far reaching.
    * tener hambre = be hungry, feel + hungry.
    * tener hambre después del esfuerzo = work up + an appetite.
    * tener hijos = father + children, have + children.
    * tener hipo = hiccup.
    * tener horario ajustado = be under time constraint.
    * tener horror a = loathe, hate.
    * tener idea = have + a clue.
    * tener impacto = make + impact.
    * tener impacto (sobre) = have + impact (on).
    * tener implicaciones para = have + implication for.
    * tener importancia = carry + weight, have + high profile, be of consequence.
    * tener indigestión = have + indigestion.
    * tener influencias = have + pull.
    * tener influencia sobre = have + hold on.
    * tener iniciativa = be proactive.
    * tener intereses en = have + a stake in.
    * tener intereses en juego = have + invested.
    * tener interés por = have + an interest in.
    * tener interés por/en = be interested in.
    * tener inventiva = be inventive.
    * tener jurisdicción = have + jurisdiction (over).
    * tener la autoridad = have + mandate.
    * tener la bragueta abierta = fly + be undone.
    * tener la capacidad de = have + the potential (to/for).
    * tener la cara de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la cara descompuesta = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tener la categoría profesional de + Nombre = hold + Nombre + rank, have + Nombre + rank, enjoy + Nombre + rank.
    * tener la certeza de = feel + confident.
    * tener la certeza de que = rest + assured that.
    * tener la conciencia limpia = have + a clear conscience.
    * tener la conciencia tranquila = have + a clear conscience.
    * tener la convicción = it + be + Posesivo + understanding.
    * tener la costumbre de = have + a habit of, have + the habit of.
    * tener la costumbre de + Infinitivo = be in the habit of + Gerundio.
    * tener la cuenta bancaria = bank.
    * tener la culpa (por/de) = be at fault (for/to).
    * tener la culpa de Algo que se ha causado Uno mismo = be of + Posesivo + own making.
    * tener la desfachatez de = have + the gall to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la desvergüenza de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la doble función = double as, double up as.
    * tener la facultad de = have + powers to.
    * tener la fama de = have + a good record for.
    * tener la fecha de + Fecha = be dated + Fecha.
    * tener la frescura de = have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la función de = be in the business of.
    * tener la impresión = have + the impression, get + the impression.
    * tener la impresión de que = get + the feeling that.
    * tener la intención de = be intended to, intend, mean.
    * tener la intención de + Infinitivo = set out to + Infinitivo.
    * tener la libertad de = be at liberty to, feel + free to.
    * tener la libertard de/para = have + the latitude to.
    * tener la malafortuna de = have + the misfortune to.
    * tener la mirada perdida = stare into + space, gaze into + space.
    * tener la misma importancia = carry + equal weight.
    * tener la obligación de = be under the obligation to.
    * tener la ocasión de = have + opportunity to.
    * tener la oficina central en = headquarter (at/in).
    * tener la opinión = it + be + Posesivo + understanding.
    * tener la oportunidad = have + the opportunity.
    * tener la oportunidad de = get + (a/the) + chance to, have + opportunity to, get + a chance to.
    * tener la osadía de = have + the gall to, have + the nerve(s) to, have + the cheek to.
    * tener la paciencia del santo Job = have + the patience of Job.
    * tener la paciencia de un santo = have + the patience of a saint.
    * tener la posibilidad de = have + chance.
    * tener la potestad = have + mandate.
    * tener la potestad de = have + the power to, have + the right to.
    * tener lapsus = have + lapses.
    * tener la reputación de ser = be well known for.
    * tener la responsabilidad = charge, undertake + burden.
    * tener la responsabilidad de = have + the responsibility of.
    * tener la sartén por el mango = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * tener la seguridad de = have + the security of.
    * tener la seguridad de que = rest + assured that.
    * tener la sensación de que = have + a gut feeling that.
    * tener las mismas prerrogativas = have + an equal voice in.
    * tener las riendas de = hold + the reins of.
    * tener las riendas del poder = hold + the reins of power.
    * tener lástima = pity.
    * tener lástima de = take + pity on.
    * tener la tentación de = be tempted to.
    * tener la última palabra = have + the ultimate say, have + the final say, call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * tener la vista cansada = need + reading glasses.
    * tenerle manía a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * tenerle rabia a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * tenerle tirria a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * tener libertad = have + freedom.
    * tener libertad sobre = have + wide discretion over.
    * tenerlo crudo = not be easy.
    * tenerlo difícil = not be easy, not be easy.
    * tenerlo duro = not be easy.
    * tenerlo fácil = have + an easy ride.
    * tener lo mejor de ambos mundos = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tener lo mejor de los dos mundos = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tener lo que hace falta = have + what it takes.
    * tener lo que hay que tener = have + what it takes.
    * tener lo que se necesita = have + what it takes.
    * tener los días contados = day + be + numbered, be doomed, doomed, be dead meat, the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * tener los nervios de punta = have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * tener los nervios en el estómago = have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * tener los pies firmemente en el suelo = feet + be + firmly planted on the ground.
    * tenerlo todo = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * tener lugar = take + place, go on, come to + pass.
    * tener madera de = be cut out for.
    * tener mala fama por = hold in + disrepute, be infamous for.
    * tener malas conexiones con = have + poor connections with.
    * tener malas intenciones = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * tener mal de amores = be lovesick.
    * tener mal ojo para juzgar a la gente = be a bad judge of character.
    * tener más paciencia que el santo Job = have + the patience of Job.
    * tener más paciencia que un santo = have + the patience of a saint.
    * tener mérito = be meritorious.
    * tener miedo = be afraid, be in fear, frighten.
    * tener miedo a = be scared of.
    * tener miedo a Alguien = regard + Nombre + with fear.
    * tener motivo = be right.
    * tener motivo justificado = have + good cause.
    * tener motivo para = have + cause to.
    * tener movilidad = be mobile.
    * tener mucha distancia que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucha ilusión = be thrilled.
    * tener mucha personalidad = be full of character.
    * tener mucho camino que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucho carácter = be full of character.
    * tener mucho cuidado = be extra vigilant.
    * tener mucho éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener mucho interés en = have + a high stake in.
    * tener mucho interés por = be keen to.
    * tener mucho que ver con = have + a great deal to do with.
    * tener mucho tiempo libre = have + plenty of time to spare.
    * tener muy mala cara = look like + death warmed (over/up).
    * tener niños = have + children.
    * tener + Nombre = be not without + Nombre.
    * tener noticias de = hear from.
    * tener + Número + Período de Tiempo = be + Período de Tiempo + old.
    * tener obligación = have + obligation.
    * tener obsesión con = be hipped (on/to), get hipped (on/to).
    * tener ojeras = have + bags under + Posesivo + eyes.
    * tener ojos en la nuca = have + eyes in the back of + Posesivo + head.
    * tener opinión = take + view.
    * tener paciencia = be patient.
    * tener paciencia con = bear with + Pronombre.
    * tener palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.
    * tener paralelo = have + parallel.
    * tener pelos en la lengua = mince + words.
    * tener pérdidas = make + a loss.
    * tener perplejo = stump.
    * tener plena conciencia de = be fully aware of.
    * tener poca información = be information poor.
    * tener pocas luces = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush, knucklehead.
    * tener pocas posibilidades de = have + little recourse.
    * tener poco que ver = have + little to do.
    * tener poco valor = be of little value.
    * tener por costumbre + Infinitivo = be in the habit of + Gerundio.
    * tener por término medio = average.
    * tener posibilidades = stand + chance, be in with a chance.
    * tener potencial = have + potential.
    * tener precaución de = be chary of.
    * tener precedencia = take + priority.
    * tener preferencia = be preferential, have + the right of way.
    * tener preferencia (sobre) = take + precedence (over).
    * tener presente = be mindful of/that, bear in + mind, consider (as), keep in + focus, keep in + mind, make + consideration, mind, make + provision for, have + regard for, be aware of.
    * tener presente las posibilidades de Algo = consider + possibilities.
    * tener prioridad = trump.
    * tener prisa = be in a hurry.
    * tener problema con Algo = experience + trouble with.
    * tener problemas = have + problems.
    * tener problemas con = fall + foul of, run + afoul of problems, run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * tener problemas con la ley = fall + foul of the law, go + afoul of the law, fall + afoul of the law.
    * tener programado su comienzo = be scheduled to start.
    * tener programado su finalización = be scheduled for completion.
    * tener pros y contras = be a mixed blessing.
    * tener que = have to, hafta [have to].
    * tener que aguantar Algo = be stuck with, get + stuck with.
    * tener que arreglárselas solo = leave (up) to + Posesivo + own resources, leave to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * tener que cargar con = be stuck with, saddle with, get + stuck with.
    * tener que cargar con el peso de = be burdened with.
    * tener que cargar con el peso de la tradición = be burdened with + tradition.
    * tener que competir con = face + competition from.
    * tener + que felicitar a Alguien = have to hand it to + Nombre.
    * tener que ocurrir = be boun

    * * *
    tener [ E27 ]
    ■ tener (verbo transitivo)
    A poseer, disponer de
    1 llevar encima
    2 llevar puesto
    C actividades, obligaciones
    1 señalando características
    2 expresando edad
    3 con idea de posibilidad
    E dar a luz
    A sujetar, sostener
    B tomar
    A recibir
    1 sentir
    2 refiriéndose a síntomas
    3 refiriéndose a sucesos
    C refiriéndose a actitudes
    A indicando estado, situación
    B tener algo/a alguien por algo
    ■ tener (verbo auxiliar)
    1 tener que: obligación
    2 tener que: propósito
    B tener que: certeza
    A con participio pasado
    B en expresiones de tiempo
    ■ tenerse (verbo pronominal)
    A sostenerse
    B tenerse por algo
    [El uso de `got' en frases como `I've got a new dress' está mucho más extendido en el inglés británico que en el americano. Éste prefiere la forma `I have a new dress']
    A (poseer, disponer de) ‹dinero/trabajo/tiempo› to have
    ése ya lo tengo I already have that one, I've already got that one
    ¿tienen hijos? do they have any children?, have they got any children?
    tiene un sueldo muy bueno she earns a very good salary, she is on a very good salary
    no tenemos aceitunas we don't have any olives, we haven't got any olives
    no tenía bastante dinero I didn't have enough money
    no tengo a quién recurrir I have o I've got nobody to turn to
    tú no tienes idea de lo que fue you've no idea o you can't imagine what it was like
    aquí tienes al autor del delito here's o this is the culprit
    ¡ahí tienes! ¿ves cómo no se los puede dejar solos? there you are! you see how they can't be left on their own?
    ¿conque ésas tenemos? so that's the way things are, is it?
    no tenerlas todas consigo ( fam): no sé, no las tengo todas conmigo I don't know, I'm not entirely sure o I'm not a hundred percent sure o I'm not at all sure
    tenerla con algn (CS fam); to have it in for sb ( colloq)
    tenerla con algo (CS fam); to keep o go on about sth ( colloq)
    1 (llevar encima) to have
    ¿tienes cambio de $100? do you have change for $100?
    no tengo un lápiz I don't have a pencil (on me), I haven't got a pencil (on me)
    ¿tiene hora? have you got the time?, could you tell me the time?
    2 (llevar puesto) to be wearing, have on
    ¡qué traje más elegante tienes! that's a smart suit you're wearing o you have on!
    C (hablando de actividades, obligaciones) to have
    esta noche tengo una fiesta I'm going to o I have a party tonight
    los viernes tenemos gimnasia we have keep-fit on Fridays
    tenemos invitados a cenar we have o we've got some people coming to dinner
    tengo un par de camisas que planchar I have o I've got a couple of shirts to iron
    1 [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] (señalando características, atributos) to have
    tiene los ojos castaños/el pelo largo she has o she's got brown eyes/long hair
    tiene mucho tacto/valor he's very tactful/brave
    tiene habilidad para esas cosas he's very good at that sort of thing
    tiene sus defectos he has o he's got his faults
    la habitación tiene mucha luz the room is very light o gets a lot of light
    tiene cuatro metros de largo por tres de ancho it is four meters long and three meters wide
    ¿cuánto tienes de cintura? what's your waist measurement?
    tiene mucho de su padre he's very much like his father, he takes after his father
    tener algo DE algo:
    ¿y eso qué tiene de malo? and what's (so) bad about that?
    no tiene nada de extraño there's nothing strange about it
    le lleva 15 años — ¿y eso qué tiene? ( AmL fam); she's 15 years older than he is — so what does that matter?
    (expresando edad): ¿cuántos años tienes? how old are you?
    tengo cuarenta años I'm forty (years old)
    tengo edad para ser tu padre I'm old enough to be your father
    el televisor ya tiene muchos años the television set is very old
    (con idea de posibilidad): no creo que tenga arreglo I don't think it can be fixed, I think it's beyond repair
    el problema no tiene solución there is no solution to the problem, the problem is insoluble
    E (dar a luz) to have
    tener un niño or hijo or bebé to have a child o baby
    A (sujetar, sostener) to hold
    sube, que yo te tengo la escalera go on up, I'll hold the ladder for you
    ¿me tienes esto un minuto? could you hold this for a minute?
    tenlo derecho hold it upright
    (tomar): ten la llave take the key, here's the key
    A (recibir) to have
    hace un mes que no tenemos noticias de él we haven't heard from him for a month
    la propuesta tuvo una acogida favorable the proposal was favorably received
    tuvo una gran decepción/sorpresa it was a terrible disappointment/a big surprise for her
    (sentir): tengo hambre/sueño/frío I'm hungry/tired/cold
    tiene celos de su hermano she's jealous of her brother
    no tiene interés por nada she's not interested in anything
    le tengo mucho cariño a esta casa I'm very fond of this house
    tengo el placer/honor de anunciar … it gives me great pleasure/I have the honor to announce …
    ¿qué tienes? ¿por qué lloras? what's wrong? o what's the matter? why are you crying?
    2 (refiriéndose a síntomas, enfermedades) to have
    tengo un dolor de cabeza horrible I have o I've got a terrible headache
    ¿has tenido las paperas? have you had mumps?
    está enfermo, pero no saben qué tiene he's ill, but they don't know what it is o what he's got o what's wrong with him
    3 (refiriéndose a sucesos, experiencias) to have
    tuvimos un verano muy bueno we had a very good summer
    tuve un sueño espantoso I had a terrible dream
    que tengas buen viaje have a good trip
    tuve una discusión con él I had an argument with him
    (refiriéndose a actitudes): ten un poco más de respeto have a little more respect
    ten paciencia/cuidado be patient/careful
    tuvo la gentileza de prestármelo she was kind enough to lend it to me
    tuvo la precaución de llamar antes de ir she had the foresight to phone before she went
    bien2 adv G. (↑ bien (2))
    A (indicando estado, situación) (+ compl):
    el sofá tiene el tapizado sucio the upholstery on the sofa is dirty
    la mesa tiene una pata rota one of the table legs is broken
    tenía el suéter puesto al revés he had his sweater on back to front
    tengo las manos sucias my hands are dirty
    tenía los ojos cerrados she had her eyes closed
    lo tengo escondido I have it hidden away
    ya lo tiene roto it's already broken o he's broken it already
    la tuvo engañada mucho tiempo he was cheating on her for a long time
    lo tiene dominado she has him under her thumb
    eso me tiene muy preocupada I'm very worried about that
    me tuvo escribiendo a máquina toda la tarde she had me typing all afternoon
    nos tuvo allí esperando una hora he kept us waiting there for an hour
    a la pobre la tienen de sirvienta they treat the poor girl like a maid
    tengo a la niña enferma my little girl's sick
    ¿en qué mano lo tengo? which hand is it in?
    B (considerar) tener algo/a algn POR algo:
    se lo tiene por el mejor hospital del país it is supposed to be o it is considered (to be) the best hospital in the country
    lo tienen por buen cirujano he's held to be o he's considered (to be) a good surgeon
    siempre lo tuve por tímido I always thought he was shy
    ten por seguro que lo hará rest assured o you can be sure he'll do it
    1 (expresando obligación, necesidad) tener QUE + INF:
    tengo que terminarlo hoy I have to o I must finish it today
    tienes que comer más, estás muy delgada you must eat more, you're very thin
    no tienes más que apretar este botón all you have to do is press this button
    no tienes que estar allí hasta las nueve you don't have to be there until nine
    no tengo por qué darte cuentas a ti I don't have to explain anything to you, I don't owe you any explanations
    no tienes que comer tanto (no debes) you mustn't eat so much; (no hace falta) you don't have to eat that much, there's no need to eat that much
    tendría que cambiarme, no puedo ir así I'd have to o I ought to o I should change, I can't go like this
    2 (expresando propósito, recomendación) tener QUE + INF:
    tenemos que ir a ver esa película we must go and see that movie
    tengo que hacer ejercicio I must get some exercise
    tienes que leerlo, es buenísimo you must read it, it's really good
    B (expresando certeza) tener QUE + INF:
    tiene que estar en este cajón it must be in this drawer
    tiene que haber sido él it must have been him
    tengo que haberlo dejado en casa I must have left it at home
    ¡tú tenías que ser! it had to be you, didn't it?
    ver2 vt I. (↑ ver (2))
    (con participio pasado): ¿tiene previsto asistir al congreso? do you plan to attend the conference?
    ya tenían planeada su estrategia they already had their strategy worked out
    tengo entendido que llega mañana I understand he's arriving tomorrow
    tiene ganado el afecto del público she has won the public's affection
    te tengo dicho que eso no me gusta I've told you before I don't like that
    teníamos pensado irnos el jueves we intended leaving on Thursday
    tiene bastante dinero ahorrado she has quite a lot of money saved up
    ( AmL) (en expresiones de tiempo): cuatro años tenía sin verlo she hadn't seen him for four years
    tienen tres años de casados they've been married for three years
    (sostenerse): no podía tenerse en pie he couldn't stand
    tiene un sueño que no se tiene ( fam); he's out o dead on his feet ( colloq)
    B ( refl) (considerarse) tenerse POR algo:
    se tiene por muy inteligente he considers himself to be o he thinks he is very intelligent
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    tener algo
    tener ( conjugate tener) verbo transitivo El uso de `got' en frases como `I've got a new dress' está mucho más extendido en el inglés británico que en el americano. Este prefiere la forma `I have a new dress'
    a) (poseer, disponer de) ‹dinero/trabajo/tiempo to have;

    no tenemos pan we don't have any bread, we haven't got any bread;
    tiene el pelo largo she has o she's got long hair
    b) ( llevar encima) ‹lápiz/cambio to have;

    ¿tiene hora? have you got the time?

    c) (hablando de actividades, obligaciones) to have;

    tengo invitados a cenar I have o I've got some people coming to dinner;

    tengo cosas que hacer I have o I've got things to do
    d) ( dar a luz) ‹bebé/gemelos to have

    a) (señalando características, tamaño) to be;

    tiene un metro de largo it is one meter long;
    le lleva 15 años — ¿y eso qué tiene? (AmL fam) she's 15 years older than he isso what does that matter?

    ¿cuántos años tienes? how old are you?;

    tengo veinte años I'm twenty (years old)
    a) (sujetar, sostener) to hold;

    b) ( tomar):

    ten la llave take o here's the key

    a) ( sentir):

    tengo hambre/frío I'm hungry/cold;

    le tengo mucho cariño I'm very fond of him;
    tengo el placer de … it gives me great pleasure to …
    b) ( refiriéndose a enfermedades) ‹gripe/cáncer to have;

    tengo dolor de cabeza I have o I've got a headache

    c) ( refiriéndose a experiencias) ‹discusión/accidente to have;

    5 ( refiriéndose a actitudes):

    ten paciencia/cuidado be patient/careful;
    tiene mucho tacto he's very tactful
    6 (indicando estado, situación):

    tengo las manos sucias my hands are dirty;
    tienes el cinturón desabrochado your belt's undone;
    me tiene muy preocupada I'm very worried about it
    tener v aux
    1 tener que hacer algo
    a) (expresando obligación, necesidad) to have (got) to do sth;

    tengo que estudiar hoy I have to o I must study today;

    tienes que comer más you ought to eat more
    b) (expresando propósito, recomendación):

    tendrías que llamarlo you should ring him

    ¡tú tenías que ser! it had to be you!
    2 ( con participio pasado):
    tengo entendido que sí viene I understand he is coming;

    te tengo dicho que … I've told you before (that) …;
    teníamos pensado irnos hoy we intended leaving today
    3 (AmL) ( en expresiones de tiempo):

    tenía un año sin verlo she hadn't seen him for a year
    tenerse verbo pronominal ( sostenerse):

    no tenerse de sueño to be dead on one's feet
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (poseer, disfrutar) to have, have got: tengo muy buena memoria, I have a very good memory
    no tiene coche, he hasn't got a car
    tiene dos hermanas, he has two sisters
    tiene mucho talento, he's very talented
    no tenemos suficiente dinero, we don't have enough money
    (ser dueño de) to own: tiene una cadena de hoteles, he owns a chain of hotels ➣ Ver nota en have 2 (contener) to contain: esta bebida no tiene alcohol, this drink doesn't contain alcohol
    3 (asir, sujetar) to hold: la tenía en brazos, she was carrying her in her arms
    4 (hospedar) tiene a su suegra en casa, his mother-in-law is staying with them
    5 (juzgar, considerar) la tengo por imposible, I regard her as a hopeless case
    nos tienen por tontos, they think we are stupid
    tenlo por seguro, you can be sure
    6 (pasar el tiempo de cierta manera) to have: he tenido un día espantoso, I've had a dreadful day
    7 (padecer, sentir) tiene celos, he's jealous
    tengo hambre/sed, I'm hungry/thirsty
    ten paciencia conmigo, be patient with me
    tengo un dolor de cabeza terrible, I have a terrible headache
    8 (profesar) to have: me tiene cariño, he is very fond of me
    no le tengo ningún respeto, I have no respect for him
    9 (años, tiempo) to be: el bebé tiene ocho días, the baby is eight days old
    (medidas) la cama tiene metro y medio de ancho, the bed is one and a half metres wide
    10 (mantener) to keep: no sabe tener la boca cerrada, she can't keep her mouth shut
    nos tuvo dos horas esperando, he kept us waiting for two hours
    tiene su habitación muy ordenada, he keeps his room very tidy
    me tiene preocupada, I'm worried about him
    11 ( tener que + infinitivo) tengo que hacerlo, I must do it
    tienes que tomarte las pastillas, you have to take your pills
    tendrías que habérselo dicho, you ought to have told her ➣ Ver nota en must
    II verbo aux to have: mira que te lo tengo dicho veces, I've told you time and time again
    Tener tiene dos traducciones básicas: to have o to have got. Esta segunda se usa casi únicamente para expresar posesión y solo en el presente: Tengo un coche nuevo. I have got a new car.
    La primera se usa en sentido más general: Va a tener un problema. He's going to have a problem. Recuerda que la forma interrogativa de I have got es have I got?, mientras que la forma interrogativa de I have es do I have?
    Cuando tener significa sentir, se traduce por el verbo to be: Tengo hambre. I am hungry.

    ' tener' also found in these entries:
    - abuela
    - abundar
    - acarrear
    - accidente
    - acostumbrar
    - admirar
    - adolecer
    - agobiarse
    - añorar
    - antena
    - apetecer
    - apremiar
    - aptitud
    - arcada
    - arte
    - banco
    - bombera
    - bombero
    - burbuja
    - cabida
    - cabronada
    - cacao
    - caer
    - cagalera
    - calor
    - cantar
    - capaz
    - carácter
    - carrete
    - celebrarse
    - céntimo
    - certeza
    - certidumbre
    - ciega
    - ciego
    - conciencia
    - conllevar
    - consecuencia
    - constar
    - contingente
    - corazón
    - correa
    - correrse
    - cosa
    - cosquillas
    - costar
    - creer
    - cruda
    - crudo
    - accommodate
    - act
    - add up
    - afraid
    - agree
    - aim to
    - allow for
    - allowance
    - approve of
    - around
    - associate
    - attached
    - augment
    - authoritarian
    - ax
    - axe
    - barrel
    - be
    - bear
    - bear with
    - bearing
    - begrudge
    - believe in
    - belong
    - beware
    - boast
    - bone
    - boomerang
    - breathing space
    - broody
    - brush
    - butterfly
    - calculate
    - careful
    - celebrate
    - clash
    - clever
    - come off
    - command
    - connected
    - conscience
    - consider
    - consideration
    - count
    - crash
    - date
    - daunt
    - debt
    - depend
    * * *
    1. [poseer, disfrutar de] [objeto, cualidad, elemento, parentesco] to have;
    no tengo televisor/amigos I haven't got o I don't have a television/any friends;
    ¿tienes un bolígrafo? have you got o do you have a pen?;
    ¿tiene usted hora? have you got the time?;
    tenemos un mes para terminarlo we've got a month in which to finish it;
    tiene el pelo corto, ojos azules y gafas she has (got) short hair, blue eyes and she wears glasses;
    muchos no tienen trabajo o [m5] empleo a lot of people are out of work;
    el documental no tiene mucho interés the documentary is not very interesting;
    ¿cuántas habitaciones tiene? how many rooms has it got o does it have?;
    ¿tienes hermanos? have you got o do you have any brothers or sisters?;
    tengo un hermano I've got o I have a brother;
    tener un niño to have a baby;
    no tienen hijos they haven't got o don't have any children;
    RP Fam
    tener algo a bocha [en gran cantidad] to have tons o loads of sth;
    ¿conque ésas tenemos?, ¿ahora no quieres ayudar? so that's the deal, is it? you don't want to help now, then;
    no las tiene todas consigo he is not too sure about it;
    muy Fam
    tenerlos bien puestos to have guts;
    tanto tienes, tanto vales you are what you own
    2. [padecer, realizar, experimentar] to have;
    tener fiebre to have a temperature;
    tiene cáncer/el sida she has (got) cancer/AIDS;
    doctor, ¿qué tengo? what's wrong with me, doctor?;
    no tienes nada (grave) it's nothing (serious), there's nothing (seriously) wrong with you;
    tuvieron una pelea/reunión they had a fight/meeting;
    tengo las vacaciones en agosto my holidays are in August;
    mañana no tenemos clase we don't have to go to school tomorrow, there's no school tomorrow;
    ¡que tengan buen viaje! have a good journey!;
    no he tenido un buen día I haven't had a good day;
    tiene lo que se merece she's got what she deserves
    3. [medida, años, sensación, sentimiento] to be;
    tiene 3 metros de ancho it's 3 metres wide;
    ¿cuántos años tienes? how old are you?;
    tiene diez años she's ten (years old);
    tengo tres años aquí I've been here for three years;
    tener hambre/miedo to be hungry/afraid;
    tener suerte/mal humor to be lucky/bad-tempered;
    tengo un dolor de espalda terrible I have a terrible backache;
    tengo alergia al polvo I'm allergic to dust;
    me tienen cariño/envidia they're fond/jealous of me;
    le tiene lástima he feels sorry for her;
    tengo ganas de llorar I feel like crying
    4. [hallarse o hacer estar en cierto estado]
    tenía la cara pálida her face was pale;
    tienes una rueda pinchada you've got a Br puncture o US flat;
    tienes la corbata torcida your tie isn't straight;
    me tuvo despierto it kept me awake;
    eso la tiene despistada/preocupada that has her confused/worried;
    esto la tendrá ocupada un rato this will keep her busy for a while;
    un psicópata tiene atemorizada a la población a psychopath is terrorizing the population;
    nos tuvieron una hora en comisaría they kept us at the police station for an hour;
    me tuvo esperando una hora she kept me waiting an hour;
    nos tuvieron toda la noche viendo vídeos they made us watch videos all night;
    la tienen como o [m5] de encargada en un restaurante she's employed as a manageress in a restaurant
    5. [sujetar] to hold;
    tenlo por el asa hold it by the handle;
    ¿puedes tenerme esto un momento? could you hold this for me a minute?;
    ten los brazos en alto hold your arms up high
    6. [tomar]
    ten el libro que me pediste here's the book you asked me for;
    ¡aquí tienes!, ¡ten! here you are!;
    ahí tienes la respuesta there's your answer
    7. [recibir] [mensaje, regalo, visita, sensación] to get;
    tuve una carta suya I got o had a letter from her;
    el que llegue primero tendrá un premio whoever arrives first will get a prize;
    tendrás noticias mías you'll hear from me;
    tenemos invitados/a la familia a cenar we've got guests/the family over for dinner;
    tendrá una sorpresa he'll get a surprise;
    tenía/tuve la impresión de que… I had/got the impression that…;
    tuve una verdadera desilusión I was really disappointed
    8. [valorar, estimar]
    tener en mucho/poco a alguien to think a lot/not to think very much of sb;
    me tienen por tonto they think I'm stupid;
    tener a bien hacer algo to be kind enough to do sth;
    les ruego tengan a bien considerar mi candidatura para el puesto de… I would be grateful if you would consider my application for the post of…
    9. [guardar, contener] to keep;
    ¿dónde tienes las joyas/el dinero? where do you keep the jewels/money?;
    ¿dónde tendré las gafas? where can my glasses be?;
    la botella tenía un mensaje the bottle had a message inside;
    esta cuenta no tiene fondos there are no funds in this account
    10. RP Fam
    tenerla con algo/alguien to go on about sth/sb;
    ¡cómo la tenés con tu vecino! you're always going on about your neighbour!;
    ¡cómo la tiene con el auto que se va a comprar! he's always going on about the car he's going to buy!;
    ¡cómo la tiene el jefe contigo! the boss really has it in for you!
    v aux
    1. [antes de participio] [haber]
    teníamos pensado ir al teatro we had thought of going to the theatre, we had intended to go to the theatre;
    ¿cuánto tienes hecho de la tesis? how much of your thesis have you (got) done?;
    te tengo dicho que no pises los charcos I've told you before not to step in puddles;
    tengo entendido que se van a casar I understand (that) they are going to get married
    tener que: [indica obligación] [m5] tener que hacer algo to have to do sth;
    tenía/tuve que hacerlo I had to do it;
    ¿tienes que irte? do you have to go?, have you got to go?;
    tienes que esforzarte más you must try harder;
    tiene que ser así it has to be this way;
    tenemos que salir de aquí we have (got) to o need to get out of here, we must get out of here;
    teníamos que haber hecho esto antes we should have o ought to have done this before;
    no tienes que disculparte you needn't apologize, you don't need to apologize;
    si quieres algo, no tienes más que pedirlo if you want something, all you have to do is ask;
    no tienes por qué venir, si no quieres you don't have to come if you don't want to
    tener que: [indica propósito, consejo] [m5] tenemos que ir a cenar un día we ought to o should go for dinner some time;
    tienes que ir a ver esa película you must see that movie;
    tenías que haber visto cómo corría you should have seen him run;
    tendrías que dejar de fumar you ought to give up smoking
    tener que: [indica probabilidad] [m5] ya tienen que haber llegado they must have o should have arrived by now;
    las llaves tienen que andar por aquí the keys must be round here somewhere;
    tendría que haber terminado hace rato she should have o ought to have finished some time ago;
    tenía que ser él, no podía ser otro it had to be him, it couldn't have been anyone else
    tener que ver: tener que ver con algo/alguien to have to do with sth/sb;
    actitudes que tienen que ver con la falta de educación attitudes which are related to a lack of education;
    se apellida Siqueiros, pero no tiene que ver con el pintor his surname is Siqueiros, but he's got nothing to do with the painter;
    ¿qué tiene eso que ver conmigo? what has that got to do with me?;
    no tener nada que ver con algo/alguien to have nothing to do with sth/sb;
    lo que digo no tiene nada que ver con eso what I'm saying has nothing to do with that;
    aunque los dos vinos sean Rioja, no tienen nada que ver even if both wines are Riojas, there's no comparison between them;
    ¿qué tiene que ver que sea mujer para que haga bien su trabajo? what's her being a woman got to do with whether or not she does a good job?;
    es un poco tarde, ¿no? – ¿y qué tiene que ver? it's a bit late, isn't it? – so what?;
    tener que ver en algo to be involved in sth;
    dicen que la CIA tuvo que ver en ello rumour has it the CIA were involved;
    ¿has tenido tú algo que ver en esto? have you had something to do with this?
    * * *
    1 have;
    tener 10 años be 10 (years old);
    tener un metro de ancho/largo be one meter wide/long o in width/length
    ha tenido un niño she’s had a little boy
    tener a alguien por algo regard s.o. as sth, consider s.o. to be sth
    tengo que madrugar I must get up early, I have to o I’ve got to get up early;
    tuve que madrugar I had to get up early
    conque ¿esas tenemos? so that’s how it is o things stand, eh?;
    no tuvo a bien saludarme he did not see fit to greet me;
    no las tengo todas conmigo fam I’m not one hundred per cent sure;
    eso me tiene nervioso that makes me nervous
    * * *
    tener {80} vt
    1) : to have
    tiene ojos verdes: she has green eyes
    tengo mucho que hacer: I have a lot to do
    tiene veinte años: he's twenty years old
    tiene un metro de largo: it's one meter long
    2) : to hold
    ten esto un momento: hold this for a moment
    3) : to feel, to make
    tengo frío: I'm cold
    eso nos tiene contentos: that makes us happy
    tener por : to think, to consider
    me tienes por loco: you think I'm crazy
    tener v aux
    tener que : to have to
    tengo que salir: I have to leave
    tiene que estar aquí: it has to be here, it must be here
    tenía pensado escribirte: I've been thinking of writing to you
    * * *
    tener vb
    1. (en general) to have
    En el presente, sobre todo en inglés hablado, se puede emplear have got en vez de have, por ejemplo, have you got any brothers or sisters?
    2. (edad, tamaño) to be
    tener que ver to have to do with / to concern
    no tiene nada que ver contigo it's got nothing to do with you / it doesn't concern you

    Spanish-English dictionary > tener

  • 10 set

    1. I
    1) the sun is setting солнце садится /заходит/
    2) his power has begun to set его могущество /власть/ слабеет; his star has set его звезда закатилась; his glory has set его слава померкла
    3) cement has set цемент схватился /затвердел/; the glue did not set клей не засох; the jelly has set желе застыло; blood (the white of the egg, etc.) set кровь и т.д. свернулась; the milk set молоко свернулось /створожилось/; all his muscles set все его мускулы напряглись; his face set его лицо-окаменело /застыло/
    4) young trees set молодые деревца принялись; the blossoms were abundant but they failed to set цветение было бурным, но плоды не завязались
    2. II
    1) set at some time the sun sets early (late, etc.) солнце заходит рано и т.д.; set in some manner the sun sets slowly солнце медленно садится
    3) set at some time the jelly hasn't set yet желе еще не застыло; set in some manner cement (mortar, glue, etc.) sets quickly цемент и т.д. быстро застывает /схватывается/; her hair sets easily ее волосы легко укладывать, у нее послушные волосы; his lips set stubbornly его губы упрямо сжались; his teeth set stubbornly он упрямо стиснул зубы
    3. III
    1) set smth. set a broken bone (dislocated joints, etc.) вправить кость и т.д.; set one's hair укладывать волосы; set the table накрывать на стол; set the stage расставлять декорации; set the scene подготовить обстановку; set the sails а) ставить паруса; б) отправляться в плавание; set a piano настраивать пианино; set a palette подготавливать палитру; set a razor править бритву; set a saw разводить пилу; set a clock (the hands of the watch, the alarm-clock) поставить часы; set the focus of a microscope настроить микроскоп; set a map ориентировать карту
    2) set smb., smth. set guards /sentries, watches/ расставлять часовых /караульных и т.п./; set the guard (the pickets) выставлять караул (пикеты)
    3) set smth. set the wedding day (the time, a date, a price, etc.) назначать день свадьбы и т.д.; set a fine устанавливать размер штрафа; set the course разработать /выработать/ курс; set standards (limits, a time-limit, boundaries, etc.) устанавливать нормы и т.д.; set requirements определять / вырабатывать/ требования; set a punishment наложить взыскание
    4) set smth. set an examination-paper (questions, problems, etc.) составлять письменную экзаменационную работу и т.д.; set a new style (a tone) задавать новый стиль (тон); set the fashion вводить моду; set a new model (a pattern) внедрять новый образец (покрой); set the расе задавать темп; set a record устанавливать рекорд; set a precedent создавать прецедент; set a good (bad) example подавать хороший (дурной) пример
    5) set smth. set a trap (a snare) поставить капкан (силки); set an ambush устроить засаду
    4. IV
    1) set smth. somewhere set the books back положить /поставить/ книги на место; set the chairs back отодвигать стулья; set back one's shoulders расправить плечи; the dog set its ears back собака прижала уши; set the clock (one's watch, the alarm, the hand of the watch, etc.) back one hour перевести часы /отвести часы/ на один час назад; set one's watch forward one hour поставить /перевести/ часы на один час вперед; set a house well (some distance /some way/, a fair distance, etc.) back from the road (from the street, etc.) построить /поставить/ дом вдали и т.д. от дороги и т.д.; set the book (one's knitting, the newspaper, etc.) aside отложить в сторону /отодвинуть/ книгу и т.A; set down one's load (one's suitcase, a box, etc.) опустить свой груз и т.д. (на землю)-, set the tray down поставить (на стол и т.я.) поднос; set the chair upright поднять стул; set smb. somewhere set the dogs apart растащить [дерущихся] собак; set the children apart отделять /изолировать/ детей
    2) set smb., smth. in some direction the current set them (the boat, the ship, etc.) northward (seawards, etc.) течением их и т.д. понесло к северу и т.д.
    5. V
    set smb. smth.
    1) set the boys (the students, the employees, etc.) a difficult job (an easy task, a difficult problem, the job of cleaning the yard, etc.) (заплавать мальчикам и т.д. трудную работу и т.д., set oneself a difficult task ставить перед бабой трудную задачу; set him a sum задавать ему арифметическую задачу; set one's son a goal поставить перед своим сыном цель
    2) set the children (the younger boys, youngsters, other people, etc.) a good example подавать детям и т.д. хороший пример; set smb. smth. to do smth. set smb. a standard /a pattern/ to follow служить для кого-л. образцом, которому надо следовать
    6. VI
    set smth., smb. in some state
    1) set the window (the door, the gates, etc.) open открывать /оставлять открытым/ окно и т.д.; set the door ajar приоткрывать дверь, оставить дверь полуоткрытой; set one's hat (one's tie, one's skirt, etc.) straight поправить шляпу и т.д., надеть шляпу и т.д. как следует; set the prisoners (the bird, etc.) free освобождать /выпускать на свободу, на волю/ узников и т.д.; set the dog loose спускать собаку (с цепи, с поводка и т.п.); a good night's rest will set you right за ночь вы отдохнете и снова будете хорошо себя чувствовать; why didn't you set the boy right? почему же вы не поправили мальчика?; I can soon set that right я могу это быстро уладить или исправить; set errors right исправлять ошибки; it would set him (myself) right in their eyes это оправдает его (меня) в их глазах; set things /matters/ straight /right/ уладить дела; set things ready приводить все в готовность; set smb.'s curiosity agog возбуждать чье-л. любопытство
    7. VII
    1) set smb. to do smth. set the men to chop wood (the men to saw wood, the boys to dig a field, the pupils to work at their algebra, the girl to shell peas, the pupils to sing, etc.) заставлять рабочих колоть дрова и т.д.; I set him to work at mowing the lawn я велел ему /дал ему задание/ постричь газон; я вменил ему в обязанность подстригать газон; whom did you set to do this? кому вы поручили это сделать?; I set myself to study the problem я решил взяться за изучение этого вопроса; he set himself to finish the job by the end of May он твердо решил /поставил себе целью/ закончить работу к концу мая
    2) set smth. to do smth. set a machine (a device, a mechanism, etc.) to work приводить в действие /завалять. запускать/ машину и т.д.; set the alarm clock to wake us at seven заводить будильник, чтобы он поднял нас в семь часов, поставить будильник на семь часов
    3) set smth. to do smth. set a pattern to be followed подавать пример; создавать пример для подражания
    8. VIII
    set smb., smth. doing smth. set everybody (the company, people, me, etc.) thinking (singing, running, etc.) заставить всех и т.д. (при)задуматься и т.д.; set smb. talking а) заставить кого-л. говорить, разговорить кого-л.; I set him talking about the new invention (about the discovery, about marriage, etc.) я навел его на разговор о новом изобретении и т.д.; б) дать кому-л. пищу для разговоров; this incident set people talking этот случай /инцидент/ вызвал всякие пересуды; my jokes set the whole table (the company, the audience, the boys, etc.) laughing мой шутки смешили всех за столом и т.д.; set them wondering вызвать у них удивление; the smoke set her coughing от дыма она закашлялась; who has set the dog barking? кто там прошел?, почему лает собака?; set tongues wagging вызывать толки /пересуды/, давать пищу для сплетен; the news set my heart beating эта новость заставила мое сердце забиться; it's time we set the machinery (the machine, the engine, etc.) going пора запустить механизм и т.д. /привести механизм и т.д. в действие/; when anybody entered the device set the bell ringing когда кто-нибудь входил, срабатывало устройство и звонок начинал звонить; а strong wind set the bells ringing от сильного ветра колокола зазвонили; set a top spinning запускать волчок; а false step will set stones rolling один неверный шаг set и камни покатятся вниз; set a plan going начать осуществление плана; we must set things going надо начинать действовать
    9. XI
    1) be set in (near, round, on, etc.) smth. her house is set well back in the garden (near the road, some way back from the street, on a hill, etc.) ее дом стоит а глубине сада и т.д.; а town (a country-seat, a village, etc.) is set in a woodland (on an island, north of /from/ London, etc.) город и т.д. расположен в лесистой местности и т.д.; а boundary stone is set between two fields поля разделяет межевой камень; а balcony is set round the house вокруг дома идет балкон; the second act (the scene, the play, etc.) is set in ancient Rome (in a street, in Paris, etc.) действие второго акта и т.д. происходит в древнем Риме и т.д.; а screen is set in a wall экран вделан /вмонтирован/ в стену; there was a little door set in a wall в стене была маленькая дверка; а ruby (a diamond, etc.) was set in a buckle (in a gold ring, in an earring, etc.) в пряжку и т.д. был вделан /вставлен/ рубин и т.д.; а ruby is set in gold рубин в золотой оправе /оправлен золотом/; his blue eyes are set deep in a white face на его бледном лице глубоко посажены голубые глаза; the young plants should be set at intervals of six inches эти молодые растения надо сажать на расстоянии шести дюймов [друг от друга]; be set with smth. the coast is set with modem resorts на побережье раскинулось множество современных курортов; the tops of the wall were set with broken glass верхний край стены был утыкан битым стеклом; the room is set with tables and chairs комната заставлена столами и стульями; tables were set with little sprays of blue flowers столы были украшены маленькими букетиками синих цветов: the field was set with daisies поле было усеяно маргаритками; the sky was set with stars небо было усыпано звездами; а bracelet (a ring, a crown, a sword-handle, a valuable ornament, etc.) was set with diamonds (with jewels, with gems, with rubies, with pearls, with precious stones, etc.) браслет и т.д. был украшен /усыпан/ бриллиантами и т.д.; а gold ring set with two fine pearls золотое кольцо с двумя большими жемчужинами
    3) be set on smth., smb. he (his mind, his heart) was set on it ему этого очень хотелось; his heart was set on her a) он любил лишь ее; б) все его помыслы были связаны с ней; be set on doing smth. be set on going to the stage (on coming here again, etc.) твердо решить пойти на сцену и т.д.; be set on going to the sea окончательно решить стать моряком; be set on having a motor bike (on winning, on finding him, etc.) поставить своей целью приобрести мотоцикл и т.д.; be set against smth.,smb. he is set against all reforms (against having electric light in the house, against this marriage, against the trip, etc.) он решительно [настроен] против всяких реформ и т.д.; he is set against her он и слышать о ней не хочет; be set against doing smth. he was violently set against meeting her он упорно отказывался встретиться /от встречи/ с ней /противился встрече с ней/
    4) be set on by smb. she was set on by robbers (by a lot of roughs in the dark, by a dog, etc.) на нее напали грабители и т.д.
    5) be set the table is set стол накрыт; the sails are set паруса подняты; be set for smb., smth. the table is set for six стол накрыт на шесть человек /персон/; the table is set for dinner (for lunch, etc.) стол накрыт к обеду и т.д.; be set in some state slaves (prisoners, hostages, etc.) were set free /at liberty/ рабы и т.д. были освобождены /отпущены на волю/; this must be set in order a) это надо привести в порядок; б) это надо разместить /разложить/ по порядку; the motor was set in motion включили мотор
    6) be set at some time the mortar is already set цемент уже схватился /затвердел/; the jelly is not set yet желе еще не застыло; has the type for the book been set yet? эту книгу уже набрали?; it was all set now теперь все было готово /подготовлено/; be set in some manner his lips (his jaws, his teeth) were firmly set in an effort to control himself он плотно сжал губы (челюсти, зубы), пытаясь овладеть собой; his mind and character are completely set он вполне сформировался /сложился/ как личность; be set to do smth. be set to go there быть готовым пойти туда; two pumps (machines, wheels, etc.) were set to work два насоса и т.д. были включены /приведены в действие/; be set for smth. be set for the talk (for the meeting, for the game, for the journey, etc.) быть готовым к разговору и т.д.; the scene is set for the tragedy (for the drama, for the climax, etc.) события (в книге, в пьесе и т.п.) подводят /подготавливают/ (читателя, зрителя и т.п.) к трагедии и т.д.; he was all set for a brilliant career у него были все задатки для блестящей карьеры
    7) be set over smb. he was set over people ему была дана власть над людьми; he was set over his rivals его ставили выше его соперников
    8) be set against smth. one's expenses must be set against the amount received расходы следует соразмерить с доходами; the advantages must be set against the disadvantages надо учесть все плюсы и минусы; against these gains must be set the loss of prestige оценивая эти выгоды, нельзя забывать об ущербе в связи с потерей престижа; it's no good when theory is set against practice плохо, когда теорию противопоставляют практике; when one language is set against another... когда один язык сравнивают /сопоставляют/ с другим...
    9) be set for some time the examination (the voting, his departure, etc.) is set for today (for May 2, etc.) экзамен и т.д. назначен на сегодня и т.д., the party is all set for Monday at my place решено вечеринку провести в понедельник у меня; the time and date of the meeting have not yet been set дата и время собрания еще не установлены; be set by smth., smb. rules (standards, terms, fees, etc.) are set by a committee (by the law, by the headmaster, etc.) правила и т.д. устанавливаются комиссией и т.д.
    10) be set the list of questions is set список вопросов /вопросник/ составлен; be set for smth. what subjects have been set for the examination next year? какие предметы включены в экзамен на будущий год? || be set to music быть положенным на музыку
    11) be set in smth. the editorial was set in boldface type передовая была набрана жирным шрифтом
    10. XII
    have smth. set we have everything set у нас все готово /подготовлено/; the ship has her sails set корабль поднял паруса; have a place set for a guest поставить прибор для гостя
    11. XIII
    set to do smth. set to dig the garden (to write letters, etc.) начать вскапывать сад и т.д.; the engineers set to repair the bridge инженеры приступили к ремонту моста
    12. XVI
    1) set behind (in, on, etc.) smth. the sun sets behind the western range of mountains солнце садится за горной грядой на западе; the sun sets in the sea солнце садится в море; the sun never sets on our country над нашей страной никогда не заходит солнце; set at (in) smth. the sun sets at five o'clock (in the evening, etc.) солнце заходит в пять часов и т.д.
    2) set against (to, from, etc.) smth. set against the wind (against the current) двигаться, направляться (идти, плыть и т.п.) против ветра (против течения); set against the tide идти против прилива; the wind sets from the south (from the west, from the north-east, etc.) ветер дует с юга и т.д.: the current sets to the west (to the south, through the channel, through the straits, etc.) течение идет на запад и т.д.; the tide has set in his favour ему начинает везти
    3) set against (with) smth., smb. public opinion is setting against this proposal (against this plan, against his visit, against him, etc.) общественное мнение складывается не в пользу этого предложения и т.д.; circumstances were setting with our plan (with him, etc.) обстоятельства складывались благоприятно для осуществления нашего плана и т.д.
    4) set about (upon, on, to) smth. set about the study of mineralogy (about the composition, about it, about one's washing, about one's work, etc.) приниматься /браться/ за изучение минералогии и т.д.; I don't know how to set about this job не знаю, как приступить /как подступиться/ к этой работе; they set upon the task unwillingly они неохотно взялись за выполнение этой задачи; set to work in earnest, set seriously to work серьезно браться за работу; set to work on the problem приняться за работу над этой проблемой; set to work on one's studies начать заниматься, приняться за учение
    5) set up (on) smb. set upon the enemy атаковать противника; а gang of ruffians set on him на него напала шайка хулиганов; they set upon him with blows они набросились на него с кулаками; they set upon us with arguments они обрушились на нас со своими доводами; set about /at/ smb. coll. set about the boys (about the stranger, about the supporters of the other team, at the bully, etc.) набрасываться /налетать, наскакивать/ на мальчишек и т.д.; they set about each other at once они сразу же сцепились друг с другом /начали колошматить друг друга/; I'd set about you myself if I could я бы сам отколотил тебя, если бы мог; I'd set about him with a stick (with the butt of the spade, etc.) if we have any trouble если что [не так], я стукну его палкой и т.д.
    6) set in smth. cement soon sets in dry weather (in the cold, in the sun, etc.) в сухую погоду /когда сухо,/ и т.д. цемент быстро затвердевает /застывает/
    13. XVII
    set about (to) doing smth. set about getting dinner ready (about tidying up the room, about doing one's lessons, about stamp-collecting, late.) приниматься за обед /за приготовление обеда/ и т.д.; I must. set about my packing мне надо [начать] укладываться; he asked me how lie should set about learning German он спросил меня, с чего ему начать изучение немецкого языка; set to arguing (to fighting, to quarrelling. etc.) начинать /приниматься/ спорить и т.д.; they set to packing они стали упаковываться
    14. XXI1
    1) set smth., smb. on (at, against, in, before, for, etc.) smth., smb. set dishes (a lamp, one's glass, etc.) on the table поставить тарелки и т.д. на стол; set a place for the guest поставить прибор для гостя; set food and drink (wine and nuts, meat, a dish, etc.) before guests (before travellers, etc.) поставить еду и напитки и т.д. перед гостями и т.д.; set a table by the window (an armchair before a desk, a floor-lamp beside an armchair, etc.) поставить стол у окна и т.д.; set chairs around (at) a table расставлять стулья вокруг (у) стола; set a ladder (a bicycle, a stick, etc.) against a wall прислонить /приставить/ лестницу и т.д. к стене; set one's hand on smb.'s shoulder положить руку кому-л. на плечо; set a hand against the door опереться рукой о дверь; set smb. on his feet поставить кого-л. на ноги
    2) set smth., smb. in (by, on, upon, etc.) smth. set things in their place again вернуть /положить/ вещи на место; set flowers in the water (in a vase, etc.) поставить цветы в воду и т.д.; set glass in a window вставлять стекло в окно; set lamps in 'walls вделывать светильники в стены; set one's foot in the stirrup вставить ногу в стремя; set the stake in the ground вкопать столб в землю; set a pearl (a jewel, a diamond, etc.) in gold оправлять жемчужину и т.д. в золото; set smb. by the fire усадить кого-л. у огня: set a child in a high chair посадить ребенка ка высокий стул; set smb. in the dock посадить кого-л. на скамью подсудимых; set a wheel on an axle насадить колесо на ось: set a hen on eggs, set eggs under a hen посадить курицу на яйца; set a boy on horseback подсадить мальчика на лошадь; set smb. on the pedestal поставить /возвести/ кого-л. на пьедестал; set troops on shore высадить войска [на берег]; set one's foot oil a step поставить ногу на ступеньку; set foot on shore ступить на берег; I'll never set foot on your threshold я никогда не переступлю порог вашего дома; set a crown on his head возложить на него корону; set a king on the throne посадить короля на трон; set a kiss upon smb.'s hand приложиться к чьей-л. руке; set smth. with smth. set the top of the wall with broken glass утыкать верхнюю часть стены битым стеклом; set this bed with tulips (with geraniums, etc.) засадить эту клумбу тюльпанами и т.д. || set eyes on smb., smth. увидеть кого-л что-л., I never set eyes on him before today до сегодняшнего дня я его в глаза не видел; that child wants everything he sets his eyes on этому ребенку вынь, да положь все, что он видит
    3) set smth. to smth. set a glass (a trumpet, etc.) to one's lips, set one's lips to a glass (to a trumpet, etc.) подносить стакан и т.д. к губам /ко рту/; set a match (a lighter) to a cigarette (to old papers, to a fire, etc.) подносить спичку (зажигалку) к сигарете и т.д.; set one's shoulder to the door налечь плечом на дверь; set spurs to a horse пришпорить лошадь
    4) set smb. across smth. set him across the river переправлять его через реку /на другой берег/; set a child across the street перевести ребенка на другую сторону улицы /через улицу/; set smth. by smth. set a ship by the compass вести корабль по компасу; set smth. against (to ward(s), to) smth. set the boat against the wind (against the current) направлять лодку против ветра и т.д.; set one's course to the south направляться на юг; set one's face toward the east (toward home, towards the sun, etc.) повернуться лицом к востоку и т.д.; set smb. after (at, on, etc.) smb., smth. set the police (detectives, etc.) after /on the track of/ the criminal (on her, after the spies, etc.) направлять полицию и т.д. по следу преступника и т.д.; set the boys on the wrong (right) track направлять мальчишек по ложному (по правильному) следу; set a dog at a hare (at a fox, at a bull, at his heels, etc.) пустить собаку по следу зайца и т.д.; set dogs on a stranger (on a trespasser, on thieves, etc.) спустить собак на незнакомца и т.д. || set sail for India отплывать /направляться/ в Индию
    5) set smb. against (on, to, etc.) smb., smth. set people against each other (a friend against another, everyone against him, etc.) настраивать людей друг против друга и т.д.; he is trying to set you against me он старается восстановить вас против меня; set oneself against the proposal (against the scheme, against the decision, against his nomination, against him, etc.) был настроенным /выступать/ против этого предложения и т.д.; set the crowd on acts of violence (the crew to mutiny, soldiers to violence, people to robbery, etc.) подстрекать толпу на совершение актов насилия /к насилию/ и т.д.; set smth. against smth. set one thing against another противопоставлять одно другому; set one language against another сопоставлять /сравнивать/ один язык с другим; set smth. on smth. set one's heart /one's mind/ on the trip твердо настроиться на эту поездку; set one's heart on a new dress (on a new car, etc.) жаждать /очень хотеть/ купить новое платье и т.д.; he set his thoughts on the plan все его помыслы направлены на осуществление этого плана || set him at odds with his friends рассорить его с друзьями
    6) set smb., smth. to smth. set the class (the boys, him, etc.) to work (to a task, to sums, to dictation, etc.) засадить класс и т.д. за работу и т.д.; set one's mind /one's wits/ to a question (to a task, to a job, etc.) сосредоточиться на каком-л. вопросе и т.д.; you won't find the work difficult if only you set your mind to it если вы серьезно возьметесь за дело, работа не покажется вам трудной; set one's hand to the work (to the task, to the plough, etc.) взяться за работу и т.д.; he set himself resolutely to the task он решительно взялся за выполнение задачи; set а реп to' paper начать писать, взяться за перо; set smth. before smb. set a task (an object) before him поставить перед ним задачу
    7) set smth., smb. т (on, at, to) smth. set one's affairs (one's papers, one's house, a room, etc.) in order /to rights/ приводить свои дела и т.д. в порядок; set a machine in motion запустить машину; set the project in motion начинать работу над объектом; set the machinery of the government in motion приводить государственную машину в движение; set a chain reaction in motion вызвать цепную реакцию; his jokes set the audience (the table, the whole room, etc.) in a roar от его шуток вся аудитория и т.д. покатывалась со смеху; set smb. on his guard настораживать кого-л.; set smb. (smb.'s guests, the boy, smb.'s mind, etc.) at ease успокаивать кого-л. и т.д.; he set the girl at ease с ним девушке стало легко /девушка почувствовала себя свободно/; а host should try and set his guests at ease хозяин должен стараться, чтобы его гости чувствовали себя свободно /как дома/: now you may set your mind at ease теперь вы можете перестать волноваться /не волноваться/; set a question (the affair, the matter, etc.) at rest разрешить /урегулировать/ вопрос и т.д.; that sets all my doubts at rest это рассеивает все мои сомнения; set prisoners at liberty освобождать заключенных
    8) set smth. for smth. set the table for dinner (for five people, for two, etc.) накрыть стол к обеду и т.д.; set the stage for the next scene in a play подготовить сцену для следующей картины [в пьесе]; set the scene for talks подготовить условия /создать благоприятную обстановку/ для переговоров; set smth. by smth. set one's watch by the radio timesignal (by the town clock, by the clock in the library, by mine, etc.) ставить /сверять/ часы по радиосигналу и т.д.; set smth. to (for, at) smth. set the clock (the hands of the clock) to the correct time (to the proper hour of the day, etc.) точно поставить часы и т.д.; set the alarm for 5 o'clock (the camera lens to infinity, a thermostat at 70°, etc.) поставить будильник на пять часов и т.д.
    9) set smb., smth. at (in, он, etc.) smth. set a guard (a sentry, etc.) at the door (at the gate, at the corner of the street, in the nearest village, on the hill, etc.) поставить сторожа /часового/ и т.д. у дверей и т.д.; set pickets around the camp выставлять дозорных вокруг лагеря
    10) set smb., smth. over (before, among, etc.) smb., smth. set him over others (a supervisor over the new workers, etc.) назначать его начальником над остальными и т.д.; set Vergil before Homer отдавать предпочтение Вергилию перед Гомером, ставить Вергилия выше Гомера; set the author among the greatest writers of today (the painter among the best artists of the world, the team among the strongest teams of Europe, etc.) считать автора одним из крупнейших писателей современности и т.д.; set duty before pleasure ставить долг выше удовольствий /на первое место/; set honesty above everything (diamonds above rubies, etc.) ценить честность превыше всего и т.д., his intelligence (his talent, his character, etc.) sets him apart from others (from ordinary people, from the normal run of people, etc.) его ум и т.д. выделяют его среди других и т.д.; her bright red hair sets her apart from her sisters из всех сестер у нее одной были ярко-рыжие волосы
    11) set smth. at smth. set the price (the value of the canvas, etc.) at t 1000 оценить / назначить, определить цену/ и т.д. в тысячу фунтов; set bail at i 500 установить сумму залога в пятьсот фунтов; set neatness at a high value очень ценить аккуратность, придавать большое значение опрятности; set smth. for smth. set a time for a meeting назначать время собрания; set the rules for a contest вырабатывать правила состязания; set the lesson for tomorrow задавать урок на завтра; set smth. to /for /smth. set limits to smb.'s power (to his extravagance, to his demands, etc.) ограничивать чью-л. власть и т.д., устанавливать предел чьей-л. власти и т.д.; he sets no limit to his ambition его честолюбие не знает предела; set a time-limit for examination установить продолжительность экзамена; set a time-limit for debates установить регламент для выступления в прениях; set a record for the mile устанавливать рекорд в беге на одну милю; set an end to it положить этому конец; set smth. on smth., smb. set a high value on life (on punctuality, etc.) высоко ценить жизнь и т.д.; set a punishment on smb. налагать наказание на кого-л., определять кому-л. меру наказания; set a price on smb.'s head /on smb.'s life/ назначить награду за чью-л. голову /за чью-л. жизнь/; set smth. at some time set the death of the man at midnight установить, что смерть этого человека наступила в полночь || set much store by smth. придавать большее значение чему-л.; set much store by social position (by daily exercise, by what the neighbours say, by the opinion of people like him, etc.) придавать большое значение общественному положению и т.д.
    12) set smth. for (in, to, etc.) smth. set papers for the examination составлять экзаменационные работы; set new questions (problems, etc.) in an examination подготовить новые вопросы и т.д. для экзамена; set the words (this poem, etc.) to music положить эти слова и т.д. на музыку; set new words to an old tune сочинить новые слова на старый мотив; set Othello to music а) написать музыку к "Отелло"; б) написать /сочинить/ оперу "Отелло"; set a piece of music for the violin переложить музыкальное произведение для скрипки
    13) set smth. before smb. set a plan (facts, one's theory, one's proposals, etc.) before the council (before the chief, before experts, etc.) изложить совету /представить на рассмотрение совета/ и т.д. план и т.д.
    14) set smth. to smth. set one's name /one's signature, one's hand/ to a document подписать документ; set a seal to the decree скрепить указ печатью; set smth. on smth. set a veto on smth. накладывать запрет на что-л.
    15) set smth. on (in) smth., smb. set one's life on a chance рисковать жизнью в надежде на удачу; set one's future on a chance строить планы на будущее в расчете на счастливое стечение обстоятельств; set hopes on a chance (on him, on his uncle, etc.) надеяться /возлагать надежды/ на случай и т.д.
    16) set smth. for smb. set a snare for a fox поставить капкан на лису; set poison for rats разложить отраву для крыс
    17) set smth. for smth. set milk for cheese ставить молоко на творог, створаживать молоко
    18) || set fire to a house (to a barn, etc.) поджигать дом и т.д.; set the woods (a woodpile, etc.) on fire поджигать лес и т.д.
    15. XXII
    1) set smth. on doing smth. set one's heart /one's hopes, one's mind, one's thoughts/ on becoming an engineer (on going with us, on going abroad, etc.) очень хотеть /стремиться/ стать инженером и т.д.; I set my heart on going today я решил ехать сегодня; he sets his hopes on getting on in life он очень надеется преуспеть в жизни /добиться в жизни успеха/; if he once sets his mind on doing something it takes a lot to dissuade him если он настроился на что-либо, его очень трудно отговорить
    2) set smb. to doing smth. set him to woodchopping поставить его на колку дров, заставить его колоть дрова; set her to thinking заставить ее задуматься; set a child to crying довести ребенка до слез; he set himself to amusing me он изо всех сил старался развлечь меня
    16. XXIV1
    set smth. as smth. set education (money, revenge, etc.) as one's goal /as one's aim, as one's object, as one's purpose, as one's task/ поставить себе целью получить образование в т.д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > set

  • 11 भिन्न _bhinna

    भिन्न p. p. [भिद्-क्त]
    1 Broken, torn, split, rent; संछिन्नभिन्नसर्वाङ्गाः सर्त्विक्सभ्या भयाकुलाः । स्वयंभुवे नमस्कृत्य Bhāg. 4.6.2.
    -2 Divided, separated.
    -3 Detached, disunited, disjoined; scattered; भिन्नं च वानरानीकम् Rām.6.67.8.
    -4 Expanded, blown, opened; भिन्नैलासुरभिमुवाह गन्धवाहः Ki.7.38.
    -5 Different from, other than (with abl.); तस्मादयं भिन्नः.
    -6 Different, varied; भिन्नरुचिर्हि लोकः R.6. 3.
    -7 Loosened.
    -8 Mingled, mixed, blended; एकत्र स्फटिकतटांशुभिन्ननीरा नीलाश्मद्युतिभिदुराम्भसो$परत्र Śi.4.26.
    -9 Deviating from.
    -1 Changed.
    -11 Furious; दुरुक्तैर्भिन्न- मात्मानं यः समाधातुमीश्वरः Bhāg.11.23.2.
    -12 Without, deprived of.
    -13 Undutiful, vicious; भिन्नवृत्तिता Ms.12. 33; नैतत् खलायोपदिशेत्...... न भिन्नाय Bhāg.3.32.39.
    -14 Stood up (as hair); खरोष्ट्राश्वतरा राजन् भिन्नरोमाः स्रवन्ति च Rām.6.1.18.
    -15 Seduced, bribed; H. (See भिद्).
    -न्नः 1 A defect or flaw in a gem.
    -न्नम् 1 A bit, fragment, part.
    -2 A blossom.
    -3 A wound, stab; शक्तिकुन्तेषुखड्गाग्रविषाणैराशयो हतः । यत् किंचित् प्रसवेत् तद्धि भिन्न- मित्यभिधीयते Bhāva. P.
    -4 A fraction.
    -Comp. -अञ्जनम् a kind of mixed collyrium, made of many pounded ingredients; प्रयान्ति...... भिन्नाञ्जनवर्णतां घनाः Śi.12.68; Me.61; Ṛs.3.5.
    -अर्थ a. clear, evident, intelligible; स्फुटभिन्नार्थमुदाहरद् वचः Śi.16.1. (
    -र्थम्) ind. clearly, distinctly, unenigmatically; न खल्ववगच्छामि भिन्नार्थमभि- धीयताम् Ś.2.
    -उदरः 'born of a different womb or mother', a half-brother.
    -कट a. furious, in rut; भेजे भिन्नकटै- र्नागैरन्यानुपरुरोध यैः R.4.83.
    -करटः an elephant in rut (from whose temples ichor exudes).
    -कर्ण a. having divided ears (said of particular animals); P.VI.3. 115.
    -कुम्भः a person who has regained his liberty by redeeming his pledge.
    -कूट a.
    1 deprived of a leader (as an army).
    -2 employing a different stratagem.
    -क्रम a. out of order, disordered.
    -गति a.
    1 going with broken steps.
    -2 going quickly.
    -गर्भ a. broken up (in the centre), disorganized.
    -गात्रिका Cucumis Usitatissimus (Mar. चिबूड).
    -गुणनम् multiplication of fractions; अंशाहतिश्छेदवधेन भक्ता लब्धं विभिन्ने गुणने फलं स्यात् Līlā.
    -घनः the cube of a fraction.
    -दर्शिन् a. making or seeing a difference, partial.
    -देश a. belonging to different places; कृत्ययोर्भिन्नेदशत्वाद् द्वैधीभवति मे मनः । Ś.2.18.
    -देह a. wounded.
    -नौ a. ship-wrecked.
    -परिकर्मन् n. any one of the arithmetical operations with fractions.
    -प्रकार a. of a different kind or sort.
    -भागहरः division of fractions.
    -भाजनम् a potsherd.
    -मन्त्र a. one who has betrayed a plan; Rām.
    -मर्मन् a. wounded in vital parts, mortally wounded.
    -मर्याद a.
    1 one who has transgressed the due limits, disrespectful; आः, तातापवादभिन्नमर्याद U.5.
    -2 unrestrained, uncontrolled.
    -रुचि a. having different tastes; भिन्नरुचिर्हि लोकः R.6.3.
    -लिङ्गम्, -वचनम् in- congruity of gender or number in a composition; see K.P.1.
    -वर्गः the square of a fraction.
    -वर्चस्, वर्चस्क a. voiding excrement.
    -वर्ण a.
    1 discoloured, pale.
    -2 of a different caste or tribe.
    -वृत्त a.
    1 leading a bad life, abandoned.
    -2 containing a metrical fault.
    -वृत्ति a.
    1 leading a bad life, following evil courses; तदन्तःपुरेषु चामी भिन्नवृत्तेषु मन्दत्रासा बहुसुखैरवर्तन्त Dk.2.8.
    -2 having different feelings or tastes or emotions.
    -3 having different occupations.
    -व्यवकलितम् subtraction of fractions.
    -संहति a. disunited, dissolved.
    -संकलनम्, -संकलितम् addition of fractions.
    -स्वर a.
    1 having a changed voice, faltering.
    -2 discordant.
    -हृतिः f. division of fractions.
    -हृदय a. pierced through the heart; बाणभिन्नहृदया निपेतुषी R.11.19.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > भिन्न _bhinna

  • 12 Historical Portugal

       Before Romans described western Iberia or Hispania as "Lusitania," ancient Iberians inhabited the land. Phoenician and Greek trading settlements grew up in the Tagus estuary area and nearby coasts. Beginning around 202 BCE, Romans invaded what is today southern Portugal. With Rome's defeat of Carthage, Romans proceeded to conquer and rule the western region north of the Tagus, which they named Roman "Lusitania." In the fourth century CE, as Rome's rule weakened, the area experienced yet another invasion—Germanic tribes, principally the Suevi, who eventually were Christianized. During the sixth century CE, the Suevi kingdom was superseded by yet another Germanic tribe—the Christian Visigoths.
       A major turning point in Portugal's history came in 711, as Muslim armies from North Africa, consisting of both Arab and Berber elements, invaded the Iberian Peninsula from across the Straits of Gibraltar. They entered what is now Portugal in 714, and proceeded to conquer most of the country except for the far north. For the next half a millennium, Islam and Muslim presence in Portugal left a significant mark upon the politics, government, language, and culture of the country.
       Islam, Reconquest, and Portugal Created, 714-1140
       The long frontier struggle between Muslim invaders and Christian communities in the north of the Iberian peninsula was called the Reconquista (Reconquest). It was during this struggle that the first dynasty of Portuguese kings (Burgundian) emerged and the independent monarchy of Portugal was established. Christian forces moved south from what is now the extreme north of Portugal and gradually defeated Muslim forces, besieging and capturing towns under Muslim sway. In the ninth century, as Christian forces slowly made their way southward, Christian elements were dominant only in the area between Minho province and the Douro River; this region became known as "territorium Portu-calense."
       In the 11th century, the advance of the Reconquest quickened as local Christian armies were reinforced by crusading knights from what is now France and England. Christian forces took Montemor (1034), at the Mondego River; Lamego (1058); Viseu (1058); and Coimbra (1064). In 1095, the king of Castile and Léon granted the country of "Portu-cale," what became northern Portugal, to a Burgundian count who had emigrated from France. This was the foundation of Portugal. In 1139, a descendant of this count, Afonso Henriques, proclaimed himself "King of Portugal." He was Portugal's first monarch, the "Founder," and the first of the Burgundian dynasty, which ruled until 1385.
       The emergence of Portugal in the 12th century as a separate monarchy in Iberia occurred before the Christian Reconquest of the peninsula. In the 1140s, the pope in Rome recognized Afonso Henriques as king of Portugal. In 1147, after a long, bloody siege, Muslim-occupied Lisbon fell to Afonso Henriques's army. Lisbon was the greatest prize of the 500-year war. Assisting this effort were English crusaders on their way to the Holy Land; the first bishop of Lisbon was an Englishman. When the Portuguese captured Faro and Silves in the Algarve province in 1248-50, the Reconquest of the extreme western portion of the Iberian peninsula was complete—significantly, more than two centuries before the Spanish crown completed the Reconquest of the eastern portion by capturing Granada in 1492.
       Consolidation and Independence of Burgundian Portugal, 1140-1385
       Two main themes of Portugal's early existence as a monarchy are the consolidation of control over the realm and the defeat of a Castil-ian threat from the east to its independence. At the end of this period came the birth of a new royal dynasty (Aviz), which prepared to carry the Christian Reconquest beyond continental Portugal across the straits of Gibraltar to North Africa. There was a variety of motives behind these developments. Portugal's independent existence was imperiled by threats from neighboring Iberian kingdoms to the north and east. Politics were dominated not only by efforts against the Muslims in
       Portugal (until 1250) and in nearby southern Spain (until 1492), but also by internecine warfare among the kingdoms of Castile, Léon, Aragon, and Portugal. A final comeback of Muslim forces was defeated at the battle of Salado (1340) by allied Castilian and Portuguese forces. In the emerging Kingdom of Portugal, the monarch gradually gained power over and neutralized the nobility and the Church.
       The historic and commonplace Portuguese saying "From Spain, neither a good wind nor a good marriage" was literally played out in diplomacy and war in the late 14th-century struggles for mastery in the peninsula. Larger, more populous Castile was pitted against smaller Portugal. Castile's Juan I intended to force a union between Castile and Portugal during this era of confusion and conflict. In late 1383, Portugal's King Fernando, the last king of the Burgundian dynasty, suddenly died prematurely at age 38, and the Master of Aviz, Portugal's most powerful nobleman, took up the cause of independence and resistance against Castile's invasion. The Master of Aviz, who became King João I of Portugal, was able to obtain foreign assistance. With the aid of English archers, Joao's armies defeated the Castilians in the crucial battle of Aljubarrota, on 14 August 1385, a victory that assured the independence of the Portuguese monarchy from its Castilian nemesis for several centuries.
       Aviz Dynasty and Portugal's First Overseas Empire, 1385-1580
       The results of the victory at Aljubarrota, much celebrated in Portugal's art and monuments, and the rise of the Aviz dynasty also helped to establish a new merchant class in Lisbon and Oporto, Portugal's second city. This group supported King João I's program of carrying the Reconquest to North Africa, since it was interested in expanding Portugal's foreign commerce and tapping into Muslim trade routes and resources in Africa. With the Reconquest against the Muslims completed in Portugal and the threat from Castile thwarted for the moment, the Aviz dynasty launched an era of overseas conquest, exploration, and trade. These efforts dominated Portugal's 15th and 16th centuries.
       The overseas empire and age of Discoveries began with Portugal's bold conquest in 1415 of the Moroccan city of Ceuta. One royal member of the 1415 expedition was young, 21-year-old Prince Henry, later known in history as "Prince Henry the Navigator." His part in the capture of Ceuta won Henry his knighthood and began Portugal's "Marvelous Century," during which the small kingdom was counted as a European and world power of consequence. Henry was the son of King João I and his English queen, Philippa of Lancaster, but he did not inherit the throne. Instead, he spent most of his life and his fortune, and that of the wealthy military Order of Christ, on various imperial ventures and on voyages of exploration down the African coast and into the Atlantic. While mythology has surrounded Henry's controversial role in the Discoveries, and this role has been exaggerated, there is no doubt that he played a vital part in the initiation of Portugal's first overseas empire and in encouraging exploration. He was naturally curious, had a sense of mission for Portugal, and was a strong leader. He also had wealth to expend; at least a third of the African voyages of the time were under his sponsorship. If Prince Henry himself knew little science, significant scientific advances in navigation were made in his day.
       What were Portugal's motives for this new imperial effort? The well-worn historical cliche of "God, Glory, and Gold" can only partly explain the motivation of a small kingdom with few natural resources and barely 1 million people, which was greatly outnumbered by the other powers it confronted. Among Portuguese objectives were the desire to exploit known North African trade routes and resources (gold, wheat, leather, weaponry, and other goods that were scarce in Iberia); the need to outflank the Muslim world in the Mediterranean by sailing around Africa, attacking Muslims en route; and the wish to ally with Christian kingdoms beyond Africa. This enterprise also involved a strategy of breaking the Venetian spice monopoly by trading directly with the East by means of discovering and exploiting a sea route around Africa to Asia. Besides the commercial motives, Portugal nurtured a strong crusading sense of Christian mission, and various classes in the kingdom saw an opportunity for fame and gain.
       By the time of Prince Henry's death in 1460, Portugal had gained control of the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeiras, begun to colonize the Cape Verde Islands, failed to conquer the Canary Islands from Castile, captured various cities on Morocco's coast, and explored as far as Senegal, West Africa, down the African coast. By 1488, Bar-tolomeu Dias had rounded the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa and thereby discovered the way to the Indian Ocean.
       Portugal's largely coastal African empire and later its fragile Asian empire brought unexpected wealth but were purchased at a high price. Costs included wars of conquest and defense against rival powers, manning the far-flung navel and trade fleets and scattered castle-fortresses, and staffing its small but fierce armies, all of which entailed a loss of skills and population to maintain a scattered empire. Always short of capital, the monarchy became indebted to bankers. There were many defeats beginning in the 16th century at the hands of the larger imperial European monarchies (Spain, France, England, and Holland) and many attacks on Portugal and its strung-out empire. Typically, there was also the conflict that arose when a tenuously held world empire that rarely if ever paid its way demanded finance and manpower Portugal itself lacked.
       The first 80 years of the glorious imperial era, the golden age of Portugal's imperial power and world influence, was an African phase. During 1415-88, Portuguese navigators and explorers in small ships, some of them caravelas (caravels), explored the treacherous, disease-ridden coasts of Africa from Morocco to South Africa beyond the Cape of Good Hope. By the 1470s, the Portuguese had reached the Gulf of Guinea and, in the early 1480s, what is now Angola. Bartolomeu Dias's extraordinary voyage of 1487-88 to South Africa's coast and the edge of the Indian Ocean convinced Portugal that the best route to Asia's spices and Christians lay south, around the tip of southern Africa. Between 1488 and 1495, there was a hiatus caused in part by domestic conflict in Portugal, discussion of resources available for further conquests beyond Africa in Asia, and serious questions as to Portugal's capacity to reach beyond Africa. In 1495, King Manuel and his council decided to strike for Asia, whatever the consequences. In 1497-99, Vasco da Gama, under royal orders, made the epic two-year voyage that discovered the sea route to western India (Asia), outflanked Islam and Venice, and began Portugal's Asian empire. Within 50 years, Portugal had discovered and begun the exploitation of its largest colony, Brazil, and set up forts and trading posts from the Middle East (Aden and Ormuz), India (Calicut, Goa, etc.), Malacca, and Indonesia to Macau in China.
       By the 1550s, parts of its largely coastal, maritime trading post empire from Morocco to the Moluccas were under siege from various hostile forces, including Muslims, Christians, and Hindi. Although Moroccan forces expelled the Portuguese from the major coastal cities by 1550, the rival European monarchies of Castile (Spain), England, France, and later Holland began to seize portions of her undermanned, outgunned maritime empire.
       In 1580, Phillip II of Spain, whose mother was a Portuguese princess and who had a strong claim to the Portuguese throne, invaded Portugal, claimed the throne, and assumed control over the realm and, by extension, its African, Asian, and American empires. Phillip II filled the power vacuum that appeared in Portugal following the loss of most of Portugal's army and its young, headstrong King Sebastião in a disastrous war in Morocco. Sebastiao's death in battle (1578) and the lack of a natural heir to succeed him, as well as the weak leadership of the cardinal who briefly assumed control in Lisbon, led to a crisis that Spain's strong monarch exploited. As a result, Portugal lost its independence to Spain for a period of 60 years.
       Portugal under Spanish Rule, 1580-1640
       Despite the disastrous nature of Portugal's experience under Spanish rule, "The Babylonian Captivity" gave birth to modern Portuguese nationalism, its second overseas empire, and its modern alliance system with England. Although Spain allowed Portugal's weakened empire some autonomy, Spanish rule in Portugal became increasingly burdensome and unacceptable. Spain's ambitious imperial efforts in Europe and overseas had an impact on the Portuguese as Spain made greater and greater demands on its smaller neighbor for manpower and money. Portugal's culture underwent a controversial Castilianization, while its empire became hostage to Spain's fortunes. New rival powers England, France, and Holland attacked and took parts of Spain's empire and at the same time attacked Portugal's empire, as well as the mother country.
       Portugal's empire bore the consequences of being attacked by Spain's bitter enemies in what was a form of world war. Portuguese losses were heavy. By 1640, Portugal had lost most of its Moroccan cities as well as Ceylon, the Moluccas, and sections of India. With this, Portugal's Asian empire was gravely weakened. Only Goa, Damão, Diu, Bombay, Timor, and Macau remained and, in Brazil, Dutch forces occupied the northeast.
       On 1 December 1640, long commemorated as a national holiday, Portuguese rebels led by the duke of Braganza overthrew Spanish domination and took advantage of Spanish weakness following a more serious rebellion in Catalonia. Portugal regained independence from Spain, but at a price: dependence on foreign assistance to maintain its independence in the form of the renewal of the alliance with England.
       Restoration and Second Empire, 1640-1822
       Foreign affairs and empire dominated the restoration era and aftermath, and Portugal again briefly enjoyed greater European power and prestige. The Anglo-Portuguese Alliance was renewed and strengthened in treaties of 1642, 1654, and 1661, and Portugal's independence from Spain was underwritten by English pledges and armed assistance. In a Luso-Spanish treaty of 1668, Spain recognized Portugal's independence. Portugal's alliance with England was a marriage of convenience and necessity between two monarchies with important religious, cultural, and social differences. In return for legal, diplomatic, and trade privileges, as well as the use during war and peace of Portugal's great Lisbon harbor and colonial ports for England's navy, England pledged to protect Portugal and its scattered empire from any attack. The previously cited 17th-century alliance treaties were renewed later in the Treaty of Windsor, signed in London in 1899. On at least 10 different occasions after 1640, and during the next two centuries, England was central in helping prevent or repel foreign invasions of its ally, Portugal.
       Portugal's second empire (1640-1822) was largely Brazil-oriented. Portuguese colonization, exploitation of wealth, and emigration focused on Portuguese America, and imperial revenues came chiefly from Brazil. Between 1670 and 1740, Portugal's royalty and nobility grew wealthier on funds derived from Brazilian gold, diamonds, sugar, tobacco, and other crops, an enterprise supported by the Atlantic slave trade and the supply of African slave labor from West Africa and Angola. Visitors today can see where much of that wealth was invested: Portugal's rich legacy of monumental architecture. Meanwhile, the African slave trade took a toll in Angola and West Africa.
       In continental Portugal, absolutist monarchy dominated politics and government, and there was a struggle for position and power between the monarchy and other institutions, such as the Church and nobility. King José I's chief minister, usually known in history as the marquis of Pombal (ruled 1750-77), sharply suppressed the nobility and the
       Church (including the Inquisition, now a weak institution) and expelled the Jesuits. Pombal also made an effort to reduce economic dependence on England, Portugal's oldest ally. But his successes did not last much beyond his disputed time in office.
       Beginning in the late 18th century, the European-wide impact of the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon placed Portugal in a vulnerable position. With the monarchy ineffectively led by an insane queen (Maria I) and her indecisive regent son (João VI), Portugal again became the focus of foreign ambition and aggression. With England unable to provide decisive assistance in time, France—with Spain's consent—invaded Portugal in 1807. As Napoleon's army under General Junot entered Lisbon meeting no resistance, Portugal's royal family fled on a British fleet to Brazil, where it remained in exile until 1821. In the meantime, Portugal's overseas empire was again under threat. There was a power vacuum as the monarch was absent, foreign armies were present, and new political notions of liberalism and constitutional monarchy were exciting various groups of citizens.
       Again England came to the rescue, this time in the form of the armies of the duke of Wellington. Three successive French invasions of Portugal were defeated and expelled, and Wellington succeeded in carrying the war against Napoleon across the Portuguese frontier into Spain. The presence of the English army, the new French-born liberal ideas, and the political vacuum combined to create revolutionary conditions. The French invasions and the peninsular wars, where Portuguese armed forces played a key role, marked the beginning of a new era in politics.
       Liberalism and Constitutional Monarchy, 1822-1910
       During 1807-22, foreign invasions, war, and civil strife over conflicting political ideas gravely damaged Portugal's commerce, economy, and novice industry. The next terrible blow was the loss of Brazil in 1822, the jewel in the imperial crown. Portugal's very independence seemed to be at risk. In vain, Portugal sought to resist Brazilian independence by force, but in 1825 it formally acknowledged Brazilian independence by treaty.
       Portugal's slow recovery from the destructive French invasions and the "war of independence" was complicated by civil strife over the form of constitutional monarchy that best suited Portugal. After struggles over these issues between 1820 and 1834, Portugal settled somewhat uncertainly into a moderate constitutional monarchy whose constitution (Charter of 1826) lent it strong political powers to exert a moderating influence between the executive and legislative branches of the government. It also featured a new upper middle class based on land ownership and commerce; a Catholic Church that, although still important, lived with reduced privileges and property; a largely African (third) empire to which Lisbon and Oporto devoted increasing spiritual and material resources, starting with the liberal imperial plans of 1836 and 1851, and continuing with the work of institutions like the Lisbon Society of Geography (established 1875); and a mass of rural peasants whose bonds to the land weakened after 1850 and who began to immigrate in increasing numbers to Brazil and North America.
       Chronic military intervention in national politics began in 19th-century Portugal. Such intervention, usually commencing with coups or pronunciamentos (military revolts), was a shortcut to the spoils of political office and could reflect popular discontent as well as the power of personalities. An early example of this was the 1817 golpe (coup) attempt of General Gomes Freire against British military rule in Portugal before the return of King João VI from Brazil. Except for a more stable period from 1851 to 1880, military intervention in politics, or the threat thereof, became a feature of the constitutional monarchy's political life, and it continued into the First Republic and the subsequent Estado Novo.
       Beginning with the Regeneration period (1851-80), Portugal experienced greater political stability and economic progress. Military intervention in politics virtually ceased; industrialization and construction of railroads, roads, and bridges proceeded; two political parties (Regenerators and Historicals) worked out a system of rotation in power; and leading intellectuals sparked a cultural revival in several fields. In 19th-century literature, there was a new golden age led by such figures as Alexandre Herculano (historian), Eça de Queirós (novelist), Almeida Garrett (playwright and essayist), Antero de Quental (poet), and Joaquim Oliveira Martins (historian and social scientist). In its third overseas empire, Portugal attempted to replace the slave trade and slavery with legitimate economic activities; to reform the administration; and to expand Portuguese holdings beyond coastal footholds deep into the African hinterlands in West, West Central, and East Africa. After 1841, to some extent, and especially after 1870, colonial affairs, combined with intense nationalism, pressures for economic profit in Africa, sentiment for national revival, and the drift of European affairs would make or break Lisbon governments.
       Beginning with the political crisis that arose out of the "English Ultimatum" affair of January 1890, the monarchy became discredtted and identified with the poorly functioning government, political parties splintered, and republicanism found more supporters. Portugal participated in the "Scramble for Africa," expanding its African holdings, but failed to annex territory connecting Angola and Mozambique. A growing foreign debt and state bankruptcy as of the early 1890s damaged the constitutional monarchy's reputation, despite the efforts of King Carlos in diplomacy, the renewal of the alliance in the Windsor Treaty of 1899, and the successful if bloody colonial wars in the empire (1880-97). Republicanism proclaimed that Portugal's weak economy and poor society were due to two historic institutions: the monarchy and the Catholic Church. A republic, its stalwarts claimed, would bring greater individual liberty; efficient, if more decentralized government; and a stronger colonial program while stripping the Church of its role in both society and education.
       As the monarchy lost support and republicans became more aggressive, violence increased in politics. King Carlos I and his heir Luís were murdered in Lisbon by anarchist-republicans on 1 February 1908. Following a military and civil insurrection and fighting between monarchist and republican forces, on 5 October 1910, King Manuel II fled Portugal and a republic was proclaimed.
       First Parliamentary Republic, 1910-26
       Portugal's first attempt at republican government was the most unstable, turbulent parliamentary republic in the history of 20th-century Western Europe. During a little under 16 years of the republic, there were 45 governments, a number of legislatures that did not complete normal terms, military coups, and only one president who completed his four-year term in office. Portuguese society was poorly prepared for this political experiment. Among the deadly legacies of the monarchy were a huge public debt; a largely rural, apolitical, and illiterate peasant population; conflict over the causes of the country's misfortunes; and lack of experience with a pluralist, democratic system.
       The republic had some talented leadership but lacked popular, institutional, and economic support. The 1911 republican constitution established only a limited democracy, as only a small portion of the adult male citizenry was eligible to vote. In a country where the majority was Catholic, the republic passed harshly anticlerical laws, and its institutions and supporters persecuted both the Church and its adherents. During its brief disjointed life, the First Republic drafted important reform plans in economic, social, and educational affairs; actively promoted development in the empire; and pursued a liberal, generous foreign policy. Following British requests for Portugal's assistance in World War I, Portugal entered the war on the Allied side in March 1916 and sent armies to Flanders and Portuguese Africa. Portugal's intervention in that conflict, however, was too costly in many respects, and the ultimate failure of the republic in part may be ascribed to Portugal's World War I activities.
       Unfortunately for the republic, its time coincided with new threats to Portugal's African possessions: World War I, social and political demands from various classes that could not be reconciled, excessive military intervention in politics, and, in particular, the worst economic and financial crisis Portugal had experienced since the 16th and 17th centuries. After the original Portuguese Republican Party (PRP, also known as the "Democrats") splintered into three warring groups in 1912, no true multiparty system emerged. The Democrats, except for only one or two elections, held an iron monopoly of electoral power, and political corruption became a major issue. As extreme right-wing dictatorships elsewhere in Europe began to take power in Italy (1922), neighboring Spain (1923), and Greece (1925), what scant popular support remained for the republic collapsed. Backed by a right-wing coalition of landowners from Alentejo, clergy, Coimbra University faculty and students, Catholic organizations, and big business, career military officers led by General Gomes da Costa executed a coup on 28 May 1926, turned out the last republican government, and established a military government.
       The Estado Novo (New State), 1926-74
       During the military phase (1926-32) of the Estado Novo, professional military officers, largely from the army, governed and administered Portugal and held key cabinet posts, but soon discovered that the military possessed no magic formula that could readily solve the problems inherited from the First Republic. Especially during the years 1926-31, the military dictatorship, even with its political repression of republican activities and institutions (military censorship of the press, political police action, and closure of the republic's rowdy parliament), was characterized by similar weaknesses: personalism and factionalism; military coups and political instability, including civil strife and loss of life; state debt and bankruptcy; and a weak economy. "Barracks parliamentarism" was not an acceptable alternative even to the "Nightmare Republic."
       Led by General Óscar Carmona, who had replaced and sent into exile General Gomes da Costa, the military dictatorship turned to a civilian expert in finance and economics to break the budget impasse and bring coherence to the disorganized system. Appointed minister of finance on 27 April 1928, the Coimbra University Law School professor of economics Antônio de Oliveira Salazar (1889-1970) first reformed finance, helped balance the budget, and then turned to other concerns as he garnered extraordinary governing powers. In 1930, he was appointed interim head of another key ministry (Colonies) and within a few years had become, in effect, a civilian dictator who, with the military hierarchy's support, provided the government with coherence, a program, and a set of policies.
       For nearly 40 years after he was appointed the first civilian prime minister in 1932, Salazar's personality dominated the government. Unlike extreme right-wing dictators elsewhere in Europe, Salazar was directly appointed by the army but was never endorsed by a popular political party, street militia, or voter base. The scholarly, reclusive former Coimbra University professor built up what became known after 1932 as the Estado Novo ("New State"), which at the time of its overthrow by another military coup in 1974, was the longest surviving authoritarian regime in Western Europe. The system of Salazar and the largely academic and technocratic ruling group he gathered in his cabinets was based on the central bureaucracy of the state, which was supported by the president of the republic—always a senior career military officer, General Óscar Carmona (1928-51), General Craveiro Lopes (1951-58), and Admiral Américo Tómaz (1958-74)—and the complicity of various institutions. These included a rubber-stamp legislature called the National Assembly (1935-74) and a political police known under various names: PVDE (1932-45), PIDE (1945-69),
       and DGS (1969-74). Other defenders of the Estado Novo security were paramilitary organizations such as the National Republican Guard (GNR); the Portuguese Legion (PL); and the Portuguese Youth [Movement]. In addition to censorship of the media, theater, and books, there was political repression and a deliberate policy of depoliticization. All political parties except for the approved movement of regime loyalists, the União Nacional or (National Union), were banned.
       The most vigorous and more popular period of the New State was 1932-44, when the basic structures were established. Never monolithic or entirely the work of one person (Salazar), the New State was constructed with the assistance of several dozen top associates who were mainly academics from law schools, some technocrats with specialized skills, and a handful of trusted career military officers. The 1933 Constitution declared Portugal to be a "unitary, corporative Republic," and pressures to restore the monarchy were resisted. Although some of the regime's followers were fascists and pseudofascists, many more were conservative Catholics, integralists, nationalists, and monarchists of different varieties, and even some reactionary republicans. If the New State was authoritarian, it was not totalitarian and, unlike fascism in Benito Mussolini's Italy or Adolf Hitler's Germany, it usually employed the minimum of violence necessary to defeat what remained a largely fractious, incoherent opposition.
       With the tumultuous Second Republic and the subsequent civil war in nearby Spain, the regime felt threatened and reinforced its defenses. During what Salazar rightly perceived as a time of foreign policy crisis for Portugal (1936-45), he assumed control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From there, he pursued four basic foreign policy objectives: supporting the Nationalist rebels of General Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) and concluding defense treaties with a triumphant Franco; ensuring that General Franco in an exhausted Spain did not enter World War II on the Axis side; maintaining Portuguese neutrality in World War II with a post-1942 tilt toward the Allies, including granting Britain and the United States use of bases in the Azores Islands; and preserving and protecting Portugal's Atlantic Islands and its extensive, if poor, overseas empire in Africa and Asia.
       During the middle years of the New State (1944-58), many key Salazar associates in government either died or resigned, and there was greater social unrest in the form of unprecedented strikes and clandestine Communist activities, intensified opposition, and new threatening international pressures on Portugal's overseas empire. During the earlier phase of the Cold War (1947-60), Portugal became a steadfast, if weak, member of the US-dominated North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance and, in 1955, with American support, Portugal joined the United Nations (UN). Colonial affairs remained a central concern of the regime. As of 1939, Portugal was the third largest colonial power in the world and possessed territories in tropical Africa (Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, and São Tomé and Príncipe Islands) and the remnants of its 16th-century empire in Asia (Goa, Damão, Diu, East Timor, and Macau). Beginning in the early 1950s, following the independence of India in 1947, Portugal resisted Indian pressures to decolonize Portuguese India and used police forces to discourage internal opposition in its Asian and African colonies.
       The later years of the New State (1958-68) witnessed the aging of the increasingly isolated but feared Salazar and new threats both at home and overseas. Although the regime easily overcame the brief oppositionist threat from rival presidential candidate General Humberto Delgado in the spring of 1958, new developments in the African and Asian empires imperiled the authoritarian system. In February 1961, oppositionists hijacked the Portuguese ocean liner Santa Maria and, in following weeks, African insurgents in northern Angola, although they failed to expel the Portuguese, gained worldwide media attention, discredited the New State, and began the 13-year colonial war. After thwarting a dissident military coup against his continued leadership, Salazar and his ruling group mobilized military repression in Angola and attempted to develop the African colonies at a faster pace in order to ensure Portuguese control. Meanwhile, the other European colonial powers (Britain, France, Belgium, and Spain) rapidly granted political independence to their African territories.
       At the time of Salazar's removal from power in September 1968, following a stroke, Portugal's efforts to maintain control over its colonies appeared to be successful. President Americo Tomás appointed Dr. Marcello Caetano as Salazar's successor as prime minister. While maintaining the New State's basic structures, and continuing the regime's essential colonial policy, Caetano attempted wider reforms in colonial administration and some devolution of power from Lisbon, as well as more freedom of expression in Lisbon. Still, a great deal of the budget was devoted to supporting the wars against the insurgencies in Africa. Meanwhile in Asia, Portuguese India had fallen when the Indian army invaded in December 1961. The loss of Goa was a psychological blow to the leadership of the New State, and of the Asian empire only East Timor and Macau remained.
       The Caetano years (1968-74) were but a hiatus between the waning Salazar era and a new regime. There was greater political freedom and rapid economic growth (5-6 percent annually to late 1973), but Caetano's government was unable to reform the old system thoroughly and refused to consider new methods either at home or in the empire. In the end, regime change came from junior officers of the professional military who organized the Armed Forces Movement (MFA) against the Caetano government. It was this group of several hundred officers, mainly in the army and navy, which engineered a largely bloodless coup in Lisbon on 25 April 1974. Their unexpected action brought down the 48-year-old New State and made possible the eventual establishment and consolidation of democratic governance in Portugal, as well as a reorientation of the country away from the Atlantic toward Europe.
       Revolution of Carnations, 1974-76
       Following successful military operations of the Armed Forces Movement against the Caetano government, Portugal experienced what became known as the "Revolution of Carnations." It so happened that during the rainy week of the military golpe, Lisbon flower shops were featuring carnations, and the revolutionaries and their supporters adopted the red carnation as the common symbol of the event, as well as of the new freedom from dictatorship. The MFA, whose leaders at first were mostly little-known majors and captains, proclaimed a three-fold program of change for the new Portugal: democracy; decolonization of the overseas empire, after ending the colonial wars; and developing a backward economy in the spirit of opportunity and equality. During the first 24 months after the coup, there was civil strife, some anarchy, and a power struggle. With the passing of the Estado Novo, public euphoria burst forth as the new provisional military government proclaimed the freedoms of speech, press, and assembly, and abolished censorship, the political police, the Portuguese Legion, Portuguese Youth, and other New State organizations, including the National Union. Scores of political parties were born and joined the senior political party, the Portuguese Community Party (PCP), and the Socialist Party (PS), founded shortly before the coup.
       Portugal's Revolution of Carnations went through several phases. There was an attempt to take control by radical leftists, including the PCP and its allies. This was thwarted by moderate officers in the army, as well as by the efforts of two political parties: the PS and the Social Democrats (PPD, later PSD). The first phase was from April to September 1974. Provisional president General Antonio Spínola, whose 1974 book Portugal and the Future had helped prepare public opinion for the coup, met irresistible leftist pressures. After Spinola's efforts to avoid rapid decolonization of the African empire failed, he resigned in September 1974. During the second phase, from September 1974 to March 1975, radical military officers gained control, but a coup attempt by General Spínola and his supporters in Lisbon in March 1975 failed and Spínola fled to Spain.
       In the third phase of the Revolution, March-November 1975, a strong leftist reaction followed. Farm workers occupied and "nationalized" 1.1 million hectares of farmland in the Alentejo province, and radical military officers in the provisional government ordered the nationalization of Portuguese banks (foreign banks were exempted), utilities, and major industries, or about 60 percent of the economic system. There were power struggles among various political parties — a total of 50 emerged—and in the streets there was civil strife among labor, military, and law enforcement groups. A constituent assembly, elected on 25 April 1975, in Portugal's first free elections since 1926, drafted a democratic constitution. The Council of the Revolution (CR), briefly a revolutionary military watchdog committee, was entrenched as part of the government under the constitution, until a later revision. During the chaotic year of 1975, about 30 persons were killed in political frays while unstable provisional governments came and went. On 25 November 1975, moderate military forces led by Colonel Ramalho Eanes, who later was twice elected president of the republic (1976 and 1981), defeated radical, leftist military groups' revolutionary conspiracies.
       In the meantime, Portugal's scattered overseas empire experienced a precipitous and unprepared decolonization. One by one, the former colonies were granted and accepted independence—Guinea-Bissau (September 1974), Cape Verde Islands (July 1975), and Mozambique (July 1975). Portugal offered to turn over Macau to the People's Republic of China, but the offer was refused then and later negotiations led to the establishment of a formal decolonization or hand-over date of 1999. But in two former colonies, the process of decolonization had tragic results.
       In Angola, decolonization negotiations were greatly complicated by the fact that there were three rival nationalist movements in a struggle for power. The January 1975 Alvor Agreement signed by Portugal and these three parties was not effectively implemented. A bloody civil war broke out in Angola in the spring of 1975 and, when Portuguese armed forces withdrew and declared that Angola was independent on 11 November 1975, the bloodshed only increased. Meanwhile, most of the white Portuguese settlers from Angola and Mozambique fled during the course of 1975. Together with African refugees, more than 600,000 of these retornados ("returned ones") went by ship and air to Portugal and thousands more to Namibia, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, and the United States.
       The second major decolonization disaster was in Portugal's colony of East Timor in the Indonesian archipelago. Portugal's capacity to supervise and control a peaceful transition to independence in this isolated, neglected colony was limited by the strength of giant Indonesia, distance from Lisbon, and Portugal's revolutionary disorder and inability to defend Timor. In early December 1975, before Portugal granted formal independence and as one party, FRETILIN, unilaterally declared East Timor's independence, Indonesia's armed forces invaded, conquered, and annexed East Timor. Indonesian occupation encountered East Timorese resistance, and a heavy loss of life followed. The East Timor question remained a contentious international issue in the UN, as well as in Lisbon and Jakarta, for more than 20 years following Indonesia's invasion and annexation of the former colony of Portugal. Major changes occurred, beginning in 1998, after Indonesia underwent a political revolution and allowed a referendum in East Timor to decide that territory's political future in August 1999. Most East Timorese chose independence, but Indonesian forces resisted that verdict until
       UN intervention in September 1999. Following UN rule for several years, East Timor attained full independence on 20 May 2002.
       Consolidation of Democracy, 1976-2000
       After several free elections and record voter turnouts between 25 April 1975 and June 1976, civil war was averted and Portugal's second democratic republic began to stabilize. The MFA was dissolved, the military were returned to the barracks, and increasingly elected civilians took over the government of the country. The 1976 Constitution was revised several times beginning in 1982 and 1989, in order to reempha-size the principle of free enterprise in the economy while much of the large, nationalized sector was privatized. In June 1976, General Ram-alho Eanes was elected the first constitutional president of the republic (five-year term), and he appointed socialist leader Dr. Mário Soares as prime minister of the first constitutional government.
       From 1976 to 1985, Portugal's new system featured a weak economy and finances, labor unrest, and administrative and political instability. The difficult consolidation of democratic governance was eased in part by the strong currency and gold reserves inherited from the Estado Novo, but Lisbon seemed unable to cope with high unemployment, new debt, the complex impact of the refugees from Africa, world recession, and the agitation of political parties. Four major parties emerged from the maelstrom of 1974-75, except for the Communist Party, all newly founded. They were, from left to right, the Communists (PCP); the Socialists (PS), who managed to dominate governments and the legislature but not win a majority in the Assembly of the Republic; the Social Democrats (PSD); and the Christian Democrats (CDS). During this period, the annual growth rate was low (l-2 percent), and the nationalized sector of the economy stagnated.
       Enhanced economic growth, greater political stability, and more effective central government as of 1985, and especially 1987, were due to several developments. In 1977, Portugal applied for membership in the European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union (EU) since 1993. In January 1986, with Spain, Portugal was granted membership, and economic and financial progress in the intervening years has been significantly influenced by the comparatively large investment, loans, technology, advice, and other assistance from the EEC. Low unemployment, high annual growth rates (5 percent), and moderate inflation have also been induced by the new political and administrative stability in Lisbon. Led by Prime Minister Cavaco Silva, an economist who was trained abroad, the PSD's strong organization, management, and electoral support since 1985 have assisted in encouraging economic recovery and development. In 1985, the PSD turned the PS out of office and won the general election, although they did not have an absolute majority of assembly seats. In 1986, Mário Soares was elected president of the republic, the first civilian to hold that office since the First Republic. In the elections of 1987 and 1991, however, the PSD was returned to power with clear majorities of over 50 percent of the vote.
       Although the PSD received 50.4 percent of the vote in the 1991 parliamentary elections and held a 42-seat majority in the Assembly of the Republic, the party began to lose public support following media revelations regarding corruption and complaints about Prime Minister Cavaco Silva's perceived arrogant leadership style. President Mário Soares voiced criticism of the PSD's seemingly untouchable majority and described a "tyranny of the majority." Economic growth slowed down. In the parliamentary elections of 1995 and the presidential election of 1996, the PSD's dominance ended for the time being. Prime Minister Antônio Guterres came to office when the PS won the October 1995 elections, and in the subsequent presidential contest, in January 1996, socialist Jorge Sampaio, the former mayor of Lisbon, was elected president of the republic, thus defeating Cavaco Silva's bid. Young and popular, Guterres moved the PS toward the center of the political spectrum. Under Guterres, the PS won the October 1999 parliamentary elections. The PS defeated the PSD but did not manage to win a clear, working majority of seats, and this made the PS dependent upon alliances with smaller parties, including the PCP.
       In the local elections in December 2001, the PSD's criticism of PS's heavy public spending allowed the PSD to take control of the key cities of Lisbon, Oporto, and Coimbra. Guterres resigned, and parliamentary elections were brought forward from 2004 to March 2002. The PSD won a narrow victory with 40 percent of the votes, and Jose Durão Barroso became prime minister. Having failed to win a majority of the seats in parliament forced the PSD to govern in coalition with the right-wing Popular Party (PP) led by Paulo Portas. Durão Barroso set about reducing government spending by cutting the budgets of local authorities, freezing civil service hiring, and reviving the economy by accelerating privatization of state-owned enterprises. These measures provoked a 24-hour strike by public-sector workers. Durão Barroso reacted with vows to press ahead with budget-cutting measures and imposed a wage freeze on all employees earning more than €1,000, which affected more than one-half of Portugal's work force.
       In June 2004, Durão Barroso was invited by Romano Prodi to succeed him as president of the European Commission. Durão Barroso accepted and resigned the prime ministership in July. Pedro Santana Lopes, the leader of the PSD, became prime minister. Already unpopular at the time of Durão Barroso's resignation, the PSD-led government became increasingly unpopular under Santana Lopes. A month-long delay in the start of the school year and confusion over his plan to cut taxes and raise public-sector salaries, eroded confidence even more. By November, Santana Lopes's government was so unpopular that President Jorge Sampaio was obliged to dissolve parliament and hold new elections, two years ahead of schedule.
       Parliamentary elections were held on 20 February 2005. The PS, which had promised the electorate disciplined and transparent governance, educational reform, the alleviation of poverty, and a boost in employment, won 45 percent of the vote and the majority of the seats in parliament. The leader of the PS, José Sôcrates became prime minister on 12 March 2005. In the regularly scheduled presidential elections held on 6 January 2006, the former leader of the PSD and prime minister, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, won a narrow victory and became president on 9 March 2006. With a mass protest, public teachers' strike, and street demonstrations in March 2008, Portugal's media, educational, and social systems experienced more severe pressures. With the spreading global recession beginning in September 2008, Portugal's economic and financial systems became more troubled.
       Owing to its geographic location on the southwestern most edge of continental Europe, Portugal has been historically in but not of Europe. Almost from the beginning of its existence in the 12th century as an independent monarchy, Portugal turned its back on Europe and oriented itself toward the Atlantic Ocean. After carving out a Christian kingdom on the western portion of the Iberian peninsula, Portuguese kings gradually built and maintained a vast seaborne global empire that became central to the way Portugal understood its individuality as a nation-state. While the creation of this empire allows Portugal to claim an unusual number of "firsts" or distinctions in world and Western history, it also retarded Portugal's economic, social, and political development. It can be reasonably argued that the Revolution of 25 April 1974 was the most decisive event in Portugal's long history because it finally ended Portugal's oceanic mission and view of itself as an imperial power. After the 1974 Revolution, Portugal turned away from its global mission and vigorously reoriented itself toward Europe. Contemporary Portugal is now both in and of Europe.
       The turn toward Europe began immediately after 25 April 1974. Portugal granted independence to its African colonies in 1975. It was admitted to the European Council and took the first steps toward accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1976. On 28 March 1977, the Portuguese government officially applied for EEC membership. Because of Portugal's economic and social backwardness, which would require vast sums of EEC money to overcome, negotiations for membership were long and difficult. Finally, a treaty of accession was signed on 12 June 1985. Portugal officially joined the EEC (the European Union [EU] since 1993) on 1 January 1986. Since becoming a full-fledged member of the EU, Portugal has been steadily overcoming the economic and social underdevelopment caused by its imperial past and is becoming more like the rest of Europe.
       Membership in the EU has speeded up the structural transformation of Portugal's economy, which actually began during the Estado Novo. Investments made by the Estado Novo in Portugal's economy began to shift employment out of the agricultural sector, which, in 1950, accounted for 50 percent of Portugal's economically active population. Today, only 10 percent of the economically active population is employed in the agricultural sector (the highest among EU member states); 30 percent in the industrial sector (also the highest among EU member states); and 60 percent in the service sector (the lowest among EU member states). The economically active population numbers about 5,000,000 employed, 56 percent of whom are women. Women workers are the majority of the workforce in the agricultural and service sectors (the highest among the EU member states). The expansion of the service sector has been primarily in health care and education. Portugal has had the lowest unemployment rates among EU member states, with the overall rate never being more than 10 percent of the active population. Since joining the EU, the number of employers increased from 2.6 percent to 5.8 percent of the active population; self-employed from 16 to 19 percent; and employees from 65 to 70 percent. Twenty-six percent of the employers are women. Unemployment tends to hit younger workers in industry and transportation, women employed in domestic service, workers on short-term contracts, and poorly educated workers. Salaried workers earn only 63 percent of the EU average, and hourly workers only one-third to one-half of that earned by their EU counterparts. Despite having had the second highest growth of gross national product (GNP) per inhabitant (after Ireland) among EU member states, the above data suggest that while much has been accomplished in terms of modernizing the Portuguese economy, much remains to be done to bring Portugal's economy up to the level of the "average" EU member state.
       Membership in the EU has also speeded up changes in Portuguese society. Over the last 30 years, coastalization and urbanization have intensified. Fully 50 percent of Portuguese live in the coastal urban conurbations of Lisbon, Oporto, Braga, Aveiro, Coimbra, Viseu, Évora, and Faro. The Portuguese population is one of the oldest among EU member states (17.3 percent are 65 years of age or older) thanks to a considerable increase in life expectancy at birth (77.87 years for the total population, 74.6 years for men, 81.36 years for women) and one of the lowest birthrates (10.59 births/1,000) in Europe. Family size averages 2.8 persons per household, with the strict nuclear family (one or two generations) in which both parents work being typical. Common law marriages, cohabitating couples, and single-parent households are more and more common. The divorce rate has also increased. "Youth Culture" has developed. The young have their own meeting places, leisure-time activities, and nightlife (bars, clubs, and discos).
       All Portuguese citizens, whether they have contributed or not, have a right to an old-age pension, invalidity benefits, widowed persons' pension, as well as payments for disabilities, children, unemployment, and large families. There is a national minimum wage (€385 per month), which is low by EU standards. The rapid aging of Portugal's population has changed the ratio of contributors to pensioners to 1.7, the lowest in the EU. This has created deficits in Portugal's social security fund.
       The adult literacy rate is about 92 percent. Illiteracy is still found among the elderly. Although universal compulsory education up to grade 9 was achieved in 1980, only 21.2 percent of the population aged 25-64 had undergone secondary education, compared to an EU average of 65.7 percent. Portugal's higher education system currently consists of 14 state universities and 14 private universities, 15 state polytechnic institutions, one Catholic university, and one military academy. All in all, Portugal spends a greater percentage of its state budget on education than most EU member states. Despite this high level of expenditure, the troubled Portuguese education system does not perform well. Early leaving and repetition rates are among the highest among EU member states.
       After the Revolution of 25 April 1974, Portugal created a National Health Service, which today consists of 221 hospitals and 512 medical centers employing 33,751 doctors and 41,799 nurses. Like its education system, Portugal's medical system is inefficient. There are long waiting lists for appointments with specialists and for surgical procedures.
       Structural changes in Portugal's economy and society mean that social life in Portugal is not too different from that in other EU member states. A mass consumption society has been created. Televisions, telephones, refrigerators, cars, music equipment, mobile phones, and personal computers are commonplace. Sixty percent of Portuguese households possess at least one automobile, and 65 percent of Portuguese own their own home. Portuguese citizens are more aware of their legal rights than ever before. This has resulted in a trebling of the number of legal proceeding since 1960 and an eight-fold increase in the number of lawyers. In general, Portuguese society has become more permissive and secular; the Catholic Church and the armed forces are much less influential than in the past. Portugal's population is also much more culturally, religiously, and ethnically diverse, a consequence of the coming to Portugal of hundreds of thousands of immigrants, mainly from former African colonies.
       Portuguese are becoming more cosmopolitan and sophisticated through the impact of world media, the Internet, and the World Wide Web. A prime case in point came in the summer and early fall of 1999, with the extraordinary events in East Timor and the massive Portuguese popular responses. An internationally monitored referendum in East Timor, Portugal's former colony in the Indonesian archipelago and under Indonesian occupation from late 1975 to summer 1999, resulted in a vote of 78.5 percent for rejecting integration with Indonesia and for independence. When Indonesian prointegration gangs, aided by the Indonesian military, responded to the referendum with widespread brutality and threatened to reverse the verdict of the referendum, there was a spontaneous popular outpouring of protest in the cities and towns of Portugal. An avalanche of Portuguese e-mail fell on leaders and groups in the UN and in certain countries around the world as Portugal's diplomats, perhaps to compensate for the weak initial response to Indonesian armed aggression in 1975, called for the protection of East Timor as an independent state and for UN intervention to thwart Indonesian action. Using global communications networks, the Portuguese were able to mobilize UN and world public opinion against Indonesian actions and aided the eventual independence of East Timor on 20 May 2002.
       From the Revolution of 25 April 1974 until the 1990s, Portugal had a large number of political parties, one of the largest Communist parties in western Europe, frequent elections, and endemic cabinet instability. Since the 1990s, the number of political parties has been dramatically reduced and cabinet stability increased. Gradually, the Portuguese electorate has concentrated around two larger parties, the right-of-center Social Democrats (PSD) and the left-of-center Socialist (PS). In the 1980s, these two parties together garnered 65 percent of the vote and 70 percent of the seats in parliament. In 2005, these percentages had risen to 74 percent and 85 percent, respectively. In effect, Portugal is currently a two-party dominant system in which the two largest parties — PS and PSD—alternate in and out of power, not unlike the rotation of the two main political parties (the Regenerators and the Historicals) during the last decades (1850s to 1880s) of the liberal constitutional monarchy. As Portugal's democracy has consolidated, turnout rates for the eligible electorate have declined. In the 1970s, turnout was 85 percent. In Portugal's most recent parliamentary election (2005), turnout had fallen to 65 percent of the eligible electorate.
       Portugal has benefited greatly from membership in the EU, and whatever doubts remain about the price paid for membership, no Portuguese government in the near future can afford to sever this connection. The vast majority of Portuguese citizens see membership in the EU as a "good thing" and strongly believe that Portugal has benefited from membership. Only the Communist Party opposed membership because it reduces national sovereignty, serves the interests of capitalists not workers, and suffers from a democratic deficit. Despite the high level of support for the EU, Portuguese voters are increasingly not voting in elections for the European Parliament, however. Turnout for European Parliament elections fell from 40 percent of the eligible electorate in the 1999 elections to 38 percent in the 2004 elections.
       In sum, Portugal's turn toward Europe has done much to overcome its backwardness. However, despite the economic, social, and political progress made since 1986, Portugal has a long way to go before it can claim to be on a par with the level found even in Spain, much less the rest of western Europe. As Portugal struggles to move from underde-velopment, especially in the rural areas away from the coast, it must keep in mind the perils of too rapid modern development, which could damage two of its most precious assets: its scenery and environment. The growth and future prosperity of the economy will depend on the degree to which the government and the private sector will remain stewards of clean air, soil, water, and other finite resources on which the tourism industry depends and on which Portugal's world image as a unique place to visit rests. Currently, Portugal is investing heavily in renewable energy from solar, wind, and wave power in order to account for about 50 percent of its electricity needs by 2010. Portugal opened the world's largest solar power plant and the world's first commercial wave power farm in 2006.
       An American documentary film on Portugal produced in the 1970s described this little country as having "a Past in Search of a Future." In the years after the Revolution of 25 April 1974, it could be said that Portugal is now living in "a Present in Search of a Future." Increasingly, that future lies in Europe as an active and productive member of the EU.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Historical Portugal

  • 13 religious

    1) (pious) religiös; fromm
    2) (concerned with religion) Glaubens[freiheit, -eifer]; Religions[freiheit, -unterricht, -kenntnisse]; religiös [Überzeugung, Zentrum]
    3) (of monastic order) religiös [Orden]

    religious community — Ordensgemeinschaft, die

    4) (scrupulous) peinlich [Sorgfalt, Genauigkeit]
    * * *
    1) (of religion: religious education; a religious leader/instructor.) Religions-...
    2) (following the rules, forms of worship etc of a religion: a religious man.) religiös
    * * *
    1. (of religion) religiöse(r, s), Religions-
    \religious bigotry Frömmelei f
    \religious creed/organization Glaubensbekenntnis nt/-gemeinschaft f
    \religious denomination [religiöses] Bekenntnis, Konfession f
    \religious education/practice Religionsunterricht m/-ausübung f
    \religious equality Gleichstellung f der Religionen
    \religious fanatic religiöser Fanatiker/religiöse Fanatikerin
    \religious zealot religiöser Eiferer/religiöse Eiferin
    \religious fervour [or AM fervor] [or zeal] religiöser Eifer
    \religious festival religiöses Fest
    \religious freedom [or liberty] Religionsfreiheit f, Glaubensfreiheit f
    \religious holiday religiöser Feiertag
    \religious observance religiöse Pflicht
    \religious persecution Verfolgung f aufgrund der Religionszugehörigkeit
    \religious service Gottesdienst m
    \religious retreat (place for religious meditation) religiöser Einkehrort; (for Roman Catholics) Exerzitien pl
    \religious tradition/upbringing religiöser Brauch/religiöse Erziehung
    2. (pious) religiös, fromm
    deeply \religious tief religiös
    3. ( fig: meticulous) gewissenhaft
    to be very \religious about doing sth eifrig darauf bedacht sein, etw zu tun
    * * *
    1. adj
    1) religiös; order geistlich

    religious freedom/war — Glaubens- or Religionsfreiheit f/-krieg m

    2) (= having religious beliefs) person gläubig; (= pious) fromm
    3) (fig: conscientious) gewissenhaft; silence ehrfürchtig
    2. n
    Ordensmann m, Ordensfrau f

    the Religious pldie Ordensleute pl

    * * *
    religious [rıˈlıdʒəs]
    A adj (adv religiously)
    1. religiös, Religions…:
    religious education ( oder instruction) SCHULE Religion(sunterricht) f(m);
    religious holiday kirchlicher Feiertag;
    religious liberty Religionsfreiheit f;
    religious wars Religionskriege;
    religious zeal Glaubenseifer m
    2. religiös, fromm:
    I’m not a religious man ich bin nicht religiös
    3. ordensgeistlich, Ordens…:
    religious order geistlicher Orden
    4. fig äußerst gewissenhaft:
    with religious care mit peinlicher Sorgfalt
    5. fig andächtig (Schweigen etc)
    B pl -gious s
    1. Ordensbruder m, -schwester f, Mönch m, Nonne f
    2. the religious koll die Gläubigen pl:
    thousands of the religious Tausende von Gläubigen
    relig. abk
    * * *
    1) (pious) religiös; fromm
    2) (concerned with religion) Glaubens[freiheit, -eifer]; Religions[freiheit, -unterricht, -kenntnisse]; religiös [Überzeugung, Zentrum]
    3) (of monastic order) religiös [Orden]

    religious community — Ordensgemeinschaft, die

    4) (scrupulous) peinlich [Sorgfalt, Genauigkeit]
    * * *
    fromm adj.
    gewissenhaft adj.
    gläubig adj.
    religiös adj.
    religös adj.

    English-german dictionary > religious

  • 14 feel

    1. I
    usually in the negative or interrogative a robot cannot feel робот ничего не чувствует; can animals feel ? обладают ли животные какими-л. чувствами?
    2. II
    feel in some manner feel deeply (instinctively, profoundly, genuinely, etc.) глубоко и т. д. чувствовать; feel at home чувствовать себя как дома /запросто, свободно/; feel at ease чувствовать себя свободно; I feel ill at ease in her presence в ее присутствии я чувствую себя неловко /скованно/
    3. III
    feel smth.
    1) feel hunger (thirst, etc.) ощущать голод и т. д.; feel pain (a toothache, a sore throat, etc.) чувствовать /испытывать/ боль и т. д; feel the force of the wind (the cool breeze, a blow, etc.) почувствовать силу ветра и т. д. feel sorrow (anger, fear, pity, compunction, a sting of conscience, doubt, joy, delight, pleasure, want, etc.) испытывать горе и т. д.; feel smb.'s authority (smb.'s anger, one's own power, one's strength, one's disgrace, the effects of the accident, the need for a little exercise, the necessity of smth., the justice of his words, etc.) (почувствовать чей-л. авторитет и т. д.; did you feel the earthquake? вы почувствовали подземные толчки?
    2) feel music (poetry, the beauty of his poems, the force of an argument, etc.) хорошо понимать /чувствовать/ музыку и т. д.; feel a friend's death глубоко переживать смерть друга
    3) feel the child's forehead (the edge of a knife, this piece of silk, this cloth, etc.) (по)щупать ребенку лоб и т. д.; feel smb.'s pulse посчитать у кого-л. пульс; the blind recognize objects by feeling them слепые узнают предметы на ощупь; feel one's legs (one's hands, one's head, etc.) ощупать свой ноги и т. д.; feel one's way идти ощупью; just feel the weight of this! ты только попробуй, сколько это весит!
    4. IV
    1) feel smth. in some manner he doesn't feel the heat at all он совсем не страдает от жары; infants feel the cold very much маленькие дети очень чувствительны к холоду; feel smth. at some time he felt the full effect of the medicine much later действие /эффект от/ лекарства он ощутил значительно позже
    2) feel smth. in some manner feel one's misfortune keenly (her failure painfully, his loss severely, etc.) остро чувствовать /переживать/ свое несчастье и т. д; feel nothing intensely принимать все спокойно, ничего не принимать близко к сердцу; feel acutely the difficulty (the need of smth., the necessity of smth., etc.) остро осознавать /отчетливо понимать/ [возникшие] трудности и т. д.
    3) feel smth. in some manner feel one's head (one's legs, one's face, etc.) carefully (lightly, etc.) осторожно и т. д. ощупывать голову и т. д.
    5. V
    || feel it one's duty to do smth. считать своим долгом что-л. сделать; feel it one's duty to speak frankly to him (to tell them all about it, to help her, to do so, etc.) считать своим долгом поговорить с ним откровенно и т. д.
    6. VI
    feel smth., as having some quality feel it necessary (important, relevant, wise, etc.) to interfere (to tell them about it, to warn them, etc.) считать необходимым и т. д. вмешаться и т. д.
    7. VII
    1) feel smth., smb. do smth. feel the earth shake (the knife touch my skin, her arms clasp round me, smb. move in the kitchen, him stir, etc.) (по-) чувствовать, что /как/ земля задрожала и т. д., she felt her feet to be stone-cold она почувствовала, что у нее ноги холодные как лед
    2) feel smb., smth. to do smth. he felt himself to see that nothing was broken он ощупал себя, чтобы убедиться, что ничего не сломал; she felt the wall to find the switch она шарила по стене, чтобы нащупать выключатель
    8. VIII
    feel smb., smth. dome smth. feel her trembling.(smth. crawling on my back, someone moving in the dark, himself falling, his hopes fading away, etc.) (по)чувствовать, что /как/ она дрожит и т. д.; feel winter coming предчувствовать наступление зимы; he felt an awful cad doing it делая это, он чувствовал себя подлецом
    9. X
    feel in some state feel hurt (a good deal embarrassed, very much moved, convinced, etc.) (почувствовать себя обиженным и т. д., обидеться и т. д.', feel relieved (grieved, assured, alarmed, frightened, depressed, etc.) почувствовать облегчение и т. д.; feel disposed to smb. чувствовать расположение к кому-л.; feel inclined to do smth. быть склонным сделать что-л.; the house is so large that one feels lost within it дом так велик, что в нем чувствуешь себя потерянным
    10. XI
    1) be felt in some manner the scarcity of public libraries is keenly felt остро ощущается недостаток публичных библиотек; the storm was felt severely on the coast последствия шторма тяжело сказались на всем побережье
    2) be felt to be in some state it was felt to be unwise (important, significant, etc.) считали, что это неразумно и т. д.
    11. XIII
    || feel at liberty /free/ to do smth. быть вправе что-л. делать; I don't feel at liberty to tell you about it (to mention his name, to disclose his whereabouts, etc.) я не считаю себя вправе рассказать зам об этом и т. д.; I felt free to leave (to stay, etc.) я считал, что могу уйти и т. д.; feel in a position to do smth. считать себя в состоянии что-л. сделать; feel in a position to help (to lend smb. money, to speak to smb., etc.) считать, что в состоянии помочь и т. д.;
    12. XV
    1) feel young (ten years younger, old, free, pretty well, ill, foolish, mean, cheap, etc.) чувствовать себя молодым и т. д.; feel envious (anxious, nervous, etc.) завидовать /испытывать зависть/ и т. д.; I feel uneasy about him я о нем беспокоюсь; I feel cold (warm, hot, comfortable, sad, queer, lonely, etc.) мне холодно и т. д., I feel hungry (weary, angry, grateful, happy, ill, etc.) я голоден и т. д., feel proud of smth., smb. гордиться чем-л., кем-л.; feel indebted to him чувствовать себя обязанным ему; he is beginning to feel tipsy он начинает пьянеть; he feels sleepy его клонит ко сну; I feel sorry мне очень жаль; tow are you today? feel Feeling fine, thanks как вы себя чувствуете сегодня? feel Прекрасно, спасибо; my head feels funny feel may I lie down? у меня что-то с головой-можно я прилягу?; my foot feels better с ногой у меня стало лучше; do you know how it feels to lose an old friend вы знаете, что значит потерять старого друга?; he knows how it feels to be hungry (to be rich, to be poor, etc.) он знает, что такое быть голодным и т. д.
    2) feel ил possessing some quality the air feels cold /chilly/ в воздухе прохладно; the room feels hot (damp, etc.) в комнате жарко и т. д.; how cold your hand feels какая у вас холодная рука; the chair feels comfortable стул удобный; velvet (silk, this cloth, etc.) feels soft (smooth, rough, etc.) бархат мягкий и т. д. на ощупь; the load felt heavy to me груз показался мне тяжелым
    13. XVI
    1) feel for smb. feel for her (for all mankind, deeply for all who suffer, etc.) сочувствовать ей и т. д.; I really feel for him in his sorrow я искренне разделяю его горе; feel toward (s) /about/ smb., smth. feel kindly (sweetly, affectionately, maternally, etc.) towards smb. хорошо и т. д. относиться к кому-л.: I know how you feel toward him я знаю, как вы к нему относитесь; how do you feel about this? как sill к атому относитесь?; feel strongly about smb., smth. испытывать чувство неприязни к кому-л., чему-л.; I feel very strongly about women smoking я решительно против того, чтобы женщины курили; feel badly about smb., smth. плохо относиться к кому-л., чему-л.
    2) feel for /after/ smth. /in some place/ feel for one's purse (for a coin in one's pockets, after the handle, for a box of matches, for a weapon, for a knife, etc.) ощупью искать кошелек в кармане и т. д.; feel in (under, along, etc.) smth. feel in one's pockets (in her purse, in her handbag, in a drawer, etc.) рыться в карманах и т. д.; feel under tile chair with one's hand (with one's foot) шарить рукой (ногой) под стулом; he felt along the wall until he found the door он пробирался ощупью вдоль стены, пока не нащупал дверь
    14. XVIII
    feel oneself in some state feel oneself touched почувствовать себя растроганным; feel oneself slighted считать серя ущемленным; he felt himself called upon to help он считал, это обязан помочь; I don't feel quite myself this morning мне сегодня немножко не по себе; I feel quite myself again я снова чувствую себя хорошо, я опять в форме
    15. XIX1
    1) feel like smth. feel like a cup of tea (like a glass of beer, like a drink, like a meal, like a movie, like a sail, etc.) быть не прочь выпить чашку чая и т. д, не возражать против чашки чая и т. д.; I don't feel like a walk just now мне сейчас не хочется идти гулять
    2) feel like smb. feel like a fool (like a cad, like a Midas, like oneself, etc.) чувствовать себя дураком и т. д., she hasn't been feeling like herself since the accident после катастрофы она никак не придет в себя; how does it feel like to be at home? ну как вам дома?, ну как вы себя чувствуете дома?
    3) feel like smth. this feels like wood (like glass, like wool, etc.) на ощупь это похоже на дерево и т. д.; her hands feel like velvet у нее руки мягкие как бархат; what does it feel like? на что это похоже (на ощупь)? ХIХ3 feel like doing smth. I feel like being alone (like singing, like crying like eating, like sleeping, etc.) мне хочется побыть одному и т. д.; do you feel like taking a walk? хотите прогуляться?; he doesn't feel like going out tonight ему сегодня не хочется выходить из дому; I don't feel like laughing мне [совсем] не смешно
    16. XXI1
    1) feel smth. in smth. I feel a pain in my ear (in my leg, in the back, etc.) у меня болит ухо и т. д.; feel an interest in /towards/ smb., smth. интересоваться кем-л., чем-л.; feel smth. for smb. feel great friendship for smb. быть дружески расположенным к кому-л.; feel much pity for smb. жалеть кого-л., испытывать жалость к кому-л.; feel smth. at smth. I felt no joy at his return я не испытывал никакой радости по поводу его возвращения, я совершенно не радовался его возвращению
    2) feel one's may around (across, along, etc.) smth. feel one's way around the room (along the wall, across the hall, etc.) двигаться по комнате и т. д. ощупью; feel one's way with smth. feel one's way with a stick (with one's foot) нащупывать дорогу палкой (ногой)
    17. XXV
    1) feel that... (what..., as if..., etc.) he felt that he was cold (that you were right, that we should win, etc.) он чувствовал, что ему холодно и т. д.you shall feel what it is to be in my bad books ты еще почувствуешь, что значит потерять мое расположение; feel that it will be a clever move I that such a plan will he unwise, that I ought to say no more at present, that he has told the truth, hat this is not the right time to act, etc.) полагать считать/, что это будет умный ход и т. д., felt that there was going to be a disaster чувствовал, что разразится катастрофа; I feel as if my head were bursting (as if I had lost a father, as if I'm catching cold, etc.) у меня такое чувство, как будто у меня раскалывается голова и т. д., it feels as if it's going to be a nice day today сегодня, кажется, будет хороший день
    2) feel whether... if... / (how...) feel whether the water is warm enough пощупай /попробуй/, достаточно ли теплая вода; feel if there are any bones broken проверьте, не сломаны ли какие-нибудь кости; feel how sharp the edge of this knife is (how cold lay hands are, how fast his pulse is, etc.) пощупайте, какой острый нож и т. д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > feel

  • 15 Liber

    līber, ĕra, ĕrum (old form, loebesum et loebertatem antiqui dicebant liberum et libertatem. Ita Graeci loibên et leibein, Paul. ex Fest. p. 121 Müll.; cf. 2. Liber), adj. [Gr. root liph-, liptô, to desire; cf. Sanscr. lub-dhas, desirous; Lat. libet, libido], that acts according to his own will and pleasure, is his own master; free, unrestricted, unrestrained, unimpeded, unshackled; independent, frank, open, bold (opp. servus, servilis).
    In gen.; constr. absol., with ab, the abl., and poet. also with gen.

    dictum est ab eruditissimis viris, nisi sapientem liberum esse neminem. Quid est enim libertas? Potestas vivendi ut velis,

    Cic. Par. 5, 1, 33:

    an ille mihi liber, cui mulier imperat, cui leges imponit, praescribit, jubet, vetat? etc.,

    id. ib. 5, 2, 36:

    ad scribendi licentiam liber,

    id. N. D. 1, 44, 123:

    agri immunes ac liberi,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 69, § 166:

    integro animo ac libero causam defendere,

    unprejudiced, unbiased, id. Sull. 31, 86:

    liberi ad causas solutique veniebant,

    not under obligations, not bribed, id. Verr. 2, 2, 78 § 192; cf.:

    libera lingua,

    Plaut. Cist. 1, 2, 9:

    cor liberum,

    id. Ep. 1, 2, 43:

    vocem liberam mittere adversus aliquem,

    Liv. 35, 32, 6:

    libera verba animi proferre,

    Juv. 4, 90: judicium [p. 1057] audientium relinquere integrum ac liberum, Cic. Div. 2, 72, 150:

    aliquid respuere ingenuo liberoque fastidio,

    id. Brut. 67, 236:

    libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio,

    id. Fin. 1, 10, 33:

    tibi uni vexatio direptioque sociorum impunita fuit ac libera,

    id. Cat. 1, 7, 18:

    pars quaestionum vaga et libera et late patens,

    id. de Or. 2, 16, 67:

    liberum arbitrium eis populo Romano permittente,

    Liv. 31, 11 fin.; cf. id. 37, 1, 5:


    full powers, unlimited authority, id. 37, 56; 38, 8:


    unlimited, id. 35, 7: custodia, free custody (i. e. confinement to a house or to a town), id. 24, 45; Vell. 1, 11, 1;

    v. custodia, II.: legatio, v. legatio: suffragia,

    the right of voting freely, Juv. 8, 211:


    free from intruders, undisturbed, secure, Plaut. Poen. 1, 1, 49; 3, 2, 25; id. Cas. 3, 2, 4: aedes, a free house, free dwelling (assigned to the use of ambassadors of friendly nations during their stay in Rome), Liv. 30, 17 fin.; 35, 23; 42, 6:


    i. e. not shared with a wife, Cic. Att. 14, 13, 5: toga ( poet. for virilis toga), a man's (prop. of one who is his own master), Ov. F. 3, 771:


    id. ib. 3, 777:

    libera omnia sibi servare,

    to reserve to one's self full liberty, Plin. Ep. 1, 5.— Comp.:

    hoc liberiores et solutiores sumus, quod, etc.,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 3, 8:

    est finitimus oratori poëta, numeris astrictior paulo, verborum licentia liberior,

    id. de Or. 1, 16, 70:

    liberiores litterae,

    id. Att. 1, 13, 1:

    amicitia remissior esse debet et liberior et dulcior,

    freer, more unrestrained, more cheerful, id. Lael. 18 fin.:

    paulo liberior sententia,

    Quint. 4, 2, 121:

    liberior in utramque partem disputatio,

    id. 7, 2, 14:

    fusiores liberioresque numeri,

    id. 9, 4, 130:

    officia liberiora plenioraque,

    id. 6, 1, 9:

    (flumina) campo recepta Liberioris aquae,

    freer, less impeded, Ov. M. 1, 41; cf.:

    (Tiberinus) campo liberiore natat,

    freer, opener, id. F. 4, 292:

    liberiore frui caelo,

    freer, opener, id. M. 15, 301.— Sup.:

    liberrimum hominum genus, comici veteres tradunt, etc.,

    the frankest, most free-spoken, Quint. 12, 2, 22; cf.:

    liberrime Lolli,

    most frank, most ingenuous, Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 1:


    id. Epod. 4, 10.—
    Free or exempt from, void of; with ab:

    Mamertini vacui, expertes, soluti ac liberi fuerunt ab omni sumptu, molestia, munere,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 10, § 23; cf.:

    (consul) solutus a cupiditatibus, liber a delictis,

    id. Agr. 1, 9, 27:

    ab observando homine perverso liber,

    id. Att. 1, 13, 2:

    liber a tali irrisione Socrates, liber Aristo Chius,

    id. Ac. 2, 39, 123:

    ab omni animi perturbatione liber,

    id. Off. 1, 20, 67; id. N. D. 2, 21, 55:

    loca abdita et ab arbitris libera,

    id. Att. 15, 16, B:

    libera a ferro crura,

    Ov. P. 1, 6, 32:

    animus liber a partibus rei publicae,

    Sall. C. 4.—
    With abl.:

    animus omni liber curā et angore,

    free from, without, Cic. Fin. 1, 15:

    animus religione,

    Liv. 2, 36:

    animus cogitationibus aliis,

    Quint. 11, 2, 35:

    mens omnibus vitiis,

    id. 12, 1, 4; cf.:

    liberis odio et gratia mentibus,

    id. 5, 11, 37:

    omni liber metu,

    Liv. 7, 34:

    liber invidia,

    Quint. 12, 11, 7:

    equus carcere,

    Ov. Am. 2, 9, 20.—
    With gen. ( poet.):

    liber laborum,

    Hor. A. P. 212:

    fati gens Lydia,

    Verg. A. 10, 154:


    Luc. 4, 384. — Comp.:

    liberior campi,

    having a wider space, Stat. S. 4, 2, 24.—
    Liberum est, with subject-clause:

    quam (opinionem) sequi magis probantibus liberum est,

    it is free, permitted, allowable, Quint. 6, 3, 112; Plin. Ep. 1, 8:

    dies eligere certos liberum erat,

    Plin. 30, 2, 6, § 16.—So in abl. absol.:

    libero, quid firmaret mutaretve,

    Tac. A. 3, 60.
    In partic.
    Free, in a social point of view, not a slave (opp. servus;

    also to ingenuus): neque vendendam censes quae libera est,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 40; cf. id. ib. v. 28:

    dis habeo gratiam quom aliquot affuerunt liberae, because slaves were not permitted to testify,

    id. And. 4, 4, 32; opp. ingenuus, free-born:

    quid ea? ingenuan' an festucā facta e servā liberast?

    Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 14:

    in jure civili, qui est matre liberā, liber est,

    Cic. N. D. 3, 18, 45; id. Caecin. 36, 96:

    si neque censu, neque vindictā, nec testamento liber factus est (servus), non est liber,

    id. Top. 2, 10:

    quae (assentatio) non modo amico, sed ne libero quidem digna est,

    of a freeman, id. Lael. 24, 89; Quint. 11, 1, 43:

    liberorum hominum alii ingenui sunt, alii libertini,

    Gai. Inst. 1, 10; cf. sqq.: ex ancilla et libero jure gentium servus nascitur, id. ib. 1, 82; cf. § 85; Paul. Sent. 2, 24, 1 sqq.—
    Free, in a political point of view;

    said both of a people not under monarchical rule and of one not in subjection to another people,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 32, 48; cf.:

    ut ex nimia potentia principum oritur interitus principum, sic hunc nimis liberum populum libertas ipsa servitute afficit,

    id. ib. 1, 44, 68:

    liber populus,

    id. ib. 3, 34, 46:

    (Demaratus) vir liber ac fortis,

    democratic, republican, fond of liberty, id. ib. 2, 19, 34:

    civitates liberae atque immunes,

    free from service, Liv. 37, 55:

    provinciae civitatesque liberae,

    Suet. Vesp. 8:

    libera ac foederata oppida,

    id. Calig. 3:

    Roma patrem patriae Ciceronem libera dixit,

    Juv. 8, 244.—
    In a bad sense, esp. with reference to sensual pleasure, unbridled, unchecked, unrestrained, licentious:

    quam liber harum rerum multarum siet (Juppiter),

    Plaut. Am. prol. 105:

    adulescens imprudens et liber,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 40; cf.:

    sit adulescentia liberior,

    somewhat freer, Cic. Cael. 18, 42:

    amores soluti et liberi,

    id. Rep. 4, 4, 4:

    consuetudo peccandi,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 76, § 177.—Hence, adv.: lībĕrē, freely, unrestrictedly, without let or hinderance; frankly, openly, boldly:

    qui nihil dicit, nihil facit, nihil cogitat denique, nisi libenter ac libere,

    Cic. Par. 5, 1, 34:

    animus somno relaxatus solute movetur et libere,

    id. Div. 2, 48, 100:


    id. Quint. 11, 39:

    constanter et libere (me gessi),

    id. Att. 4, 16, 9:

    consilium dare,

    id. Lael. 13, 44:

    aliquid magis accusatorie quam libere dixisse,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 72, § 176:

    omnia libere fingimus et impune,

    Quint. 6, 1, 43:

    ut ingredi libere (oratio), non ut licenter videatur errare,

    Cic. Or. 23, 77.— Comp.:

    liberius vivendi fuit potestas,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 23:


    Cic. Planc. 13, 33:

    fortius liberiusque defendere,

    Quint. 12, 1, 21:

    liberius si Dixero quid,

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 103:


    id. ib. 2, 8, 37:

    longius et liberius exseritur digitus,

    Quint. 11, 3, 92; cf. id. 11, 3, 97:

    ipsaque tellus Omnia liberius, nullo poscente, ferebat,

    freely, of itself, spontaneously, Verg. G. 1, 127.
    līber, ĕri ( gen. plur. liberūm, Att. ap. Cic. Tusc. 3, 9; Turp. ap. Non. 495, 26; Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 15, § 40; 2, 1, 30, § 77; Tac. A. 2, 38; 3, 25 saep.; cf. Cic. Or. 46, 155;

    but also: liberorum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 30, § 76; 2, 5, 42, § 109), m. [1. liber], a child.
    Sing. (post-class. and rare):

    si quis maximam portionem libero relinquat,

    Cod. Just. 3, 28, 33; 5, 9, 8 fin.; Quint. Decl. 2, 8.—
    Plur., children (freq.; but in class. Lat. only of children with reference to their parents: pueri = children in general, as younger than adulescentes; cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 657 sq.).
    Lit.: liberorum genus, Enn. ap. Cic. Or. 46, 155 (Trag. v. 347 Vahl.): liberorum sibi quaesendum gratia, id. ap. Fest. p. 258 Müll. (Trag. v. 161 Vahl.):

    cum conjugibus et liberis,

    Cic. Att. 8, 2, 3:

    eum ex C. Fadii filiā liberos habuisse,

    id. ib. 16, 11, 1:

    liberos procreare,

    id. Tusc. 5, 37, 109:

    suscipere liberos,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 69, § 161:

    per liberos te precor,

    Hor. Epod. 5, 5:


    id. ib. 2, 40:


    Quint. 2, 15, 8;

    opp. parentes,

    id. 11, 1, 82; 3, 7, 18; 26; 6, 1, 18; 6, 5 al.: mater quae liberos, quasi oculos (amisit), orba est, Sulp. ap. Paul. ex Fest. p. 182 Müll.: jus trium liberorum, under the emperors, a privilege enjoyed by those who had three legitimate children (it consisted in the permission to fill a public office before one's twenty-fifth year, and in freedom from personal burdens); this privilege was sometimes also bestowed on those who had fewer than three children, or even none at all; also of one child:

    non est sine liberis, cui vel unus filius unave filia est,

    Dig. 50, 16, 148; Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 6; Ter. Hec. 2, 1, 15; id. Heaut. 1, 1, 99; id. And. 5, 3, 20; Cic. Phil. 1, 1, 2; id. de Imp. Pomp. 12, 33; id. Verr. 2, 1, 15, § 40; ib. 30, § 76 Zumpt; cf. also Sulp. ap. Cic. Fam. 4, 5:

    neque ejus legendam filiam (virginem Vestalem)... qui liberos tres haberet,

    Gell. 1, 12, 8:

    uxores duxerant, ex quibus plerique liberos habebant,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 110, 2.—Of grandchildren and great-grandchildren:

    liberorum appellatione nepotes et pronepotes ceterique qui ex his descendunt, continentur,

    Dig. 50, 16, 220; cf.:

    liberi usque ad trinepotem, ultra hos posteriores vocantur,

    ib. 38, 10, 10, § 7:

    habitus sis in liberum loco,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 15, § 40.—
    Of sons (opp. daughters):

    procreavit liberos septem totidemque filias,

    Hyg. Fab. 9.—
    Of children in gen. = pueri:

    praecepta Chrysippi de liberorum educatione,

    Quint. 1, 11, 17; cf.: Catus aut de liberis educandis, the title of a book by Varro, v. Gell. 4, 19, 2; Macr. S. 3, 6, 5.—
    Transf., of animals, young:

    liberis orbas oves,

    Plaut. Capt. 4, 2, 38.—Comically:

    quaerunt litterae hae sibi liberos: alia aliam scandit,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 23.
    Līber, ĕri (Sabine collat. form, loebasius, acc. to Serv. Verg. G. 1, 7; cf. 1. liber, and libertas init.), m. [Gr. leibô, to pour; loibê, a drink - offering; Lat. libare], an old Italian deity, who presided over planting and fructification; afterwards identified with the Greek Bacchus:

    hunc dico Liberum Semelā natum, non eum, quem nostri majores auguste sancteque Liberum cum Cerere et Libera consecraverunt. Sed quod ex nobis natos liberos appellamus, idcirco Cerere nati nominati sunt Liber et Libera: quod in Libera servant, in Libero non item,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 24, 62; cf. Serv. Verg. G. 1, 5; Cic. Leg. 2, 8, 19:

    tertio (invocabo) Cererem et Liberum, quod horum fructus maxime necessarii ad victum: ab his enim cibus et potio venit e fundo,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 1, 5:

    Liber et alma Ceres,

    Verg. G. 1, 7:

    ex aede Liberi,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 57, § 128;

    in a pun with 1. liber,

    Plaut. Capt. 3, 4, 46; cf. id. Curc. 1, 2, 21; id. Stich. 5, 4, 17; so in a pun with liber, free:

    quiaque adeo me complevi flore Liberi, Magis libera uti lingua collibitum est mihi,

    Plaut. Cist. 1, 2, 8; cf.:

    salve, anime mi, lepos Liberi, ut veteris ego sum cupida, etc.,

    id. Curc. 1, 2, 3.— Connected with pater:

    sic factum, ut Libero patri repertori vitis hirci immolarentur,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 2, 19:

    Romulus et Liber pater,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 5:

    per vestigia Liberi patris,

    Plin. 4, 10, 17, § 39:

    patre favente Libero fetis palmitibus,

    Col. 3, 21, 3:

    Libero patri in monte res divina celebratur,

    Macr. S. 1, 18, 4.—
    Meton., wine:

    illud, quod erat a deo donatum, nomine ipsius dei nuncupabant: ut cum fruges Cererem appellamus, vinum autem Liberum: ex quo illud Terentii (Eun. 4, 5, 6): sine Cerere et Libero friget Venus,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 23, 60:

    Liberum et Cererem pro vino et pane,

    Quint. 8, 6, 24; cf. also Plaut. Curc. 1, 2, 4 supra:

    sed pressum Calibus ducere Liberum Si gestis, etc.,

    Hor. C. 4, 12, 14:

    condita cum verax aperit praecordia Liber,

    id. S. 1, 4, 89.
    lĭber, bri, m. [Gr. lepein, to peel; lepos, lepis; cf. lobos], the inner bark or rind of a tree.
    In gen.:

    obducuntur libro aut cortice trunci,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 47, 120:

    colligatae libris (arundines),

    Varr. R. R. 1, 8, 4:

    udoque docent (germen) inolescere libro,

    Verg. G. 2, 77:

    natam libro et silvestri subere clausam,

    id. A. 11, 554; id. E. 10, 67:

    quam denso fascia libro,

    Juv. 6, 263.—
    Esp., because the ancients used the bark or rind of trees to write upon; usually the thin rind of the Egyptian papyrus, on which the books of the Greeks and Romans were usually written (v. Dict. of Antiq. p. 587 sq.):

    antea non fuisse chartarum usum. In palmarum foliis primo scriptitatum, dein quarundam arborum libris,

    Plin. 13, 11, 21, § 69.—Hence,
    Paper, parchment, or rolls of any substance used to write upon (cf.:

    charta, membrana): quasi quom in libro scribuntur calamo litterae,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 5, 131.—
    Most freq. a book, work, treatise:

    Demetrii liber de concordia,

    Cic. Att. 8, 12, 6:

    quas (sententias) hoc libro exposui,

    id. Lael. 1, 3; cf. id. ib. 1, 5:

    dixi in eo libro, quem de rebus rusticis scripsi,

    id. de Sen. 15, 54:

    libros pervolutare,

    id. Att. 5, 12, 2:


    id. Tusc. 1, 11, 24:


    id. Brut. 87, 298:


    id. Fam. 6, 6, 8:


    id. Fat. 1, 1:

    libri confectio,

    id. de Sen. 1, 1:

    tempus ad libros vacuum,

    id. Rep. 1, 9, 14:

    cujus (Platonis) in libris,

    id. ib. 1, 10, 16:

    in Graecorum libris,

    id. ib. 2, 11, 21:

    librum, si malus est, nequeo laudare,

    Juv. 3, 41:

    actorum libri,

    the official gazette, id. 9, 84; cf. 2, 136; and v. Dict. Antiq. s. v. Acta.—
    In partic.
    A division of a work a look:

    tres libri perfecti sunt de Natura Deorum,

    Cic. Div. 2, 1, 3:

    hi tres libri (de Officiis),

    id. Off. 3, 33, 121:

    sermo in novem libros distributus,

    id. Q. Fr. 3, 5, 1:

    dictum est in libro superiore,

    id. Off. 2, 13, 43 [p. 1058] sicut superiore libro continetur, Quint. 11, 1, 1:

    versus de libro Ennii annali sexto,

    id. 6, 3, 86:

    liber primus, secundus, tertius, etc.,

    id. 8, 1, 2; 10, 2, 20; 11, 1, 4 al. —Sometimes, in this latter case, liber is omitted:

    in T. Livii primo,

    Quint. 9, 2, 37:

    in tertio de Oratore,

    id. 9, 1, 26:

    legi tuum nuper quartum de Finibus,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 11, 32.—
    In relig. or pub. law lang., a religious book, scriptures; a statute - book, code:

    decemviris adire libros jussis,

    i. e. the Sibylline books, Liv. 34, 55; 21, 62; 25, 12:

    se cum legeret libros, recordatum esse, etc.,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 4, 11:

    ut in libris est Etruscorum,

    id. Div. 2, 23, 50; id. Att. 9, 9, 3:


    rituals, Tac. A. 3, 38.—
    A list, catalogue, register, Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 71, § 167.—
    A letter, epistle, Nep. Lys. 4, 2; Plin. Ep. 2, 1, 5.—
    A rescript, decree (post-Aug.):

    liber principis severus et tamen moderatus,

    Plin. Ep. 5, 14, 8.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Liber

  • 16 liber

    līber, ĕra, ĕrum (old form, loebesum et loebertatem antiqui dicebant liberum et libertatem. Ita Graeci loibên et leibein, Paul. ex Fest. p. 121 Müll.; cf. 2. Liber), adj. [Gr. root liph-, liptô, to desire; cf. Sanscr. lub-dhas, desirous; Lat. libet, libido], that acts according to his own will and pleasure, is his own master; free, unrestricted, unrestrained, unimpeded, unshackled; independent, frank, open, bold (opp. servus, servilis).
    In gen.; constr. absol., with ab, the abl., and poet. also with gen.

    dictum est ab eruditissimis viris, nisi sapientem liberum esse neminem. Quid est enim libertas? Potestas vivendi ut velis,

    Cic. Par. 5, 1, 33:

    an ille mihi liber, cui mulier imperat, cui leges imponit, praescribit, jubet, vetat? etc.,

    id. ib. 5, 2, 36:

    ad scribendi licentiam liber,

    id. N. D. 1, 44, 123:

    agri immunes ac liberi,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 69, § 166:

    integro animo ac libero causam defendere,

    unprejudiced, unbiased, id. Sull. 31, 86:

    liberi ad causas solutique veniebant,

    not under obligations, not bribed, id. Verr. 2, 2, 78 § 192; cf.:

    libera lingua,

    Plaut. Cist. 1, 2, 9:

    cor liberum,

    id. Ep. 1, 2, 43:

    vocem liberam mittere adversus aliquem,

    Liv. 35, 32, 6:

    libera verba animi proferre,

    Juv. 4, 90: judicium [p. 1057] audientium relinquere integrum ac liberum, Cic. Div. 2, 72, 150:

    aliquid respuere ingenuo liberoque fastidio,

    id. Brut. 67, 236:

    libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio,

    id. Fin. 1, 10, 33:

    tibi uni vexatio direptioque sociorum impunita fuit ac libera,

    id. Cat. 1, 7, 18:

    pars quaestionum vaga et libera et late patens,

    id. de Or. 2, 16, 67:

    liberum arbitrium eis populo Romano permittente,

    Liv. 31, 11 fin.; cf. id. 37, 1, 5:


    full powers, unlimited authority, id. 37, 56; 38, 8:


    unlimited, id. 35, 7: custodia, free custody (i. e. confinement to a house or to a town), id. 24, 45; Vell. 1, 11, 1;

    v. custodia, II.: legatio, v. legatio: suffragia,

    the right of voting freely, Juv. 8, 211:


    free from intruders, undisturbed, secure, Plaut. Poen. 1, 1, 49; 3, 2, 25; id. Cas. 3, 2, 4: aedes, a free house, free dwelling (assigned to the use of ambassadors of friendly nations during their stay in Rome), Liv. 30, 17 fin.; 35, 23; 42, 6:


    i. e. not shared with a wife, Cic. Att. 14, 13, 5: toga ( poet. for virilis toga), a man's (prop. of one who is his own master), Ov. F. 3, 771:


    id. ib. 3, 777:

    libera omnia sibi servare,

    to reserve to one's self full liberty, Plin. Ep. 1, 5.— Comp.:

    hoc liberiores et solutiores sumus, quod, etc.,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 3, 8:

    est finitimus oratori poëta, numeris astrictior paulo, verborum licentia liberior,

    id. de Or. 1, 16, 70:

    liberiores litterae,

    id. Att. 1, 13, 1:

    amicitia remissior esse debet et liberior et dulcior,

    freer, more unrestrained, more cheerful, id. Lael. 18 fin.:

    paulo liberior sententia,

    Quint. 4, 2, 121:

    liberior in utramque partem disputatio,

    id. 7, 2, 14:

    fusiores liberioresque numeri,

    id. 9, 4, 130:

    officia liberiora plenioraque,

    id. 6, 1, 9:

    (flumina) campo recepta Liberioris aquae,

    freer, less impeded, Ov. M. 1, 41; cf.:

    (Tiberinus) campo liberiore natat,

    freer, opener, id. F. 4, 292:

    liberiore frui caelo,

    freer, opener, id. M. 15, 301.— Sup.:

    liberrimum hominum genus, comici veteres tradunt, etc.,

    the frankest, most free-spoken, Quint. 12, 2, 22; cf.:

    liberrime Lolli,

    most frank, most ingenuous, Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 1:


    id. Epod. 4, 10.—
    Free or exempt from, void of; with ab:

    Mamertini vacui, expertes, soluti ac liberi fuerunt ab omni sumptu, molestia, munere,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 10, § 23; cf.:

    (consul) solutus a cupiditatibus, liber a delictis,

    id. Agr. 1, 9, 27:

    ab observando homine perverso liber,

    id. Att. 1, 13, 2:

    liber a tali irrisione Socrates, liber Aristo Chius,

    id. Ac. 2, 39, 123:

    ab omni animi perturbatione liber,

    id. Off. 1, 20, 67; id. N. D. 2, 21, 55:

    loca abdita et ab arbitris libera,

    id. Att. 15, 16, B:

    libera a ferro crura,

    Ov. P. 1, 6, 32:

    animus liber a partibus rei publicae,

    Sall. C. 4.—
    With abl.:

    animus omni liber curā et angore,

    free from, without, Cic. Fin. 1, 15:

    animus religione,

    Liv. 2, 36:

    animus cogitationibus aliis,

    Quint. 11, 2, 35:

    mens omnibus vitiis,

    id. 12, 1, 4; cf.:

    liberis odio et gratia mentibus,

    id. 5, 11, 37:

    omni liber metu,

    Liv. 7, 34:

    liber invidia,

    Quint. 12, 11, 7:

    equus carcere,

    Ov. Am. 2, 9, 20.—
    With gen. ( poet.):

    liber laborum,

    Hor. A. P. 212:

    fati gens Lydia,

    Verg. A. 10, 154:


    Luc. 4, 384. — Comp.:

    liberior campi,

    having a wider space, Stat. S. 4, 2, 24.—
    Liberum est, with subject-clause:

    quam (opinionem) sequi magis probantibus liberum est,

    it is free, permitted, allowable, Quint. 6, 3, 112; Plin. Ep. 1, 8:

    dies eligere certos liberum erat,

    Plin. 30, 2, 6, § 16.—So in abl. absol.:

    libero, quid firmaret mutaretve,

    Tac. A. 3, 60.
    In partic.
    Free, in a social point of view, not a slave (opp. servus;

    also to ingenuus): neque vendendam censes quae libera est,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 40; cf. id. ib. v. 28:

    dis habeo gratiam quom aliquot affuerunt liberae, because slaves were not permitted to testify,

    id. And. 4, 4, 32; opp. ingenuus, free-born:

    quid ea? ingenuan' an festucā facta e servā liberast?

    Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 14:

    in jure civili, qui est matre liberā, liber est,

    Cic. N. D. 3, 18, 45; id. Caecin. 36, 96:

    si neque censu, neque vindictā, nec testamento liber factus est (servus), non est liber,

    id. Top. 2, 10:

    quae (assentatio) non modo amico, sed ne libero quidem digna est,

    of a freeman, id. Lael. 24, 89; Quint. 11, 1, 43:

    liberorum hominum alii ingenui sunt, alii libertini,

    Gai. Inst. 1, 10; cf. sqq.: ex ancilla et libero jure gentium servus nascitur, id. ib. 1, 82; cf. § 85; Paul. Sent. 2, 24, 1 sqq.—
    Free, in a political point of view;

    said both of a people not under monarchical rule and of one not in subjection to another people,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 32, 48; cf.:

    ut ex nimia potentia principum oritur interitus principum, sic hunc nimis liberum populum libertas ipsa servitute afficit,

    id. ib. 1, 44, 68:

    liber populus,

    id. ib. 3, 34, 46:

    (Demaratus) vir liber ac fortis,

    democratic, republican, fond of liberty, id. ib. 2, 19, 34:

    civitates liberae atque immunes,

    free from service, Liv. 37, 55:

    provinciae civitatesque liberae,

    Suet. Vesp. 8:

    libera ac foederata oppida,

    id. Calig. 3:

    Roma patrem patriae Ciceronem libera dixit,

    Juv. 8, 244.—
    In a bad sense, esp. with reference to sensual pleasure, unbridled, unchecked, unrestrained, licentious:

    quam liber harum rerum multarum siet (Juppiter),

    Plaut. Am. prol. 105:

    adulescens imprudens et liber,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 40; cf.:

    sit adulescentia liberior,

    somewhat freer, Cic. Cael. 18, 42:

    amores soluti et liberi,

    id. Rep. 4, 4, 4:

    consuetudo peccandi,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 76, § 177.—Hence, adv.: lībĕrē, freely, unrestrictedly, without let or hinderance; frankly, openly, boldly:

    qui nihil dicit, nihil facit, nihil cogitat denique, nisi libenter ac libere,

    Cic. Par. 5, 1, 34:

    animus somno relaxatus solute movetur et libere,

    id. Div. 2, 48, 100:


    id. Quint. 11, 39:

    constanter et libere (me gessi),

    id. Att. 4, 16, 9:

    consilium dare,

    id. Lael. 13, 44:

    aliquid magis accusatorie quam libere dixisse,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 72, § 176:

    omnia libere fingimus et impune,

    Quint. 6, 1, 43:

    ut ingredi libere (oratio), non ut licenter videatur errare,

    Cic. Or. 23, 77.— Comp.:

    liberius vivendi fuit potestas,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 23:


    Cic. Planc. 13, 33:

    fortius liberiusque defendere,

    Quint. 12, 1, 21:

    liberius si Dixero quid,

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 103:


    id. ib. 2, 8, 37:

    longius et liberius exseritur digitus,

    Quint. 11, 3, 92; cf. id. 11, 3, 97:

    ipsaque tellus Omnia liberius, nullo poscente, ferebat,

    freely, of itself, spontaneously, Verg. G. 1, 127.
    līber, ĕri ( gen. plur. liberūm, Att. ap. Cic. Tusc. 3, 9; Turp. ap. Non. 495, 26; Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 15, § 40; 2, 1, 30, § 77; Tac. A. 2, 38; 3, 25 saep.; cf. Cic. Or. 46, 155;

    but also: liberorum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 30, § 76; 2, 5, 42, § 109), m. [1. liber], a child.
    Sing. (post-class. and rare):

    si quis maximam portionem libero relinquat,

    Cod. Just. 3, 28, 33; 5, 9, 8 fin.; Quint. Decl. 2, 8.—
    Plur., children (freq.; but in class. Lat. only of children with reference to their parents: pueri = children in general, as younger than adulescentes; cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 657 sq.).
    Lit.: liberorum genus, Enn. ap. Cic. Or. 46, 155 (Trag. v. 347 Vahl.): liberorum sibi quaesendum gratia, id. ap. Fest. p. 258 Müll. (Trag. v. 161 Vahl.):

    cum conjugibus et liberis,

    Cic. Att. 8, 2, 3:

    eum ex C. Fadii filiā liberos habuisse,

    id. ib. 16, 11, 1:

    liberos procreare,

    id. Tusc. 5, 37, 109:

    suscipere liberos,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 69, § 161:

    per liberos te precor,

    Hor. Epod. 5, 5:


    id. ib. 2, 40:


    Quint. 2, 15, 8;

    opp. parentes,

    id. 11, 1, 82; 3, 7, 18; 26; 6, 1, 18; 6, 5 al.: mater quae liberos, quasi oculos (amisit), orba est, Sulp. ap. Paul. ex Fest. p. 182 Müll.: jus trium liberorum, under the emperors, a privilege enjoyed by those who had three legitimate children (it consisted in the permission to fill a public office before one's twenty-fifth year, and in freedom from personal burdens); this privilege was sometimes also bestowed on those who had fewer than three children, or even none at all; also of one child:

    non est sine liberis, cui vel unus filius unave filia est,

    Dig. 50, 16, 148; Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 6; Ter. Hec. 2, 1, 15; id. Heaut. 1, 1, 99; id. And. 5, 3, 20; Cic. Phil. 1, 1, 2; id. de Imp. Pomp. 12, 33; id. Verr. 2, 1, 15, § 40; ib. 30, § 76 Zumpt; cf. also Sulp. ap. Cic. Fam. 4, 5:

    neque ejus legendam filiam (virginem Vestalem)... qui liberos tres haberet,

    Gell. 1, 12, 8:

    uxores duxerant, ex quibus plerique liberos habebant,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 110, 2.—Of grandchildren and great-grandchildren:

    liberorum appellatione nepotes et pronepotes ceterique qui ex his descendunt, continentur,

    Dig. 50, 16, 220; cf.:

    liberi usque ad trinepotem, ultra hos posteriores vocantur,

    ib. 38, 10, 10, § 7:

    habitus sis in liberum loco,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 15, § 40.—
    Of sons (opp. daughters):

    procreavit liberos septem totidemque filias,

    Hyg. Fab. 9.—
    Of children in gen. = pueri:

    praecepta Chrysippi de liberorum educatione,

    Quint. 1, 11, 17; cf.: Catus aut de liberis educandis, the title of a book by Varro, v. Gell. 4, 19, 2; Macr. S. 3, 6, 5.—
    Transf., of animals, young:

    liberis orbas oves,

    Plaut. Capt. 4, 2, 38.—Comically:

    quaerunt litterae hae sibi liberos: alia aliam scandit,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 23.
    Līber, ĕri (Sabine collat. form, loebasius, acc. to Serv. Verg. G. 1, 7; cf. 1. liber, and libertas init.), m. [Gr. leibô, to pour; loibê, a drink - offering; Lat. libare], an old Italian deity, who presided over planting and fructification; afterwards identified with the Greek Bacchus:

    hunc dico Liberum Semelā natum, non eum, quem nostri majores auguste sancteque Liberum cum Cerere et Libera consecraverunt. Sed quod ex nobis natos liberos appellamus, idcirco Cerere nati nominati sunt Liber et Libera: quod in Libera servant, in Libero non item,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 24, 62; cf. Serv. Verg. G. 1, 5; Cic. Leg. 2, 8, 19:

    tertio (invocabo) Cererem et Liberum, quod horum fructus maxime necessarii ad victum: ab his enim cibus et potio venit e fundo,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 1, 5:

    Liber et alma Ceres,

    Verg. G. 1, 7:

    ex aede Liberi,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 57, § 128;

    in a pun with 1. liber,

    Plaut. Capt. 3, 4, 46; cf. id. Curc. 1, 2, 21; id. Stich. 5, 4, 17; so in a pun with liber, free:

    quiaque adeo me complevi flore Liberi, Magis libera uti lingua collibitum est mihi,

    Plaut. Cist. 1, 2, 8; cf.:

    salve, anime mi, lepos Liberi, ut veteris ego sum cupida, etc.,

    id. Curc. 1, 2, 3.— Connected with pater:

    sic factum, ut Libero patri repertori vitis hirci immolarentur,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 2, 19:

    Romulus et Liber pater,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 5:

    per vestigia Liberi patris,

    Plin. 4, 10, 17, § 39:

    patre favente Libero fetis palmitibus,

    Col. 3, 21, 3:

    Libero patri in monte res divina celebratur,

    Macr. S. 1, 18, 4.—
    Meton., wine:

    illud, quod erat a deo donatum, nomine ipsius dei nuncupabant: ut cum fruges Cererem appellamus, vinum autem Liberum: ex quo illud Terentii (Eun. 4, 5, 6): sine Cerere et Libero friget Venus,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 23, 60:

    Liberum et Cererem pro vino et pane,

    Quint. 8, 6, 24; cf. also Plaut. Curc. 1, 2, 4 supra:

    sed pressum Calibus ducere Liberum Si gestis, etc.,

    Hor. C. 4, 12, 14:

    condita cum verax aperit praecordia Liber,

    id. S. 1, 4, 89.
    lĭber, bri, m. [Gr. lepein, to peel; lepos, lepis; cf. lobos], the inner bark or rind of a tree.
    In gen.:

    obducuntur libro aut cortice trunci,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 47, 120:

    colligatae libris (arundines),

    Varr. R. R. 1, 8, 4:

    udoque docent (germen) inolescere libro,

    Verg. G. 2, 77:

    natam libro et silvestri subere clausam,

    id. A. 11, 554; id. E. 10, 67:

    quam denso fascia libro,

    Juv. 6, 263.—
    Esp., because the ancients used the bark or rind of trees to write upon; usually the thin rind of the Egyptian papyrus, on which the books of the Greeks and Romans were usually written (v. Dict. of Antiq. p. 587 sq.):

    antea non fuisse chartarum usum. In palmarum foliis primo scriptitatum, dein quarundam arborum libris,

    Plin. 13, 11, 21, § 69.—Hence,
    Paper, parchment, or rolls of any substance used to write upon (cf.:

    charta, membrana): quasi quom in libro scribuntur calamo litterae,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 5, 131.—
    Most freq. a book, work, treatise:

    Demetrii liber de concordia,

    Cic. Att. 8, 12, 6:

    quas (sententias) hoc libro exposui,

    id. Lael. 1, 3; cf. id. ib. 1, 5:

    dixi in eo libro, quem de rebus rusticis scripsi,

    id. de Sen. 15, 54:

    libros pervolutare,

    id. Att. 5, 12, 2:


    id. Tusc. 1, 11, 24:


    id. Brut. 87, 298:


    id. Fam. 6, 6, 8:


    id. Fat. 1, 1:

    libri confectio,

    id. de Sen. 1, 1:

    tempus ad libros vacuum,

    id. Rep. 1, 9, 14:

    cujus (Platonis) in libris,

    id. ib. 1, 10, 16:

    in Graecorum libris,

    id. ib. 2, 11, 21:

    librum, si malus est, nequeo laudare,

    Juv. 3, 41:

    actorum libri,

    the official gazette, id. 9, 84; cf. 2, 136; and v. Dict. Antiq. s. v. Acta.—
    In partic.
    A division of a work a look:

    tres libri perfecti sunt de Natura Deorum,

    Cic. Div. 2, 1, 3:

    hi tres libri (de Officiis),

    id. Off. 3, 33, 121:

    sermo in novem libros distributus,

    id. Q. Fr. 3, 5, 1:

    dictum est in libro superiore,

    id. Off. 2, 13, 43 [p. 1058] sicut superiore libro continetur, Quint. 11, 1, 1:

    versus de libro Ennii annali sexto,

    id. 6, 3, 86:

    liber primus, secundus, tertius, etc.,

    id. 8, 1, 2; 10, 2, 20; 11, 1, 4 al. —Sometimes, in this latter case, liber is omitted:

    in T. Livii primo,

    Quint. 9, 2, 37:

    in tertio de Oratore,

    id. 9, 1, 26:

    legi tuum nuper quartum de Finibus,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 11, 32.—
    In relig. or pub. law lang., a religious book, scriptures; a statute - book, code:

    decemviris adire libros jussis,

    i. e. the Sibylline books, Liv. 34, 55; 21, 62; 25, 12:

    se cum legeret libros, recordatum esse, etc.,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 4, 11:

    ut in libris est Etruscorum,

    id. Div. 2, 23, 50; id. Att. 9, 9, 3:


    rituals, Tac. A. 3, 38.—
    A list, catalogue, register, Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 71, § 167.—
    A letter, epistle, Nep. Lys. 4, 2; Plin. Ep. 2, 1, 5.—
    A rescript, decree (post-Aug.):

    liber principis severus et tamen moderatus,

    Plin. Ep. 5, 14, 8.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > liber

  • 17 αὐτοκράτωρ

    αὐτο-κράτωρ [ᾰ], ορος, , , ([etym.] κρᾰτέω)
    A one's own master: hence,
    1 of persons or states, free, independent, Th.4.63, IG12 (9).189.44, etc.: of a youth that has come of age, X.Mem.2.1.21.
    2 of ambassadors and commissioners, possessing full powers, plenipotentiary,

    αὐτοκράτορά τινα ἑλέσθαι Ar. Pax 359


    αὐ. ἥκομεν Id.Av. 1595


    πρεσβευτής Lys.13.9


    ξυγγραφεῖς Th.8.67


    αὐ. βουλή And.1.15

    ; ἀποδεῖξαι ἄνδρας ἀρχὴν αὐτοκράτορας, opp. a reference to the assembly, Th.5.27.
    3 of rulers, absolute,

    στρατηγοί Id.6.72


    ἄρχων X. An.6.1.21


    ἀνυπεύθυνος καὶ αὐ. ἄρχειν Pl.Lg. 875b

    , cf. Plt. 299c; τὸ πᾶν αὐ. διαθεῖναι manage all at their pleasure, Th.1.126; ἦρχε τῶν ἀκολουθούντων αὐτὸς αὐτοκράτωρ, of Philip, D.18.235;

    μόναρχοι Arist.Pol. 1295a12

    ; στρατηγία ib. 1285a8 (dub.); νοῦς αὐ. (cf. αὐτοκρατής) Anaxag. ap.Pl.Cra. 413c: hence, = Lat.Dictator, Plb.3.86.7, etc.; = Imperator, Plu.Pomp.8; of the Emperor, Id.Galb.1, etc.
    4 αὐ. λογισμός peremptory reasoning, Th.4.108.
    II c. gen., complete master of..,

    πόλις οὐκ αὐ. οὖσα ἑαυτῆς Id.3.62


    τῆς τύχης Id.4.64


    τῆς αὑτοῦ πορείας Pl.Plt. 274a

    ; τῆς ἐπιορκίας αὐ. having full liberty to swear falsely, D.17.12: c. inf., αὐ. κολάσαι having full power to punish, Id.59.80.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > αὐτοκράτωρ

  • 18 libre

    1 free.
    un taxi libre a free o empty taxi
    el puesto de tesorero ha quedado libre the post of treasurer is now vacant
    ser libre de o para hacer algo to be free to do something
    2 external (pupil).
    estudiar por libre to be an external student
    3 floating.
    1st person singular (yo) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: librar.
    * * *
    1 (gen) free
    2 (asiento) free, vacant
    ¿está libre? is this seat free?
    4 (exento) free
    5 (alumno) external
    6 (en natación) free-style
    dejar libre a alguien to set somebody free
    ir por libre familiar to do one's own thing
    entrada libre free admittance
    * * *
    1) free
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [gen] free (de from, of)

    ¿estás libre? — are you free?

    el martes estoy libre, así que podemos quedar — I'm free on Tuesday so we can meet up

    2) (=exento)
    3) (=sin ocupar) [plaza] vacant, unoccupied

    ¿está libre este asiento? — is this seat free?

    libre[parking] spaces; [taxi] for hire

    4) [tiempo] spare, free

    por libre (=por cuenta propia)

    ir o funcionar por libre — to go it alone

    7) (Dep, Natación)
    saque 1., 1), tiro 3)
    8) [traducción, adaptación, verso] free

    libre a bordo — (Com) free on board

    10) (=inmoral) loose, immoral

    de vida libre — loose-living, immoral

    2. SM
    1) (Dep) (=tiro) free kick
    2) Méx taxi
    SMF (Dep) (=jugador) sweeper
    * * *
    1) <país/pueblo> free

    libre de + inf — free to + inf

    a) <traducción/adaptación> free
    b) < estudiante> external

    ir por libre — (Esp fam) to do as one pleases

    3) ( no ocupado) <persona/tiempo/asiento> free

    ¿tienes un rato libre? — do you have a (spare) moment?

    ¿está libre el cuarto de baño? — is the bathroom free?

    4) (exento, no sujeto)

    libre de algo: la empresa queda libre de toda responsabilidad the company does not accept any responsibility; artículos libres de impuestos duty-free goods; nadie está libre de que le pase una cosa así — something like that could happen to any of us

    * * *
    = free [freer -comp., freest -sup.], unrestricted, unchecked, unconstrained, unhindered, uninhibited, unobstructed, untrammelled, vacant, unfettered, up for grabs, footloose, free-flowing, at large, unassigned, freewheeling [free-wheeling], fancy-free.
    Ex. Within a restriction of total record size of maximum of 30,000 characters, an intending user is free to format the records in his system.
    Ex. Although the library community advocates unrestricted access to resources for all, professional practices illustrate that librarians restrict access for youth.
    Ex. The volume of published material tends to grow unchecked, and academic libraries are expected to provide a ready market for it.
    Ex. Libraries need to tackle issues that can ensure that their clients will have an unconstrained access to electronic information.
    Ex. The USA is, therefore, campaigning for absolutely unhindered information flow across all national boundaries.
    Ex. Barriers to the uninhibited international flow of scientific and technical information continue to increase.
    Ex. From the library she could see miles and miles of unobstructed vistas of rich, coffee-brown, almost black soil, broken only by occasional small towns, farms, and grain elevators.
    Ex. In times of war, or other reasons for the imposition of barriers to untrammelled distribution of information, such openness in communication cannot be allowed.
    Ex. Again we find that only the first entry leads us to the specific subject, and the others may in fact lead us to ` vacant' headings, ie headings under which no entries are filed.
    Ex. This article urges those responsible to ensure that the service goal of libraries remains as unfettered as possible by a collective agreement.
    Ex. The article 'Internet domain name control up for grabs' relates the decision by the National Science Foundation, USA, not to renew its agreement with Network Solutions Inc to handle Internet domain registrations.
    Ex. Americans are among the most opulent and footloose people on earth.
    Ex. Creating an innovative organisation requires a sponsor followed by guidance by example and gradual change aided by free-flowing communication.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Librarian at large'.
    Ex. If you would like to volunteer to present on one of the unassigned listed topics, please contact me.
    Ex. The culture that grew around this institution was even more freewheeling than it is today.
    Ex. In those days, he was a fancy-free young American, living out of a suitcase with a red and green camera always under his arm.
    * actividad al aire libre = outdoor activity.
    * al aire libre = open-air, in the open, out of doors, outdoors.
    * barra libre = open bar.
    * biblioteca de libre acceso = open access library.
    * búsqueda de texto libre = free text search, free-text searching.
    * campo de texto libre = free-text field.
    * comida al aire libre = cookout.
    * de espíritu libre = free-spirited.
    * definición libre = liberal definition.
    * dejar las manos de uno libres de = free + Posesivo + hands from.
    * dejar libre = vacate, leave + vacant.
    * dejar tiempo libre = free up + time.
    * día libre = day off.
    * disponer de un rato libre = spare + time.
    * en los ratos libres de Uno = in + Posesivo + own time, on + Posesivo + own time.
    * escalada libre = free-climbing.
    * espacio al aire libre = outdoor space.
    * espíritu libre = free spirit.
    * esquí estilo libre = freestyle skiing.
    * esquí libre = freestyle skiing.
    * estanterías de libre acceso = open shelves.
    * estar libre de = be free from.
    * estilo libre = freestyle.
    * fondo de inversión libre = hedge fund.
    * fondos de acceso libre = open stacks.
    * fondos de libre acceso = open access stacks.
    * frase de texto libre = free-text phrase.
    * horas libres = released time.
    * indización en lenguaje libre = free language indexing.
    * industria de actividades al aire libre, la = outdoor industry, the.
    * instalaciones para dedicar el tiempo libre = leisure facilities.
    * juego al aire libre = outdoor game.
    * lenguaje de indización libre = free indexing language.
    * lenguaje libre = free language.
    * libre albedrío = free will.
    * libre cambio = laissez-faire.
    * libre circulación de la información = free flow of information.
    * libre circulación de mercancías = free movement of goods.
    * libre comercio = free trade, free movement of goods.
    * libre como el viento = footloose and fancy-free.
    * libre de = unhampered by, unimpeded by, untrammelled by, unencumbered by.
    * libre de censura = uncensored.
    * libre de complicaciones = hassle-free.
    * libre de culpa = guilt-free, blameless.
    * libre de derechos de autor = royalty-free.
    * libre de drogas = drug-free.
    * libre de gravámenes = unencumbered.
    * libre de humo = smokeless.
    * libre de humos = smoke-free.
    * libre de impuestos = tariff-free, duty-free, tax-free.
    * libre de la amenaza de = unthreatened (by).
    * libre de peligro = free of danger.
    * libre de polvo = dust-free.
    * libre de preocupaciones = worry-free.
    * libre de problemas = problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free].
    * libre de restricciones = unencumbered.
    * libre de riesgo = riskless, risk-free.
    * libre de servicio = off-duty.
    * libre de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * libre de trabas = unencumbered.
    * libre mercado = free market.
    * libre y sin compromiso = footloose and fancy-free.
    * manos libres = hands-free.
    * mantener libre de = keep + free of.
    * mercadillo al aire libre = street market, open-air market.
    * mercado al aire libre = street market, open-air market.
    * mercado libre = open market, free-for-all.
    * pasar el tiempo libre = spend + Posesivo + leisure time.
    * piscina al aire libre = outdoor pool, open-air swimming pool, open-air pool.
    * piscina climatizada al aire libre = outdoor heated pool.
    * por libre = freelance.
    * pregunta de respuesta libre = open-ended question.
    * programas de software libre = freeware.
    * puesto de trabajo de libre designación = line position.
    * quedar libre = become + vacant.
    * recuperación de texto libre = free text retrieval.
    * sistema para la recuperación de texto libre = free text retrieval system.
    * software libre = freeware, free software.
    * teatro al aire libre = outdoor theatre.
    * tener un rato libre = spare + time.
    * tiempo libre = leisure, leisure time, free time, idle hours.
    * trabajo por libre = freelance [free-lance].
    * zona libre de humo = smoke-free zone, smoke-free area.
    * * *
    1) <país/pueblo> free

    libre de + inf — free to + inf

    a) <traducción/adaptación> free
    b) < estudiante> external

    ir por libre — (Esp fam) to do as one pleases

    3) ( no ocupado) <persona/tiempo/asiento> free

    ¿tienes un rato libre? — do you have a (spare) moment?

    ¿está libre el cuarto de baño? — is the bathroom free?

    4) (exento, no sujeto)

    libre de algo: la empresa queda libre de toda responsabilidad the company does not accept any responsibility; artículos libres de impuestos duty-free goods; nadie está libre de que le pase una cosa así — something like that could happen to any of us

    * * *
    = free [freer -comp., freest -sup.], unrestricted, unchecked, unconstrained, unhindered, uninhibited, unobstructed, untrammelled, vacant, unfettered, up for grabs, footloose, free-flowing, at large, unassigned, freewheeling [free-wheeling], fancy-free.

    Ex: Within a restriction of total record size of maximum of 30,000 characters, an intending user is free to format the records in his system.

    Ex: Although the library community advocates unrestricted access to resources for all, professional practices illustrate that librarians restrict access for youth.
    Ex: The volume of published material tends to grow unchecked, and academic libraries are expected to provide a ready market for it.
    Ex: Libraries need to tackle issues that can ensure that their clients will have an unconstrained access to electronic information.
    Ex: The USA is, therefore, campaigning for absolutely unhindered information flow across all national boundaries.
    Ex: Barriers to the uninhibited international flow of scientific and technical information continue to increase.
    Ex: From the library she could see miles and miles of unobstructed vistas of rich, coffee-brown, almost black soil, broken only by occasional small towns, farms, and grain elevators.
    Ex: In times of war, or other reasons for the imposition of barriers to untrammelled distribution of information, such openness in communication cannot be allowed.
    Ex: Again we find that only the first entry leads us to the specific subject, and the others may in fact lead us to ` vacant' headings, ie headings under which no entries are filed.
    Ex: This article urges those responsible to ensure that the service goal of libraries remains as unfettered as possible by a collective agreement.
    Ex: The article 'Internet domain name control up for grabs' relates the decision by the National Science Foundation, USA, not to renew its agreement with Network Solutions Inc to handle Internet domain registrations.
    Ex: Americans are among the most opulent and footloose people on earth.
    Ex: Creating an innovative organisation requires a sponsor followed by guidance by example and gradual change aided by free-flowing communication.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Librarian at large'.
    Ex: If you would like to volunteer to present on one of the unassigned listed topics, please contact me.
    Ex: The culture that grew around this institution was even more freewheeling than it is today.
    Ex: In those days, he was a fancy-free young American, living out of a suitcase with a red and green camera always under his arm.
    * actividad al aire libre = outdoor activity.
    * al aire libre = open-air, in the open, out of doors, outdoors.
    * barra libre = open bar.
    * biblioteca de libre acceso = open access library.
    * búsqueda de texto libre = free text search, free-text searching.
    * campo de texto libre = free-text field.
    * comida al aire libre = cookout.
    * de espíritu libre = free-spirited.
    * definición libre = liberal definition.
    * dejar las manos de uno libres de = free + Posesivo + hands from.
    * dejar libre = vacate, leave + vacant.
    * dejar tiempo libre = free up + time.
    * día libre = day off.
    * disponer de un rato libre = spare + time.
    * en los ratos libres de Uno = in + Posesivo + own time, on + Posesivo + own time.
    * escalada libre = free-climbing.
    * espacio al aire libre = outdoor space.
    * espíritu libre = free spirit.
    * esquí estilo libre = freestyle skiing.
    * esquí libre = freestyle skiing.
    * estanterías de libre acceso = open shelves.
    * estar libre de = be free from.
    * estilo libre = freestyle.
    * fondo de inversión libre = hedge fund.
    * fondos de acceso libre = open stacks.
    * fondos de libre acceso = open access stacks.
    * frase de texto libre = free-text phrase.
    * horas libres = released time.
    * indización en lenguaje libre = free language indexing.
    * industria de actividades al aire libre, la = outdoor industry, the.
    * instalaciones para dedicar el tiempo libre = leisure facilities.
    * juego al aire libre = outdoor game.
    * lenguaje de indización libre = free indexing language.
    * lenguaje libre = free language.
    * libre albedrío = free will.
    * libre cambio = laissez-faire.
    * libre circulación de la información = free flow of information.
    * libre circulación de mercancías = free movement of goods.
    * libre comercio = free trade, free movement of goods.
    * libre como el viento = footloose and fancy-free.
    * libre de = unhampered by, unimpeded by, untrammelled by, unencumbered by.
    * libre de censura = uncensored.
    * libre de complicaciones = hassle-free.
    * libre de culpa = guilt-free, blameless.
    * libre de derechos de autor = royalty-free.
    * libre de drogas = drug-free.
    * libre de gravámenes = unencumbered.
    * libre de humo = smokeless.
    * libre de humos = smoke-free.
    * libre de impuestos = tariff-free, duty-free, tax-free.
    * libre de la amenaza de = unthreatened (by).
    * libre de peligro = free of danger.
    * libre de polvo = dust-free.
    * libre de preocupaciones = worry-free.
    * libre de problemas = problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free].
    * libre de restricciones = unencumbered.
    * libre de riesgo = riskless, risk-free.
    * libre de servicio = off-duty.
    * libre de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * libre de trabas = unencumbered.
    * libre mercado = free market.
    * libre y sin compromiso = footloose and fancy-free.
    * manos libres = hands-free.
    * mantener libre de = keep + free of.
    * mercadillo al aire libre = street market, open-air market.
    * mercado al aire libre = street market, open-air market.
    * mercado libre = open market, free-for-all.
    * pasar el tiempo libre = spend + Posesivo + leisure time.
    * piscina al aire libre = outdoor pool, open-air swimming pool, open-air pool.
    * piscina climatizada al aire libre = outdoor heated pool.
    * por libre = freelance.
    * pregunta de respuesta libre = open-ended question.
    * programas de software libre = freeware.
    * puesto de trabajo de libre designación = line position.
    * quedar libre = become + vacant.
    * recuperación de texto libre = free text retrieval.
    * sistema para la recuperación de texto libre = free text retrieval system.
    * software libre = freeware, free software.
    * teatro al aire libre = outdoor theatre.
    * tener un rato libre = spare + time.
    * tiempo libre = leisure, leisure time, free time, idle hours.
    * trabajo por libre = freelance [free-lance].
    * zona libre de humo = smoke-free zone, smoke-free area.

    * * *
    1 ‹país/pueblo› free
    lo dejaron libre they set him free
    2 libre DE + INF free to + INF
    eres libre de ir donde quieras you're free to go wherever you want
    soy muy libre de ir vestida como se me antoje I'm perfectly entitled to dress however I like
    (sin compromiso): me confesó que no era libre he admitted that he wasn't a free man
    masculine free will
    libre cambio or comercio
    masculine free trade
    feminine free market, free market system
    masculine free market
    1 ‹traducción/adaptación› free
    una redacción sobre tema libre an essay on a theme of your choice, a free composition
    los 200 metros libres the 200 meters freestyle
    2 ‹estudiante› external
    trabajar por libre to work freelance
    hacer algo por libre ( Esp); to do sth one's own way
    ir por libre ( Esp fam); to do as one pleases
    1 ‹persona› free
    ¿estás libre esta noche? are you free tonight?
    2 ‹tiempo› free
    ¿tienes un rato libre? do you have a (spare) moment?
    en sus ratos libres in her spare o free time
    hoy tengo el día libre I have the day off today
    cuando tengas un par de horas libres when you have a couple of hours free o to spare
    3 ‹asiento› free
    ¿ese asiento está libre? is that seat free?
    no pasó ni un taxi libre not a single empty taxi went by
    ¿está libre el cuarto de baño? is the bathroom free?
    [ S ] Parking: libre Parking Lot: spaces ( AmE), Car Park: spaces ( BrE)
    D (exento, no sujeto) libre DE algo:
    una propiedad libre de hipotecas an unmortgaged property
    la empresa queda libre de toda responsabilidad the company does not accept any responsibility
    artículos libres de impuestos duty-free o tax-free goods
    nadie está libre de culpa nobody is blameless
    nadie está libre de que le pase una cosa así something like that could happen to any of us
    libre de riesgo risk-free
    ( Méx)
    * * *


    Del verbo librar: ( conjugate librar)

    libré es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo

    libre es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    librar ( conjugate librar) verbo transitivo
    1 ( liberar) libre a algn de algo ‹ de peligro› to save sb from sth;
    de obligación/responsabilidad› to free sb from sth;
    ¡Dios nos libre! God forbid!

    2batalla/combate to fight
    librarse verbo pronominal:

    librese de algo ‹de tarea/obligación to get out of sth;
    librese de un castigo to escape punishment;
    se libró de tener que ayudarlo she got out of having to help him;
    se libreon de morir asfixiados they escaped being suffocated;
    librese de algn to get rid of sb
    libre adjetivo
    1país/pueblo free;

    eres libre de ir donde quieras you're free to go wherever you want;
    libre albedrío free will;
    libre cambio or comercio free trade;
    libre mercado free market
    2traducción/adaptación free;

    3 ( no ocupado) ‹persona/tiempo/asiento free;
    ¿tienes un rato libre? do you have a (spare) moment?;

    en sus ratos libres in her spare o free time;
    tengo el día libre I have the day off
    4 ( exento):

    I verbo transitivo
    1 to free: me libró de un castigo, she let me off from a punishment
    2 (una orden de pago) to draw
    II vi (tener el día libre) libra los fines de semana, he has weekends off
    libre adjetivo free: está libre de sospecha, she's free from suspicion
    eres (muy) libre de hacerlo, you are quite free to do it
    libre de impuestos, tax-free
    ¡vía libre!, make way!
    ' libre' also found in these entries:
    - albedrío
    - bufé
    - carga
    - desocupada
    - desocupado
    - día
    - entrada
    - franca
    - franco
    - hueca
    - hueco
    - impuesta
    - impuesto
    - librar
    - lucha
    - perilla
    - plaza
    - radical
    - suelta
    - suelto
    - tiempo
    - tienda
    - Tiro
    - tomarse
    - traducción
    - vía
    - aduana
    - caída
    - despejado
    - dios
    - dueño
    - economía
    - estilo
    - falta
    - hora
    - lavadero
    - limpiar
    - limpio
    - lugar
    - melé
    - ocio
    - ocupar
    - paso
    - puerto
    - sacar
    - teatro
    - tiro
    - tomar
    - tranquilo
    all-in wrestling
    - available
    - buffet
    - clear
    - clearance
    - day off
    - door
    - duty-free
    - economy
    - equity
    - festival
    - free
    - free enterprise
    - free fall
    - free kick
    - free love
    - free rein
    - free trade
    - free-style
    - garden party
    - have off
    - hire
    - leisure time
    - liberal
    - liberty
    - off
    - open
    - open-air
    - outdoor
    - outdoors
    - outdoorsman
    - own
    - place
    - quit
    - sky-dive
    - sky-diver
    - sleep out
    - smokeless zone
    - spare
    - take off
    - tax free
    - unoccupied
    - vacancy
    - vacant
    - day
    - demand
    - duty
    - enterprise
    - foot
    - freelance
    * * *
    libre adj
    1. [sin limitaciones] free;
    el amor libre free love;
    ser libre de o [m5] para hacer algo to be free to do sth;
    eres libre de hacer lo que quieras you are free to do as you wish;
    es libre para casarse con quien quiera she is free to marry whoever she pleases;
    entrada libre [en letrero] entry free
    libre albedrío free will; Econ libre cambio free trade; [de divisas] floating exchange rates; Econ libre circulación de capitales free circulation of capital;
    libre circulación de mercancías free movement of goods;
    libre circulación de personas free movement of people;
    libre mercado free market
    2. [no encarcelado] free
    3. [país] free
    4. [sin novio, pareja] free, available
    5. [sin obstáculos] [camino, carretera] clear
    libre de [exento] exempt from;
    libre de culpa free from blame;
    libre de franqueo esp Br post-free, US postage-free;
    libre de impuestos [alcohol, cigarrillos] tax-free, duty-free
    7. [desocupado] [asiento] free;
    [retrete] vacant; [casa] empty;
    ¿estarás libre mañana? will you be free tomorrow?;
    el puesto de tesorero ha quedado libre the post of treasurer is now vacant;
    un taxi libre a free o empty taxi;
    libre [en taxi] for hire;
    ahora no tengo las manos libres my hands are full at the moment;
    aparcamiento: libre [en letrero] parking: spaces
    8. [tiempo] free, spare;
    cuando tenga un rato libre, te llamo I'll call you when I've got a (spare) moment;
    en mis ratos libres me gusta tocar el piano in my spare o free time I like to play the piano;
    mañana tengo el día libre I've got the day off tomorrow;
    tengo dos horas libres I have two hours spare
    9. [independiente] independent;
    [alumno] external;
    trabajar por libre to work freelance;
    estudiar por libre to be an external student;
    ir por libre to do things one's own way;
    cuando viajo me gusta ir por libre más que ir en grupo I prefer travelling alone to travelling in a group
    10. [estilo, traducción] free;
    200 metros libres 200 metres freestyle
    * * *
    adj free; tiempo spare, free;
    eres libre de you’re free to;
    trabajar por libre be self-employed;
    * * *
    libre adj
    1) : free
    un país libre: a free country
    libre de: free from, exempt from
    libre albedrío: free will
    2) desocupado: vacant
    día libre : day off
    * * *
    libre adj free
    libre de impuestos tax free / duty free

    Spanish-English dictionary > libre

  • 19 आत्मन् _ātman

    आत्मन् m. [अत्-मनिण् Uṇ 4.152 said to be from अन् to breathe also] 'आत्मा यत्नो धृतिर्बुद्धिः स्वभावो ब्रह्मवर्ष्म च' इत्यमरः
    1 The soul, the individual soul, the breath, the principle of life and sensation; किमात्मना यो न जितेन्द्रियो भवेत् H.1; आत्मानं रथिनं विद्धि शरीरं रथमेव तु Kaṭh.3.3. (In आत्मा नदी संयमपुण्यतीर्था H.4.87 आत्मन् is compared to a river).
    -2 Self, oneself; in this sense mostly used reflexively for all three persons and in the singular number, masculine gender, whatever be the gender or number of the noun to which it refers; अनया चिन्तयात्मापि मे न प्रतिभाति Ratn.1; आश्रमदर्श- नेन आत्मानं पुनीमहे Ś.1; गुप्तं ददृशुरात्मानं सर्वाः स्वप्नेषु वामनैः R.1.6,4.35,14.57; Ku.6.2; देवी... प्राप्तप्रसवमात्मानं गङ्गादेव्यां विमुञ्चति U.7.2; गोपायन्ति कुलस्त्रिय आत्मानमात्मना Mb.; K.17; sometimes used in pl. also; आत्मनः स्तुवन्ति Śi.17.19; Māl.8.
    -3 Supreme deity and soul of the universe, Supreme Soul, Brahman; तस्माद्वा एतस्मादात्मन आकाशः संभूतः T. Up.2.1.1; Ms.1.15,12.24.
    -4 Essence, nature; काव्यस्यात्मा ध्वनिः S. D., see आत्मक below.
    -5 Character, peculiarity; आत्मा यक्ष्मस्य नश्यति Rv.1. 97.11.
    -6 The natural temperament or disposition; Bhāg.11.22.2.
    -7 The person or whole body (con- sidered as one and opposed to the separate members of it); स्थितः सर्वोन्नतेनोर्वीं क्रान्त्वा मेरुरिवात्मना R.1.14; योस्या- त्मनः कारयिता Ms.12.12; Ki.9.66.
    -8 Mind, intellect; मन्दात्मन्, नष्टात्मन्, महात्मन् &c. अथ रामः प्रसन्नात्मा श्रुत्वा वायु- सुतस्य ह Rām.6.18.1.
    -9 The understanding; cf. आत्म- संपन्न, आत्मवत् &c.
    -1 Thinking faculty, the faculty of thought and reason.
    -11 Spirit, vitality, courage; त्यक्त्वा$$त्मानमथाब्रवीत् Mb.12.18.6.
    -12 Form, image; आत्मानमाधाय Ku.3.24 assuming his own form; 2.61; संरोपिते$प्यात्मनि Ś.6.24 myself being implanted in her.
    -13 A son; 'आत्मा वै पुत्रनामासि' इति श्रुतेः । तस्यात्मा शितिकण्ठस्य Śi.2.61.
    -14 Care, efforts, pain.
    -15 The sun.
    -16 Fire.
    -17 Wind, air.
    -18 Mental quality; बाहुश्रुत्यं तपस्त्यागः श्रद्धा यज्ञक्रिया क्षमा । भावशुद्धिर्दया सत्यं संयमश्चात्मसंपदः ॥ Mb.12.167.5. आत्मन् is used as the last member of comp. in the sense of 'made or consisting of'; see आत्मक. The form त्मन् is also found to be used; कृतार्थं मन्यते त्मानं Mb. [cf. Gr. atmos, aitmen]
    -Comp. -अधीन a.
    1 dependent on oneself, independent.
    -2 sentient, existing.
    (-नः) 1 a son.
    -2 a wife's brother.
    -3 the jester or विदूषक (in dramatic literature).
    -अनुरूप a. worthy of oneself; तस्यामात्मानुरूपायामात्मजन्मसमुत्सुकः Ku. 1.18; R.1.33.
    -अनुगमनम् peronal attendance; शश्वदा- त्मानुगमनेन गाम् R.1.88.
    -अपहारः concealing oneself; कथं वा आत्मापहारं करोमि Ś.1.
    -अपहारकः one who pre- tends to belong to a higher class than his own, an impostor, a pretender; यो$न्यथा सन्तमात्मानमन्यथा सत्सु भाषते । स पापकृत्तमो लोके स्तेन आत्मापहारकः ॥ Ms.4.255.
    -आदिष्ट a. self-counselled. (
    -ष्टः) a treaty dictated by the party wishing it himself; स्वसैन्येन तु संघानमात्मादिष्ट उदाहृतः H.4.121.
    -आनन्द a. Rejoicing in the soul or Supreme Spirit; आत्ममिथुनः आत्मानन्दः Ch. Up.7.25.2.
    -आराम a.
    1 striving to get knowledge; (as an ascetic or योगिन्), seeking spiritual knowledge; आत्मारामा विहितरतयो निर्विकल्पे समाधौ Ve.1.23.
    -2 selfpleased, delighted in self; आत्मारामः फलाशी. see आत्मानन्द Bh.3.93; cf. Bg.5.24.
    -आशिन् m. a fish supposed to feed on its young, or on the weakest of its species; cf. मत्स्या इव जना नित्यं भक्षयन्ति परस्परम् Rām.
    -आश्रय a.
    1 dependent on oneself or on his own mind.
    -2 About or relating to oneself; कौलीनमात्माश्रयमाचचक्षे R.14.36.
    (-यः) 1 self dependence.
    -2 innate idea, abstract knowledge independent of the thing to be known.
    -ईश्वर a. Self-possessed, master of self; आत्मेश्वराणां न हि जातु विघ्नाः समाधिभेदप्रभवो भवन्ति Ku.3.4.
    -उदयः self-exaltation or elevation; आत्मोदयः परज्यानिर्द्वयं नीतिरितीयति Śi.2.3
    -उद्भव a. born or produced from oneself.
    (-वः) 1 a son; आत्मोद्भवे वर्णचतुष्टयस्य R.18.12.
    -2 Cupid.
    -3 sorrow, pain.
    (-वा) 1 daughter.
    -2 intellect.
    -3 N. of a plant (माषपर्णी; Mar. रानउडीद).
    -उपजीविन् m.
    1 one who lives by his own labour; Ms.7.138.
    -2 a day-labourer.
    -3 one who lives by his wife (Kull. on Ms.8.362).
    -4 an actor, public performer.
    -उपनिषद् f. N. of an उपनिषद् which treats of the Supreme Spirit.
    - उपम a. like oneself. (
    -मः) a son.
    -औपम्यम् Likeness to self. आत्मौपम्येन सर्वत्र Bg.6.32.
    -कर्मन् One's own duty; आत्मौपकर्मक्षमं देहं क्षात्रो धर्म इवाश्रितः R.
    -काम a.
    1 loving oneself, possessed of self-conceit, proud; आत्मकामा सदा चण्डी Rām.2.7.1.
    -2 loving Brahman or the Supreme Spirit only; भगवन् वयमात्मकामाः Maitr. Up.7.1.
    -कार्यम् one's own business, private affair.
    -कृत a.
    1 self-executed, done by oneself; पौरा ह्यात्मकृताद्दुःखाद्विप्रमोच्या नृपात्मजैः Rām.2.46.23.
    -2 done against one's own self; Vāj.8.13.
    -गत a. produced in one's mind; ˚तो मनोरथः Ś.1. (
    -तम्) ind. aside (to oneself) being considered to be spoken privately (opp. प्रकाशम् aloud); frequently used as a stage-direction in dramas; it is the same as स्वगतम् which is thus defined; अश्राव्यं खलु यद्वस्तु तदिह स्वगतं मतम् S. D.6.
    -गतिः f.
    1 course of the soul's existence.
    -2 one's own course; Bhāg.5.17.3. ˚गत्या by one's own act.
    -गुप्ता The plant Mucuna Pruritus Hook (Mar. कुयली).
    -गुप्तिः f. a cave, the hiding place of an animal, lair.
    -ग्राहिन् a. selfish, greedy.
    -घातः 1 suicide.
    -2 heresy.
    -घातकः, -घातिन् 1 a suicide, a self-destroyer; K.174; व्यापादयेद् वृथात्मानं स्वयं यो$गन्युदका- दिभिः । अवैधेनैव मार्गेण आत्मघाती स उच्यते ॥
    -2 a heretic.
    -घोषः 1 a cock (calling out to himself).
    -2 a crow.
    -3 One who flatters himself. cf. आत्मघोषो वायसे स्यादात्म- स्तुतिपरे$पि च Nm.
    -जः, -जन्मन् m.
    -जातः, -प्रभवः, -संभवः, -समुद्भवः 1 a son; यः स वासवनिर्जेता रावणस्यात्म- संभवः Rām.6.86.33; हतान्निहन्मेह नरर्षभेण वयं सुरेशात्मसमु- द्भवेन Mb.7.118.2; तमात्मजन्मानमजं चकार R.5.36; तस्यामात्मानुरूपायामात्मजन्मसमुत्सुकः R.1.33; Māl.1; Ku.6.28.
    -2 Cupid; ममायमात्मप्रभवो भूयस्त्वमुपयास्यति Rām.4.1.34.
    -3 a descendant; मृगयां वि<?>रन्काश्चिद्विजने जनकात्मजः Mb.12.39.1.
    -जा 1 a daughter; वन्द्यं युगं चरणयोर्जनकात्मजायाः R.13.78; cf. नगात्मजा &c.
    -2 the reasoning faculty, understanding.
    -जयः 1 one's own victory.
    -2 victory over oneself, self-denial or abnega- tion.
    -ज्योतिस् n. The light of the soul or Supreme Spirit (चैतन्य); कौस्तुभव्यपदेशेन स्वात्मज्योतिर्बिभर्त्यजः Bhāg. 12.11.1.
    -ज्ञः, -विद् m. a sage, one who knows himself; तस्मादात्मज्ञं ह्यर्चयेद्भूतिकामः Muṇḍ.3.1.1.
    -ज्ञानम् 1 self-knowledge.
    -2 spiritual knowledge, knowledge of the soul or the Supreme Spirit; सर्वेषामपि चैतेषामात्मज्ञानं परं स्मृतम् Ms.12.85,92.
    -3 true wisdom.
    -तत्त्वम् 1 the true nature of the soul or the supreme spirit; यदात्म- तत्त्वेन तु ब्रह्मतत्त्वं प्रपश्येत Śvet.2.15.
    -2 the highest thing. ˚ज्ञः a sage versed in the Vedānta doctrines.
    -तृप्त a. Self-satisfied; आत्मतृप्तश्च मानवः Bg.3.17.
    -तुष्टि a. self-satisfied. (
    -ष्टिः f.) self-satisfaction.
    -त्यागः 1 self-sacrifice.
    -2 suicide.
    -त्यागिन् m. a.
    1 suicide; आत्मत्यागिन्यो नाशौचोदकभाजनाः Y.3.6.
    -2 a heretic, an unbeliever.
    -त्राणम् 1 self-preservation.
    -2 a body-guard; Rām.5.
    -दर्शः a mirror; प्रसादमात्मीयमिवात्म- दर्शः R.7.68.
    -दर्शनम् 1 seeing oneself.
    -2 spiritual knowledge, true wisdom; सर्वभूतात्मदर्शनम् Y.3.157; cf. Ms.12.91. see आत्मयाजिन.
    -दा a. Ved. granting one's existence or life; य आत्मदा बलदा यस्य विश्व Rv.1.121.2.
    -दानम् self-sacrifice, resigning oneself.
    -दूषि a. Ved. corrupting the soul; self-destroying; Av.16.1.3.
    -देवता a tutelary deity.
    -द्रोहिन् a.
    1 self-tormenting, fretful.
    -2 suicide.
    -नित्य a. being constantly in the heart, greatly endeared to oneself.
    -निन्दा self-reproach.
    -निवेदनम् offering oneself (as a living sacrifice to the deity).
    -निष्ठ a. one who constantly seeks for spiritual knowledge.
    -पराजित a. one who has lost himself (Ved.) Av.5.18.2.
    -पुराणम् N. of a work elucidating the Upaniṣads (consisting of 18 chapters).
    -प्रत्ययिक a. knowing from one's experience; आत्मप्रत्ययिकं शास्त्रमिदम् Mb.12.246.13.
    -प्रबोधः 1 cognition of the soul; self-consciousness.
    -2 title of an उपनिषद्.
    -प्रभ a. self-illuminated.
    -प्रवादः 1 conversation about the Supreme Spirit.
    -2 N. of the seventh of the fourteen Pūrvas of the Jainas.
    -प्रशंसा self-praise.
    -बन्धुः, -बान्धवः 1 one's own kinsman; आत्ममातुः स्वसुः पुत्रा आत्मपितुः स्वसुः सुताः । आत्ममातुलपुत्राश्च विज्ञेया ह्यात्मबान्धवाः Śabdak. i. e. mother's sister's son, father's sister's son, and mother's brother's son.
    -2 the soul, the self.
    -बोधः 1 spiritual knowledge.
    -2 knowledge of self.
    -3 N. of a work of Śaṅkarāchārya.
    -भावः 1 existence of the soul; संयोग एषां न तु आत्मभावात् Śvet.1.2.
    -2 the self proper, peculiar nature.
    -3 the body.
    -भू a. self-born, self-existent. (
    -भूः) वचस्यवसिते तस्मिन् ससर्ज गिरमात्मभूः Ku.2.53,3.16,5.81.
    -योनिः 1 N. of Brahmā;
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -3 N. of Śiva; Ś.7.35.
    -4 Cupid, god of love.
    -5 a son. (
    -भूः f.)
    1 a daughter.
    -2 talent, understanding.
    -भूत a.
    1 self-produced; peculiar, belonging to.
    -2 attached, devoted, faithful; तत्रात्मभूतैः कालज्ञैरहार्यैः परिचारकैः Ms.7.217 (Kull. = आत्मतुल्य).
    (-तः) 1 a son.
    -2 Cupid.
    (-ता) 1 a daughter.
    -2 talent.
    -भूयम् 1 peculiarity, own nature.
    -2 Brahman.
    -मात्रा a portion of the Supreme Spirit.
    -मानिन् a. self-respecting, respectable.
    -2 arro- gant, proud; विवेकशून्यः प्रभुरात्ममानी, महाननर्थः सुहृदां बतायम् Bk.12.83.
    -मूर्तिः 1 a brother; भ्राता स्वमूर्तिरात्मनः
    -2 soul, Supreme Spirit.
    -मूल a. self-luminous, shining (God); स आत्ममूलो$वतु मां परात्परः Bhāg.8.3.4.
    -मूलि n. the universe.
    -मूली N. of a plant (दूरालभा; Mar. धमासा).
    -याजिन् 1 sacrificing for oneself or himself. m. a learned man who studies his own nature and that of the soul (of others) to secure eternal felicity, one who looks upon all beings as self; सर्व- भूतेषु चात्मानं सर्वभूतानि चात्मनि । समं पश्यन्नात्मयाजी स्वाराज्यम- धिगच्छति ॥ Ms.12.91.
    -योनिः = ˚भू m. a. v. ददर्श चक्रीकृतचारुचापं प्रहर्तुमभ्युद्यतमात्मयोनिम् Ku.3.7.
    -रक्षा 1 N. of a plant (इन्द्रवारुणीवृक्ष).
    -2 self protection.
    -लाभः birth, production, origin; यैरात्मलाभस्त्वया लब्धः Mu.3.1, 5.23; Ki.3.32,17.19,18.34; K.239.
    -लोमन् 1 the hair of the body.
    -2 the beard.
    -वञ्चक a. self-deceiver.
    -वञ्चना self-delusion; self-deception.
    -वधः, -वध्या, -हत्या suicide.
    -वर्ग्य a. of one's party or class; उद्बाहुना जुहुविरे मुहुरात्मवर्ग्याः Śi.5.15.
    -वश a. depending on one's own will; यद्यत्परवशं कर्म तत्तद्यत्नेन वर्जयेत् । यद्यदात्मवशं तु स्यात्तत्तत्सेवेत यत्नतः ॥ Ms.4.159, सर्वमात्मवशं सुखम् 16.
    (-शः) 1 self-control, self-government.
    -2 one's control, subjection; ˚शं नी, ˚वशीकृ to reduce to subjection, win over.
    -वश्य a. having control over self, self-possessed, self-restrained; आत्मवश्यैर्विधेयात्मा Bg.2.64.
    -विक्रयः sale of oneself or one's own liberty; Ms.11.59.
    -विद् m.
    1 a wise man, sage; as in तरति शोकमात्मवित्; सो$हं भगवो मन्त्रविदेवास्मि नात्मविच्छ्रुत<?>ह्येव Ch. Up.7.1.3.
    -2 knowing one's own self (family &c.); य इहात्मविदो विपक्षमध्ये Śi.2.116.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -विद्या knowledge of the soul, spiritual knowledge; आन्वीक्षिकीं चात्मविद्याम् Ms.7.43.
    -विवृद्धिः, -वृद्धिः f. self-exaltation.
    -वीर a.
    1 mighty, powerful, strong.
    -2 appropriate, suitable, good for oneself (as diet &c.).
    -3 existent, sentient.
    (-रः) 1 a son.
    -2 wife's brother.
    -3 a jester (in dramas); आत्मवीरः प्राणवति श्यालके च विदूषके.
    -वृत्तम्, -वृत्तान्तः account of one's own self, autobiography.
    -वृत्ति a. dwelling in Atman or soul. (
    -त्तिः f.)
    1 state of the heart; किमेभिराशोपहतात्मवृत्तिभिः Ku.5.76.
    -2 action as regards oneself, one's own state or circum- stance; विस्माययन् विस्मितमात्मवृत्तौ R.2.33.
    -3 practising one's own duties or occupation.
    -शक्तिः f. one's own power or ability, inherent power or effort; दैवं निहत्य कुरु पौरुषमात्मशक्त्या Pt.1.361 to the best of one's power.
    -2 illusion.
    -शल्या N. of a plant (शतावरी).
    -शुद्धिः f. self-purification; Ms.11.164; योगिनः कर्म कुर्वन्ति संगं त्यक्त्वा$त्मशुद्धये Bg.5.11.
    -श्लाघा, -स्तुतिः f. self-praise, boasting, bragging.
    -संयमः self-restraint; आत्मसंयमयो- गाग्नौ जुह्वति ज्ञानदीपिते Bg.4.27.
    -संस्थ a. Based upon or connected with the person; आत्मसंस्थं मनःकृत्वा Bg.6.25.
    -सतत्त्वम् See आत्मतत्त्वम्; आत्मसतत्त्वं विगणयतः Bhāg.5.13.24.
    -सद् a. Ved. dwelling in oneself; आत्मसदौ स्तं मा मा हिंसिष्टम् Av.5.9.8.
    -संतुष्ट a. self-sufficient.
    -सनि a. Ved. granting the breath of life.
    -सम a. worthy of oneself, equal to oneself; कार्ये गुरुण्यात्मसमं नियोक्ष्ये Ku.3.13.
    -संदेहः 1 internal or personal doubt.
    -2 risk of life, personal risk.
    -संभवः, -समुद्भवः 1 a son; चकार नाम्ना रघुमात्मसंभवम् R.3.21,11.57,17.8.
    -2 Cupid, god of love.
    -3 epi- thet of Brahmā, Viṣṇu, or Śiva.
    -4 the Supreme Being (परमात्मन्).
    (-वा) 1 a daughter.
    -2 understanding, intellect.
    -संपन्न a.
    1 self-possessed; Pt.1.49.
    -2 talented, intelligent; तमात्मसंपन्नमनिन्दितात्मा कृत्वा युवानं युवराजमेव R.18.18.
    -संभावना self-conceit; K.
    -सिद्धिः f. self-aggrandizement, attainment of object or purpose; आगच्छदात्मसिद्ध्यर्थं गोकर्णस्याश्रमं शुभम् Rām.7.9.47.
    -सुख a. self-delighted. (
    -खम्) the highest bliss.
    -स्थ a. At one's own disposal (स्वाधीन); तावदेव मया सार्धमात्मस्थं कुरु शासनम् Rām.2.21.8.
    -हन् a.
    1 one who kills his own soul (neglects its welfare &c.); ये के चात्महनो जनाः Śvet.3.
    -2 a suicide, self-destroyer.
    -3 a heretic, unbeliever.
    -4 a priest in a temple, a servant or attendant upon an idol.
    -हननम्, -हत्या suicide.
    -हित a. beneficial to oneself. (
    -तम्) one's own good or welfare.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > आत्मन् _ātman

  • 20 वृषः _vṛṣḥ

    वृषः 1 A bull; असंपदस्तस्य वृषेण गच्छतः Ku.5.8; Me.54; R.2.35; Ms.9.123.
    -2 The sign Taurus of the zodiac.
    -3 The chief or best of a class, the best of its kind; (often at the end of comp.); मुनिवृषः, कपिवृषः &c.
    -4 The god of love.
    -5 A strong or athletic man.
    -6 A lust- ful man, a man of one of the four classes into which men are divided in erotic works; बहुगुणबहुबन्धः शीघ्रकामो नताङ्गः । सकलरुचिरदेहः सत्यवादी वृषो ना ॥ Ratimañjarī 37.
    -7 An enemy, adversary.
    -8 A rat.
    -9 The bull of Śiva.
    -1 Morality, justice; justice personified; वृषो हि भगवान् धर्मः Ms.8.16.
    -11 Virtue, a pious or meritorious act; न सद्गतिः स्याद् वृषवर्जितानां Kīr. K.9.62 (where वृष means a 'bull' also).
    -12 N. of Karṇa.
    -13 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -14 N. of a particular drug.
    -15 The prin- cipal die.
    -16 Water.
    -17 A particular form of a temple.
    -18 Ground suitable for the foundation of a house.
    -19 A male, any male animal.
    -षम् 1 A peacock's plumage.
    -2 A woman's apartment.
    -Comp. -अङ्कः 1 an epithet of Śiva; उमावृषाङ्कौ शरजन्मना यथा (ननन्दतुः) R.3.23.
    -2 a pious or virtuous man.
    -3 the marking-nut plant.
    -4 a eunuch. ˚जः a small drum.
    -अञ़्चनः an epithet of Śiva.
    -अन्तकः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -आहारः a cat.
    -इन्द्रः an excellent bull.
    -उत्सर्गः setting free a bull on the occasion of a funeral rite, or as a religious act generally; एकादशाहे प्रेतस्य यस्य चोत्सृज्यते वृषः । प्रेतलोकं परित्यज्य स्वर्गलोकं च गच्छति ॥
    -दंशः, -दंशकः a cat; अन्तरिक्षे वराहस्य वृषदंशस्य चोभयोः (प्रणादम्) Mb.6.2.25.
    -दर्भ a. lowering the pride of Indra (इन्द्रदर्पहन्ता); वृषदर्भो वृषाकपिः Mb.12.43.1.
    -ध्वजः 1 an epithet of Śiva; येन बाणमसृजद्वृषध्वजः R.11.44.
    -2 an epithet of Gaṇeśa.
    -3 a pious or virtuous man.
    -नाशनः N. of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -पतिः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 a bull set at liberty.
    -पर्वन् m.
    1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 N. of a demon who with the aid of Śukra, preceptor of the Asuras, maintained struggle with the gods for a long time. His daughter Śarmiṣṭhā was married by Yayāti; see Yayāti and Devayānī.
    -भासा the residence of Indra and the gods; i. e. Amarāvatī.
    -राजकेतनः N. of Śiva.
    -लक्षणा a masculine girl (unfit for mar- riage).
    -लोचनः a cat.
    -वाहनः an epithet of Śiva.
    -शत्रुः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -सानुः 1 man.
    -2 death.
    -सृक्किन् m. A wasp.
    -सेनः N. of Karṇa; Mb.12.27.2.
    -स्कन्ध a. having shoulders as lusty as those of a bull; वपुर्वष- स्कन्धसुबन्धुरांसकम् U.6.25; R.12.34.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > वृषः _vṛṣḥ

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